Wolfweress's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

I'm curious about the history of these two. What particular event changed made her more lenient? Was it always this way, as there is no mention in the Inner sea world guide. One the web it says she refuses to talk with all fiends but Amodeus.

I started collecting miniatures in November and now I'm going after old D&D Miniatures to back fill what I'm missing. Given the collection has grown, I'm trying to organise my minis.

Problem that I'm running into with Pathfinder Minis is no stats online unless I buy the particular premade game for those stats. It be nice if Paizo would offer at least a PDF for sale with stats of each set of those minis. I know I would invest capital in such a product. Since I'm not finding stats for any of the named characters or Special monsters that only appear in that one game

Looking online is yeilding no results, or I'm just looking in the wrong places.

I'm currently GMing a campaign and one of the players picked up a wand off of the monster. When asked the number of charges, I told them the amount which was 5 charges created by a 4th level. The rules lawyer of the group informed me that since it was 4th level each charge could be expanded 4 times before that charge was gone and that it was impossible for a played to pick up a wand with 5 charges only it had to be an even number. If I go by the math it seems the spell on the wand can be cast 20 times instead of just 5 times. Maybe I'm wrong but doesn't 1 charge equal 1 expenditure?


I'm in a country that does not have any regional coordinators. Would it still be possible for the DM to run PFS games and submit the data for credit in PFS?