speed 30ft | Hero Points - 1 | focus 1/1 |Staff 5/5 | Spells lvl 1-4/4 |lvl 2-4/4 |lvl 3-4/4|Lvl 4-4/4|Lvl 5-3/3
Female Elf Sorcerer 9 | HP 87/87 | AC 24 | F +16 R +16 W +16 | Perc +13 | Stealth +14 |
About "Wolf"
PFS Information:
PFS Number: 104845 - 2002
Experience: 96
Gold: 1094
Training: Scrolls (0), Spells (3), Swords (0)
Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 2
Grand Archive: 4
Horizon Hunters: 94
Vigilant Seal: 4
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath:
Verdant Wheel:
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 104
Purchased Boons
(Horizon Hunter) Champion, Improved
Rugged Mentor
Storied Talent
Rugged Wayfinder
Exotic Edge
Ancestry Elf (Seer)
Background Former Aspis Agent
Class Sorcerer 9
Experience: 0
Size Medium
Traits Medium Elf (Humanoid)
Alignement Neutral
Deity Shimye-Magalla
Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Mwangi, Draconic, +1
Perception: +13 [T]
Special Senses: Low-light Vision
AC: 24 [T]
Unarmored: [T], Light: [U], Medium: [U], Heavy: [U]
Fortitude: +16 [E]
Reflex: +16 [E]
Will: +16 [E]
Notes: After casting spell caster or 1 target gains concealment for 1 round, +1 vs Divination Spells, +2 Perception Initiative
Class DC: 27 [T]
Speed: 30 Movement Types:
Melee Strikes
Dagger +13 [T] (1d4) [P/S] (agile, finesse, thrown, versatile S))
Ranged Strikes
Sling +13 [T] (1d6) (Propulsive, 50ft)
[b]Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T]
Magic Traditions: Primal: Expert
Arcane: Trained
Spell Attack Roll (Primal): +17 [E]
(Arcane): +14 [T]
Spell DC (Primal): 27 [E]
(Arcane): 24 [T]
Innate Spells:
2/day - Invisibility
1/day - Non-Detection
1/hour - Cloaked Movement
At Will - Ventriloquism Lvl 2 (DC 27)
At Will - Detect Magic
Bloodline/Focus Spells: (Focus Points 1/1)
Initial - Faerie Dust
Magic Warrior - Magic Warrior Transformation
Spells Known
5th lvl (3/day) - Cloak of Colors(BL), Pillars of Sand(*), Wall of Stone
4th lvl (4/day) - Air Walk, Dinosaur Form(*), Stoneskin, Suggestion(BL)
3rd lvl (4/day) - Enthrall(BL), Fireball(*), Haste, Slow
2nd lvl (4/day) - Barkskin(*), Faerie Fire, Hideous Laughter(BL), Charm
1st lvl (4/day) - Charm(BL), Grease, Heal(*), Hydraulic Push
Cantrips (Lvl 5) (At Will) - Electric Arc, Ghost Sound(BL), Light, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Tanglefoot
(*) - Signature Spells, (BL) - Bloodline Spells
Halcyon Spells Known
Cantrips (Lvl 5) - Mage Hand
Staff of Transmutation Spells (Charges 5/5)
2nd lvl - Enlarge, Humanoid Form
1st lvl - Fleet Step, Jump
Cantrip - Sigil
Acrobatics: +14 [T]
Arcana: +16 [E]
Deception: +21 [M]
Diplomacy: +15 [T] +1 to Make an Impression
Intimidation: +19 [M]
Lore (Aspis Consortium): +14 [T]
Lore (Herbalism): +14 [T]
Lore (Elven): +14 [T]
Lore (Magic Warrior): +14 [T]
Nature: +15 [E]
Occultism: +14 [T]
Performance: +15 [T]
Society: +14 [T]
Stealth: +14 [T]
Survival: +13 [T]
+2 to identify transmutation effects
Trained in 1 skill of choice per day, increase 1 skill to expert per day
STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 16 (+3) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 19 (+4)
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: Low-light vision
Heritage 1st: Seer Elf - Detect magic and +1 to read/decipher
1st: Elven Lore
5th: Elven Instincts
9th: Expert Longevity
Skill Feats
Background: Group Coercion
2nd: Lie to Me
4th: Intimidating Glare
6th: Charming Liar
8th: Slippery Secrets
General Feats
3rd: Toughness
7th: Ancestral Paragon - Ancestral Longevity
Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Bloodline - Fey
Feature 1st: Spell Repertoire
Feature 1st: Sorcerer Spellcasting - Primal
Feat 2nd: Magic Warrior Dedication
Feature 3rd: Signature Spells, 2nd level spells
Feat 4th: Magic Warrior Transformation
Feature 5th: 3rd level spells
Feat 6th: Nameless Anonymity
Feature 7th: 4th level spells
Feat 8th: Magaambyan Attendant Dedication
Feature 9th: 5th Level Spells, Lightning Reflexes
Bonus Feats
Pathfinder Training: Quick Identification
Combat Gear: Scroll of Heal, Scroll of Fungal Hyphae, Scroll of Darkvision, Scroll of slough Skin, Scroll of Shape Wood, Scroll of Waterbreathing
Invested Magic Items: Bort's Blessing, Boots of Elvenkind, Wayfinder, Cloak of Elvenkind, Greater Ventriloquist's Ring, Bracers of Armor +1
Other Magic Items: Wand of Longstrider (Lvl 2), Wand of Gust of Wind, Bag of Holding (Type 1), Staff of Transmutation
Other Gear: Dagger, Slingshot, 30 bullets, caltrops x2, bandolier, sheath, backpack, bedroll, 2 belt pouches, chalk x 10, flint and steel, rope - 50ft, rations x 14, soap, torches x5, waterskin, disguise kit
Bulk: 4 (Encumbered at: 25 = 5 + 0 str + 25 Bag of Holding; Maximum at: 35 = 10 + 0 str + 25 Bag of Holding)
#1:1-01 The Absalom Initiation
#2:1-02 The Mosquito Witch