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_________________________________ Character Creation (original) DM Jonasty’s:
Channelers and beginning weaves known: Characters may start with extra weaves known equal to their total channeling level(s) minus 1. These weaves can be anything you are normally allowed to learn so long as the lowest weave level of the new weave is one less than the highest you have access to without overchanneling. Starting Gear: Everyone receives starting equipment package per normal 3.0 rulebook. Any of these items can be sold off if desired at half the book value. In addition, everyone begins with an additional 1500 mks to spend. Characters could not purchase power-wrought items. Characters may only buy one Masterpiece quality wepon OR armor. You can purchase as many masterwork level items you wish within your starting funds. Skill Changes:
New Skill List:
Rulings on Skill Usage: Composure / Concentration now counts as a Move action to concentrate on a weave. You still must follow all of the multiweave rules for maintaining multiple weaves but it now means that if you're holding a Shield on someone for example, you're not then frozen in place while you hold it. You could even get into melee with a held weave, aka Flame Blade and still be able to attack. If you have a high BAB that grants multiple attacks as a Full Round action, then you would need to tie off the flame blade to get them all though. (Source Jonasty Discussion page 9) _______________________________________ Feats *Use Pathfinder Feat Progression (i.e. 1 new feat at every odd level as opposed to every third level) *Use Pathfinder version of feats. Any pathfinder feat not related to Pathfinder magic is fair game. (Change made by Rizzen) New Feat: Identify Ter’Angreal (The Taint Discussion #100) & (Dragon Reborn #585) The wheel weaves as the wheel will, and there are those that are truly blessed. These are the ones with the most uncommon, the most rare of abilities, correctly identifying ter'angreal. Those with the lost ability are hunted by the White tower, if even the rumor is heard, the Amrylin will dispatch a sister and 50 soldiers to secure this unique individual for their own safety. Identify ter'angreal allows the PC to identify what the ter'angreal does, its capabilities, any bonuses, and special abilities, simply by touch. This feat does not protect the PC from those ter'angreal that are activated by touch, or any other actions the pc may take in approaching, moving, or channeling around the ter'angreal. Identify ter'angreal will identify an angreal, but not allow the pc to know its rating. A sa'angreal will be identified as an angreal. Feat: Trap Weaving To turn a weave into a trap, the weave must be one of instantaneous effect, like harden air, fireball, master ward, and so on. To make a weave into a trap you must add a +3 to the channeler level, AND it now includes weaves of spirit to set the trap, thus a fireball, which is fire and air, when set as a trap is changed to fire, air, and spirit. Meeting the affinity requirements apply. Setting the trap is a full round action. trap weaving is taught within the White tower, but not at the Black tower. So Accepted and above can know it. Feat: Weave Inventor, lessor (Weave Inventor Feats found Dragon Reborn Discussion #488) Your natural curiosity with the One power has been the source of much consternation to your master/mistress. Warnings of "knowing yourself" and "burn out" have fallen upon deaf ears to you. Or perhaps you have had no one to instruct you to not mess with the arrangement of weaves. Perhaps while you weave, you want to lay a weave in another location and see what happens. Prerequisite: must be able to channel, must take "remove block" feat (including initiates) Benefit: You are able to push the boundary of weave creativity. You are able take known weaves and modify them to suit your needs.
Feat: weave inventor, greater You have shed the last vestiges of restraint and wish to create something that will stand the test of time. You are only held back by your power. Prerequisite: Weave Inventor, lessor. Weave skill ranks 15+, must have successfully tweaked 3 uses of a commonly known weave. Benefit: You are able to invent never before seen weaves. WEaves created can only have similar utility uses found within known talents. You cannot create a weave outside of your talents. (ie: invent a variant of sever and linking it to your healing talent.)
