Windstrider's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Please cancel my Pathfinder Lost Omens subscription as well as any other ones I might actively have, for now.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription for now. The other subscription on my account may remain active for the time being.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my Pathfinder Accessories subscription for now. The rest of the subscriptions can be left active for the time being. Appreciate it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

For now, please cancel all my remaining subscriptions.

I think I might only have "Pathfinder Lost Omens" active but, just in case, I want to cancel all my currently active subscriptions for the time being.

Appreciate it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


For the time being, I would like to cancel the following subscriptions:

Pathfinder Maps
Pathfinder Adventure
Pathfinder Pawns
Pathfinder Rulebook
Pathfinder Society

The only subscription I would like to leave active is the "Pathfinder Lost Omens" one.

Thanks in advance.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Since the end of last year, I've been noticing the website is prone to "hiccup" more often than usual. While browsing the website logged in and logged off, I'll get "Oops there's been an error" or "You do not have permission" while clicking on general product links. Sometimes clicking on the link again will cause it to work normally. Other times it'll take a few times or just won't work at all until much later/next time. Another problem is when I'm logged in, the website doesn't let me edit my wishlists any more. It always gives me an "Oops there has been an error" message. I also noticed this around the end of last year. More recently, whenever I have a subscription cancelled, it sometimes doesn't reflect as being cancelled through omission on my account page. Last time, it stayed on there until the actual product shipped before falling off the active subscription account page. This makes it hard to determine what's actually in effect. Lastly, I use to get pending order emails before a finalized one indicating the transaction has been processed and due for shipment. Now, I'm just getting the finalized one without prior notification of an impending charge. I've checked my junk/spam folder too but no dice. So far, it's been okay because the items I received are ones I wanted but I can see this possibly going sideways in the future.

I consider myself relatively proficient with technology and have already tried clearing browser caches, logging in/out where appropriate, restarting devices, pinging the website, trace routes, and other general user end diagnostic tests. I also tried during various times throughout the day. Everything seemed fine and I was still able to reproduce the above errors. Due to the pandemic I've spent more time on the website which probably increased my awareness to these issues and have been able to test extensively. Below is a list of networks, devices, and browsers I used when testing.

-Windows 10 PC desktop
-iPhone & iMac

-At&t Fiber


Aside from errors, there are a few quality of life features I would like to see added to the website. The first is a search feature and slightly more organized library/download section. Using the keyword "Ctrl+F" function still is cumbersome when you have length library. Despite there being headings, all the PF1e, PF2e, SF, and other materials are all jumbled together. Having a search feature to filter results and perhaps tabs for each edition of product (PF1e, PF2e, SF, and Other) would be nice. The second feature is a streamlined cart/check out procedure. I've been through it enough times to understand how it works but it doesn't seem intuitive. I still sometimes second guess myself. Also, when you place one item in the cart, sometimes it reflects two items in the basket despite there being only one. Lastly, the most important in my opinion, is the need for a self-serve preorder/subscription cancellation function.

To summarize (TL;DR):

Stuff to be fixed
-Significant intermittent navigational errors
-Wishlists can't be edited
-Account page not accurately reflecting active subscriptions
-Preliminary impending charge email notification not being sent anymore

Features to add
-Download library search and updated organization
-Optimized checkout process
-Allow us to cancel preorders/subscriptions through the account page before it finalizes, of course.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Please cancel my Pathfinder Accessories subscription. The PF Bestiary 2 Battle Cards made their way into October's shipment and I do not wish to purchase them. I sent an email regarding this at the beginning of the month but haven't received a confirmation email nor has the subscription just been cancelled from my account yet. I'd like to avoid getting charged before the transaction processes.

Appreciate it.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Does such an animal exist currently? If not, is this information included in one of the other books that's out now? Or, one of the upcoming books like Lost Omens: Absalom?

In case I didn't refer to them correctly, I'm talking about those such as Merisiel, Valeros, Amiri, and so forth. Originally, I thought the upcoming Lost Omens: Legends would cover this but was mistaken.

Should this sourcebook/information not be out there presently or in one of the announced upcoming products and given Paizo's product line history, are we likely to see something like this? I'm hoping and would like to see this type of product in a similar vein to Lost Omens: Legends...Lost Omens: Icons?