
WillDH's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (416 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Grand Lodge

See above Not if I can help it (see "Size") Commoner 21/Husband 20/Father 6

I have to say that True Dragons is my favorite scenario I've ever played. It help we had a awesome GM. Yes! In my opinion everyone should get the chance to play it.

Grand Lodge

GM Ewok wrote:
GM Ewok wrote:

Surprisingly enough, I have another open slot for my Tier 3-4 table of Race for the Runecarved Key. It starts on January 5th, tomorrow!

First to sign up here gets the spot.

Recruitment closed!

Darn it! Those go too fast!

Grand Lodge

DM Elan Morin wrote:

Several well dressed pages approach you while you are chilling out in one of Absalom's many "recreational establishments". While keeping their faces absolutely straight and showing no emotions whatsoever they hand you a small card bearing the flourishing calligraphy you have come to associate with Lady Gloriana Morilla.

After reading it you sigh... seems like what the future is holding for you is a trip to good old Oppara after all...

Recruiting for scenario #9-08 BIRTHRIGHT BETRAYED, high tier (4-5). Considering the nature of this scenario I'm giving priority to Sovereign Court PCs. Click HERE to join

Signed up with my SC Monk4/Sorcerer1

Grand Lodge

Sweet. So I do have a character. Now If I can just get the link to work...

Grand Lodge

GM Cwethan wrote:
In the spirit of the other Evergreens that have been popping up, I'm recruiting for a classic run of From the Tome of Righteous Repose (3-7) here!

I was curious if you were still recruiting for this scenario. If not, I have a level 5 character I would like to play (monk 4/sorcerer 1). This would be my second PbP.

edit - I just realized it says "classic". That's CORE, right? If so, nevermind. I do not have a CORE character.

Grand Lodge

GM Upaynao wrote:

Faithless and Forgotten? I could do that. Could you give me a week to set things up though?

Edit: In the meantime, sign yourselves up here. Expect a combo lottery/I pick people.

While I will not be signing up for this particular sesseion(s), I might be interested in the non-core, parts 2 and 3 (already played part 1). And by the way, I usually stop after two cups...

Grand Lodge

I am new to PbP (playing in my first one now), but I'm already thinking about learning how to GM it. If I can figure out how to do it, "The Disappeared" is definitely one I'd be willing to run. Of course, that doesn't help you right now, does it? :)

Grand Lodge

Just checking in.

Grand Lodge

I am new to PbP, but not PFS. I have a 0 XP dwarf paladin and I would like to start. My friend Jerry Wayne, recommended this as a good starting point. I have already signed up on the Google Doc. Thanks.