Feat: weave Resistor, lessor (Weave Resistor Feats found Dragon Reborn #496) Knowing that the one powers exist, you feel that it has no practical use in your life. Or you are scared by it. Or you have a distrustful attitude towards channelers in general. Or you have been exposed to it so much that it's usage just doesn't phase you. In either case, your misgivings have given you an pseudo-immunity to the one power. Benefit: Gain Weave Resistance equal to 5+ PC level Feat: Weave Resistor, moderate Prerequisite: Weave Resistor lessor, or be a whitecloak Your resolve in yourself and how the one power affects you has been tested and found stronger than the power itself. Perhaps its your faith in the Creator, or you ignore the debilitating effects that the one power can do to yourself and others. In any event, the weaves seem to have difficulty in affecting you directly Benefit: Gain WEave resistance equal to 10+ PC level Accomplishment Feat: Weave resistor, greater Prerequisite: weave resistor moderate; must experience the absolute worst that channelers can do (DM discretion). You are an anathema to channelers, both male and female. Weaves simply fail to touch you, you are immune to most (if not all) weaves directed at you Benefit: Gain weave resistance equal to 20+ PC level. Accomplishment Feat: Affinity Immunity Prerequisite: Have survived the effects of a debilitating weave upon yourself channeled from a channeler 5+ levels above you. (example, trapped within a sphere of harden air {must be longer than one round}) Benefit: You gain an immunity from one of the 5 affinities (earth, fire, water, air, spirit). Note: channelers can take this feat, but it negates their known affinity thread. (so you negate the -1 casting level for having the affinity) Accomplishment feat: Shadowspawn killer Benefit: Gain a +4 Reputation for killing more shadowspawn than your counterparts. Must have killed at least 20 trollocs, or 5 Myrrdrall single handedly (most commonly encountered. other spawn will be considered on a as need basis) _________________________________ Class Changes: Algai’dis’wai – Use the class from Under the Dragon’s Banner – this replaces the core 3.0 version of the class. Armsman: Change bonus feat progression to every even level (2,4,6,8,10, etc) (Source Post #663 Jonasty’s Campaign) Initiate: Hit die is now a d6, bumped up from d4 (Source Post #661 Jonasty’s campaign) Noble: (Dragon Reborn #1039) The resources from the UTDB will take affect over the "call in a favor" shown in the wotrpg book. noble knowledge: as like bardic knowledge, nobles have greater access to books, and may have read a plethora of topics to help them learn to be better, or worse, nobles. THis allows nobles to make all knowledge checks untrained, and can add 1/2 his/her noble level to said checks. Inspire Confidence: as per the bard rule but with a minor tweak. The increase in bonus applied to those listening will be +1 every 5 levels. so at level 15, the noble can apply a +4 unnamed bonus to those listening. this effect lasts as long as the noble speaks, but should he stop speaking, the effects will last the noble level+charisma modifer in rounds. The noble cannot use inspire confidence and instill fear within the same combat. Instill fear and doubt: the reverse of the bard rule. the noble has the ability to demand attention to himself, even in the heart of combat. with this attention, he is able to cast doubt upon his opponents, making them second guess their cause. perhaps he points out the infallacy of it all, perhaps he offers money. either way, his speech saps the will of those he and his army is fighting. this ability affects up to 2x the nobles HD in creatures if they are 4HD or more less than him, if less than 3hd or up to 3HD more he affects his HD in creatures. If 4HD or more above his HD, he affects 1/2 his HD in creatures. all creatures listening are allowed a Will save DC= to noble level plus charisma modifier plus 10. The noble cannot use instill fear and instill courage in the same combat. inspire greatness: as per the bard special ability inspire competance: as per the bard special ability. Woodsman: (The Taint Discussion #16) Natures warrior ability (3.0) is now replaced with favored enemy and favored terrain from Pathfinder’s Ranger class. Favored Enemy List: Myrddraal, Trolloc, Draghkar, Gray Man, Darkhound, Country (Tear, Illian, Andor, etc…) Favored Terrains: Blight, forest, Aiel Waste, Desert, Wetland/Marsh, Plains, Urban Aethen Dor (Red Shield) (New Prestige Class) (A Combined Effort Discussion #30, approval #56) Prerequisites:
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Perception Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, Survival (Same skills as Thief Taker (converted to PF), with the addition of Survival. Skill points at each level: 6 + Int modifier Level BAB Fort Ref Wis Def Rep Special
BAB, Saves, Defense bonus, and reputation are unmodified from Thief Taker. Hard to Fool (Ex): Once per day the Red Shield can roll two dice while making a Sense Motive Check, and take the better result. Use of this ability must be declared before making the Sense Motive Check. The Red Shield May use this ability one additional time per day at level 5, and a third time at level 10.
Unarmed Combat: The Aethen Dor’s PrC Levels stack with any levels of Algai’d’siswai for the purpose of determining Unarmed damage. In addition they receive the Improved Disarm Feat, even if they would not normally meet the prerequisites. These abilities replaces Exotic Weapon Proficiency, as Algai’d’siswai already receive proficiency in all Aiel weapons. This works well with the theme of Red Shields being police who grapple and must be able to capture foes alive. Scout’s Charge: Whenever the Aethen Dor makes a Charge, his attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target where flat footed. Foes with Uncanny Dodge are immune to this ability. Skirmisher: Whenever a scout moves more that 10 feet in a round and makes an attack action, the attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target was flat footed. If the scout makes more than once attack this turn, this ability only applies to the first attack. Foes with Uncanny Dodge are immune to this ability. These abilities replace Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge respectively. The come from the Scout Archetype for the Pathfinder Rogue which also substitutes them for the same abilities, and thus maintains the balance of the feature. The substitution is there as Algai’d’siswai already receive these abilities. This substitution fits the class quite nicely as it demonstrates the rapid movement typical of the Aiel way of fighting, and as this is the only Aiel class so far to have a Sneak Attack, it is the only possible class that could benefit. Greater Grapple (Feat): This replaces the Capture ability of the Thief Taker with a similarly themed feat that instead improves grappling ability. Rapid Grapple (Feat) This replaces the second Exotic Weapon feat of the Thief Taker with a feat that instead improves grappling ability. I'd have liked to sub out the trap stuff as well, but I figured that if any Aiel were familiar with evading traps, it would probably be the guys following suspects on the run, who may have left traps to guard their trail. Aes Sedai – New Prerequisites: (Found on Jonasty Discussion page 8)
