Time Mystery
Revelations: Aging Touch & Erase from Time
Powerless Prophecy
You are forewarned of danger but can’t act to prevent it. You gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, you can’t take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions, except for flash of insight. In the absence of a surprise round, you are staggered for the entire first round of combat.
At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks.
At 10th level, you gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using your oracle level as your rogue level.
At 15th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all your saving throws and to your AC during surprise rounds and when you are otherwise unaware of an attack.
1st: Extra Revelation (Aging Touch)
Reactionary: +2 to Initiative
Animal Friend: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saving throws as long as an animal (Tiny or larger, must be at least indifferent toward you) is within 30 feet, and Handle Animal is always a class skill for you.