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I apologize in advance if my search fu was weak, but I was not able to find an answer by searching through the rules questions or through the errata.

In an upcoming campaign (a multi-level dungeon crawl) I plan on playing a halfling cavalier so that I can function in the confined spaces of the dungeon. My plan is to take a lance for the bonus damage from a mounted charge, but I have run into a bit of a problem because of the Reach rule on the lance. Now normally a medium sized rider has a large sized mount; with his lance he could presumably reach out and hit something that his mount would have reach to. A small sized rider has a medium sized mount, something that will not have reach; but by taking a lance, the rider does.

Since a rider does not take move actions and can only charge if his mount charges, how does his reach attack work? As I understand it, you only get to take your attacks at the end of a charge, so does the rider hit with his lance when he enters reach range and then the mount moves the last five feet to an adjacent space and make its own attack? Does the rider miss the chance to make an attack because the movement hasn't ended and he can't attack an adjacent enemy with a reach weapon?

Thank you for your time and help!

Hello dear forum-goers, I hope this post finds you well. I have made this post in the hopes that I might get some help on a pet project that I want to start.

Recently I have been digging through my old copy of Libris Mortis and I came to the section in chapter 2 that presents the various intelligent undead as classes that a player could take in order to be a member of these grisly races. So I started thinking about the system as it stands and, while I think it works all right, it was always something of an oddity to me. (I never owned Savage Species, so this book was the first time that I had encountered the idea of monstrous class levels.) Maybe not so in 3.5 as that edition was full of strange things by the end of its run, but definitely so within the realm of Pathfinder. Regardless, I believe there is some merit in the idea of monstrous class levels that allow players to be an Undead character without all the bother of level adjustments. So, inspired by the recent attempts of Master Arminas and several others on the boards, I had decided to work toward rebuilding these classes into a playable format for Pathfinder and bringing them in line with the other options in Pathfinder. I also want your help to do it, because I doubt much good can come out of doing this in a vacuum.

The first question that needs answering is whether or not the class format works. Well, maybe it would be better to say that the first question is whether or not it is effective. As an alternative to actual class levels, I wonder if it would be better for a player to begin with the undead class as their race and have it level up as they do. So a player would not begin as a first level Ghoul who has to wade through all eight levels of Ghoul before taking levels in a base class, but instead start as a Ghoul of whatever class they wanted and, as they gained more and more hit dice, would unlock more and more powers. Along the way they would grow from a lesser ghoul to a full grown ghast. The same would follow for the other undead races.

For the record, I want to start the project with just the undead classes that appeared in Libris Mortis. That means we have: The Ghoul, The Mohrg, The Mummy, The Vampire Spawn (who we will just be calling The Vampire), and The Wight. We can expand it later to include other undead races that might prove interesting, such as the Necropolitan.

So my brothers and I are playing a campaign with a friend of ours and we have run into a strange question about the Warlock. On Page 36, in the School Ability power, is says that a Warlock " infused with supernatural energy that allows him to perform magical powers at will." In addition, only the Break Enchantment school ability (under the Abjuration school on the same page) has a limit to the number of times it can be used in one day; all the other powers for the Warlock have no mention about limited uses. This has led the group to wondering if the the Warlock can use school abilities at will, meaning as often as he likes, or if he is going to be limited to a number of times per day just like a regular Wizard would be.

Thankfully the school powers that our Warlock is using at the moment do not have limits to how often they can be used, but we wanted to get this cleared up before hitting our next level in a session or two. I am sorry if this question is a little silly, but at will has me in the 4E mindset that you can use a power however often you want and I felt it best to seek the advice of the boards. Thanks all!

All right, so right off the bat I want to say that I understand that the last set of Orb spells from 3.5E were not exactly the most balanced spells in the game. However they did give wizards and sorcerers a few nice options for single target blasting and their ability to cover several different energy types with little additional effects was fairly cool. With that in mind, I wanted to try my hand at creating a new spell with Ultimate Magic and Orb spells seemed a good way to do that--largely due to the similar nature of each of the spells, meaning I only had to make some small changes to each and could produce a bunch of spells at once.

I am interested in whether or not these seem well balanced against each other and other spells of their level. Especially the Force Orbs because I had no idea how I could make them interesting beyond their ability to do force damage--and even then, I wonder why anyone would take the lesser version I built when there is Magic Missile beyond the fact that it would not be stopped by Shield. Let me know what you think because after some discussion I hope to present them to my gaming group and see them in the next campaign we are starting in a month or so!

Thank you for your time,

The Download

Oh and if anybody has any suggestions for a site other than Rapid Share for a way to get the file online, I would be happy to have them!

Boy, seems to be a few of these popping up lately. Has provided some helpful reading, but now I think I need specific advice. In the next month or so I am going to be starting up a new campaign and I was interested in getting some tips from the boards on how best to build my Sorcerer.

He is going to be a human with the Silver Draconic Bloodline (which is immutable, as the GM has already written this extensively into the upcoming story, and I enjoy the theme.) and probably aiming toward the Dragon Disciple PRC. At the moment the party is looking like it will have a Monk, a Two Weapon Warrior, an Urban Ranger, and a Priest (from Tome of Secrets). The campaign begins at level 3, with 20 point buy for ability scores, and 6000 gold for items (with no more than 3000 spent on a single item). We have access to the Tome of Secrets, the Core Rules, the APG, and UM.

Given what is in the rest of the party, and the general lack of blasting power, I am thinking that a battlefield controller would be the best character to mix in with the rest of the party. Somebody who can lock down enemies or weaken them, so that the melee guys can just cut 'em to pieces. I wouldn't mind having some utility or offensive spells (I know that Acid Arrow is a favorite, for how it scales and such) but it seemed best to focus on the control aspect. On thing that I would like to note is that I am not interested in extreme optimization—such as dropping strength to a 7 to boost another stat—but I have no problem lower some aspect of the character by a bit to pull in a bonus in another. Thank you for at least reading this far and doubly so for any advice!