WolfhawkAz's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 27 Organized Play characters.

Is spellcasting one of the class features that is prohibited from affecting starships?

Most spells don't seem to have range or reach to affect most starship combats, but one spell in particular (Passwall) calls out that it cannot be used to pass through starship bulkheads - thereby implying that some spells _could_ affect starships.

The spell I am currently interested in is "Supercharge Weapon". If it can affect starship weapons, would it use the 4d6 or 2d6 boost, (or variable depending on weapon) and if not, can future versions of the spell please note (as Passwall does) that it does not affect Starship weapons?

Looking for official rulings due to just levelling my Technomancer and being in a scheduled game soon.
