
Wilkes's page

9 posts. Alias of Celestial Half-Porc.

About Wilkes

Wilkes Wanderway
Male Halfling Oracle of Life
NG Medium Humanoid
Favored Class: Oracle +1 HP
Speed 20ft (20ft Base)
Init +3 Senses Perception +X
AC XX (10 Base, +3 Dex, +X Armor)
Touch XX (10 Base, +3 Dex)
Flat Footed XX (10 Base, +X Armor)
HP 11 (1d8, +2 Con) Current 11
Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6
+2 Racial Bonus Against Fear
Spear +X (1d6+X) 20x3
Dagger +X (1dX+X) 19-20x2

Dagger +X (1dX+X) 19-20x2 (10ft) 0/2
Light Crossbow +X (1dX) 19-20x2 (80ft) 0/10
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 17 (+3)
Con 15 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 18 (+4)



Acrobatics (+3 Dex, +2 Racial, -X ACP) (-X)
Climb (+3 Dex, +2 Racial, -X ACP) (-X)
Diplomacy (+4 Cha)
Handle Animal (+4 Cha)
Heal (+3 Wis)
Knowledge (History) (+0 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) (+0 Int)
Knowledge (Planes) (+0 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) (+0 Int)
Perception (+3 Wis, +2 Racial) (+X)
Ride (+3 Dex, -X ACP) (-X)
Sense Motive (+3 Wis) (+X)
Spellcraft (+0 Int)
Stealth (+3 Dex, +4 Size, -X ACP) (-X)
Survival (+3 Wis)

Special Abilities:


Languages: Common, Halfling



Starting Gold: 150gp
--Spear 2gp, 3lbs
--Dagger x2 4gp, 2lbs
--Light Crossbow 10 bolts 36gp, 5lbs
--Armored Coat 50gp, 20lbs (+3 Max Dex, -2 ACP)
--Light Steel Shield 9gp, 6lbs (-1 ACP)
--Explorer's Outfit 8lbs
--Wooden Holy Symbol of Sarenrae 1gp
•Backpack 2gp, 2lbs
--Bedroll 1sp, 5lbs
--Trail Rations (4) 2gp, 4lbs
--Waterskin 1gp, 4lbs
--Flint & Steel 1gp
--28gp 9sp Left
Total: 60lbs (Medium)
Carrying Capacities: 76lbs/77-153lbs/154-230lbs


Unknown to Wilkes, he was actually one of a pair of twins. His unborn sister died during birth and his parents decided it was best not to tell him until he was older. Wilkes grew up tending the small patch of farmland his family had held for centuries in the south of Brevoy. During this time he noticed small occurrences that happened around him, but mostly unknown to others. Candles would be blown out by a breeze of unknown origin while he was eating or writing, small items would be rearranged in his room and items would not be where he placed them in his pack. One afternoon while he was out tending the fields, Wilkes heard one of their dogs crying out in pain. He ran to the dog’s side and noticed it had been attacked by a boar. This was what made Wilkes realize his true potential and purpose. As he laid his hands on the dog, a faint glow emanated from them and the wounds closed almost immediately.

When Wilkes was eighteen, his parents finally told him about his sister. As he thought about it he realized that all the small odd occurrences, and his ability to heal the dog was his sister’s life force flowing through him and ultimately saved him at birth. A few months passed and Wilkes caught wind of the rumor of expansion into the Stolen lands. Wilkes packed up his belongings and made his way into the wild, hoping to meet some new people and use his abilities for good.


Age: 21
Height: 3'-0"
Weight: 35lbs
Wilkes is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, never letting a bad situation break his spirit. His attitude toward others really depends on how he is treated, since his family was secluded on their farm. Wilkes welcomes all into his life and if he thinks someone is in need, he will give everything to help.

