Wibs's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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So, the party got to Lucrecias lair where she charmed the bard. The party agreed to help kill the trolls ("let's try to find a bit more information from her by playing nice") and on the way out they saw the messenger from Turleback ferry with ill news about the flooding.
The party rushed there and then the bard had the most amazing idea: Since Lucrecia was so nice and she is a good friend and ally - he was yelling at the townsfolk, that they should all rush to the Fort, as it is safe there. The rest of the party is still confused: the barbarian said (well, bard is very convincing), the Fighter said he's against as this sound really odd. Druid kept silent.

The party has just saved the children from the flood and are about to meet the Magga.

I am not sure where to go from here.... I can imagine Ogres at the fort seeing caravans of people heading to their gates, but that's where my imagination stops.

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Thank you all for great replies.

We have a deserter Figheter who fixes boats, a Druid with Charisma of 7, a Bard, a Linguist Barbarian and a Cleric of Calistria with us.

Our Fighter, was so eager to go to the boar hunt because "it looks like a major quest line - if we do not follow him, we might not learn something". Not much role play - but I am thinking of adding some easy useless side quests - maybe they will understand not to follow everything. Luckily, the Barbarian talks to much and he scared Aldern from the woods saying they are looking for stolen bodies, zombies, ghouls, walking sceletons. Aldern was so scared that he ran to home to Magnimar.

The Druid told that he had been in another group to everyone, but only I know the details. I have not yet confirmed that this is the same advanture, but based on my questions, I think he is pretty sure :D

I will talk to him about metagaming and most likely will think about visions/trance state like the ones Tacticslion mentioned - not sure the reason for this (as this has to be played through the campaing). He is the most emm.. experienced with RPG (watches a lot of sessions online) and I trust him to play out well. As far as I understand, he does not know Aldern is the Skinsaw man, which is a big relief. Changing him to, say, Iesha will not solve the problem that he knows the Haunts in the Manor and what to ask in the Sanatorium.

Oddly enough, he is a sensetive person and always hectic, so I realy don't want him to sit out those sessions. I have some time until we get to Book 2, luckily.

The important thing is this: will the play experience be enhanced for the rest of the party or hindered? And... why do you think that might be?

I do not think it will hinder that much the play of other party. I currently trust the Druid to play out well, I am more worried that the someone might keep asking him in-game questions "about the future". Or that this will make it hard for the Druid to play along. Also, if the druid is out, I am not sure what to do with XP. Right now I am just deviding the normal one between the 5 of them. THis means they will not the the suggested level once they reach, say, Misgivings and they lack a player for action economy.

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*Might contain spoilers*

Here's what happened yesterday. This was our third session for 5 players (all have played only the Beginner box) and we got to the Board Hunt (yes, it took us so long). After that, our Druid said out of character that Foxglove name sounded familiar.

What happened - he had joined an on-line group previously to replace a player. First thing he remembers is that they were looking for clues at the sawmill, a lot of ghouls had appeared at the city, then went to the farm and eventually found "a lady who was afraid of mirrors at the Foxglove Manor, we helped her and she ran down. We did not follow". Last thing was they visited the sanatorium and killed GRAYST SEVILLA who gave them some info.

Now I am not sure what to make of this and how to proceed and really, really am looking for an advice. He suggested he does not take part in decision making process with the party, but I am not sure this is a good idea. Not that I underestimate my group, but I think it is really hard not to (think it is the right word) metagame and know what you character does not know.

This is my 2nd experience as GM (first one was the beginners box) and I feel like I have ran into a complication yet to overcome..

Thanks in advance