Ydersius (Symbol)

Wiglar I's page

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I would like to see the ability for players to teach each other languages and maybe other skills as well, similar to SWG pre-NGE.

Goraxes wrote:
Something i am curious about is the Crafting system idea's. I know its fresh so there might not have been a lot in on it yet. In Starwars Galaxies, one of the coolest features was the fact that you could become a World Renowned Crafter.

I agree with Goraxes, when SWG first came out it had the best in game crafting system I have seen. Most of the items crafted had to have certain materials and the bigger and better ones had to have components made first.

Oh great and mighty sage we know as TOZ, please help me with this most vexing of questions. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?