Nickold Starweather

Wight's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Please cancel my the Pathfinder Adventure Path-subscription. Thank you!


I noticed in my subscription email that payment still defaults to my expired credit card.

I've changed that now, but how can I change the payment method for this particular order before shipping? I saw from your FAQ that I can change the Payment Details of a pending order by accessing it from my Order History, but I can't seem to find that option in the order.

Changing the payment details in My Subscriptions didn't change the details of Order 4900512 either.

Please help!

PS: I acccidentally changed just the expiration date in the order - the card showing now is still expired.

Hey! Just checking in on something.

Last week payment details were declined for my Adventure Path subscription, so I updated with a valid card and got a new order confirmation from your super helpful rep!

I checked in on the order today, and it seems that my newest authorized transaction has vanished from the Payment details, leaving only the declined transaction from eatlier.

Was this because the transaction I made last week expired due to the one-week limit? Will I have to make a new authorization for my card? Or is everything in order?

Thanks for your help!