Asha’man – Prerequisites:
Commander: Prerequisites:
Master Treesinger (Under Dragon’s Banner): Prerequisites (A Combined Effort Discussion #232 & 233)
Warder – This prestige class was removed and replaced with the Warder Template Bonded Warder Template: (Source, Post #649 Jonasty’s campaign)
If the warder’s charge dies, in addition to 1d4 per level damage, the warder must make a Will save DC equal to the Channeler’s level +5 or become consumed with finding their own death. Care in another channeler’s hands for a full month can give a second save.) Windfinder: Prerequisites:
Wise One: Prerequisites:
____________________________________ Combat Initiative: (A Combined Effort Discussion #129) DM rolls for everyone’s initiative to track who is involved and for spell effect rulings. Otherwise though, PCs will be considered to go first, followed by NPCs second. Posting Rules for Combat Rounds: (A Combined Effort Discussion #165) I am posting a time limit to the rounds. 1 round will last 2 days. If you havent posted, i will either A) make a posting for you or B) your PC does nothing. _____________________________________ Weave and One Power Changes: Feat: Trap Weaving (Dragon Reborn #585)
Sense Shadowspawn: (Post #113 – 115 Enemy of my Enemy campaign)
Weave Resistance / Penetration: The following weaves are subject to Weave Resistance: hardened air
Weaves NOT subject to W Resistance (though the rules say otherwise) Grenade
Linking & Weave Penetration: In regards to linking and weave penetration, i will say that for every female beyond the second to link up will gain a +1 bonus to weave penetration. example, if two women link up, then they do not gain a penetration bonus. if a third links up, then they gain a +1 bonus. Now, if a male joins the circle, then the group gains a +1 for EVERY person in the circle, including the first two. so that group of three would only get a +1 weave pen bonus, but with the joining of a male, now gains a +4 Shield Weave: - Use Under the Dragon’s Banner netbook version of the weave, Revision #2 (A combined Effort Discussion #76 Additional changes to the Shield Weave: (A Combined Effort Discussion #92) Shielding a person while linked:
Bond Warder Weave (and its effects on same-gender bonds) (Dragon Reborn Discussion #67) In the books, the bond between Male warder and Female Aes sedai just conveys the basics of emotions, fear, anger, lust, happiness, and so on. The difference of sexes provides a block of sorts. However, the bond between same sex will amplify these feelings, to the point that one person will be affected by these feelings. Example, if a female warder is happy, the female channeler is happy.
While regular exchange will cause pain to be felt through the bond, extreme instantces will force a will save. Example: Litheene gets a crit from a trolloc, causing massive damage. Vala will have to make a will save to ignore the feeling and continue on, otherwise suffer from this phantom pain for a round. Bond Warder Weave (and its effects on Ogier) (Dragon Reborn Discussion #181) Ogier warder template +2 Enhancement bonus to strength
Ogier are not ones to get angry, yet when they do, they are like an avalanche at winter, and boulders rolling down a cliff in the mountains. They become unstoppable, seeking to right that which triggered their inner rage. another option available for Ogier: Friend of the stedding: Upon being bonded to his Aes Sedai, the bonded pair experience an odd twist. Instead of bestowing strength, the weave fails. In its place, the Ogier now projects an aura around him/her, negating all but the most powerful of weaves from affecting him/her.
____________________________________________ The True Power: (Dragon Reborn Discussion #402) The True Power is different from the One Power. It originates from the Dark One and is accessible only to his greatest servants. Male or female channelers can use it equally well. It is far more addicting than the One Power; many of the Forsaken believe that it would be impossible to resist. The lure of its use is that it cannot be detected by either sex and it appears to be impossible to cut a weave made of the True Power (see Cut Weave in chapter 6). It appears not only to be an extra source of power, but also a more potent one. The physical manifestation of the addiction seems to be
Addiction Game Mechanic:
Each failure accumulates until the number of failures
If a character accumulates as many failures as they have points in Wisdom, they will pay the Dark Lord’s price. True Power Mechanics Any person entitled to use the True Power may draw upon it to channel any weave that they know, even if they do not have the Talent. They do not use a One Power slot for this weave. They must immediately make a Wisdom Check vs. a DC of 12; handle failure as noted in the Addiction section. This weave may not be detected or cut. It leaves no residue that is discernible to other channelers. Severing True Power: If a Forsaken is in the place between worlds with someone of the same gender, that person can see the black tendril of the Dark One touching the Forsaken. It is possible in that place to either Shield or Sever the Forsaken from his master. The mechanics for doing this work in an identical fashion to the two weaves, but they have a different effect. Cutting a Forsaken free of the Dark One instantly strips them of their Forsaken Template. They may not wield the True Power, they begin to accumulate Madness, and they no longer have command over Shadowspawn. The Dark One looks unfavorably on any servant that has been sundered from him. It might be possible to come back into the graces of the Dark One. This would require a trip to Shayol Ghul and a re-pledging of fealty. This unenviable task is just as likely to result in the death of the Forsaken as it is to restore his connection to the Dark
______________________________________ Equipment Changes: Aiel Spear - New Stats: (Post #68 & 69, enemy of my enemy campaign)