About Agash the DefiledBackstory:
Agash was not always his name.. Over four thousand years ago he was know by his peers as Zuzel, Prince Zuzel the Errant to be exact. For he was much more traveled than most Azata's in Elysium and had made many strides in changeing the old ways of thinking in the areas of mortal help. Zuzel believed it was their place to help mortals as much as possible, as their minds were easily manipulated by the forces of evil and their actions could cause a great deal of suffering very quickly. So while other Azata explored the numerous planes of existance Zuzel preferred to spend his time on the Material Plane, mostly in Golarion. For many years Zuzil roamed Golarion, helping mortals in affairs when needed, slaying evil whenever he could but his first real test came with the Shining Crusade to defeat The Whispering Tyrant. There he joined up in the guise of an Elfin Knight and with his help many battles were won. It was after this Crusade that he met his true enemy. Daemon's are a fairly new race to the Great Beyond. Brought into existence by nihilistic mortal's who sought the destruction of all existence.. Fueled by these evil souls Daemon's began to grow powerful in their homeplane of Abaddon and it wasn't long before their taint had made it's way to the material plane and Golarion. Zuzel saw these new enemies as the greatest threat to all existence. Devil's wished to rule all, Demon's wished to devour souls for eternity, but these new things, these Daemon's wished to just destroy. To end all things and plunge The Great Beyond into oblivion. Not just the Material Plane would be destroyed if they had their way, but Elysium as well and all of the Inner, Outer, and Demiplanes too.. It would be a dark existence if they succeded.. So what was an Evil Slaying Prince to do? Why go on a one-azata crusade to ride the multiverse of them. And so thousands of them dies to his blade.. So many he caught the eye of being he wished he hadn't. The Four Horseman are powerful and unqiue Daemon's who are said to be the Harbinger's of the End Times.. Each one represents one of the following ideals: war, disease, famine, and death. Szuriel is the Horseman of War and it just so happens that Zuzel's one man rampage against daemons had caught her eye. Her taking a personal intrest in any being was bad. It was double bad if you are an angelic avenger set on destroying all of her kind. She set out to make an example, and an example is what she made.. After being snared by The Horseman of War, Zuzel was stripped of his power and relieved of his beautiful white wings.. He was tortured endlessly for his captor's had no need for sleep. He was kept alive by powerful magic's so that he could recieve punishment for all enternity. This was not the entirety of her plan though.. She wished to see him turned on mankind, to see him join in on the destruction of the multiverse. She wished to make him Deacon of Abaddon, a slayer of mortal's and a devourer of their souls. For four thousand year's he was put to the grindstone. His faith and morality was slowly broken. He spirit was tainted to the core from the constant influence of his host. Broken on a furnace of cinders Prince Zuzel the Errant was nomore.. He became the fallen.. With her plans success Szuriel named him, Agash the Defiled, and with this title she also granted him unholy powers equal to what he had before. A large pair of blackend wings sprouted and grew from his back. His once golden eyes now shone red, a malestrom of fury pent up behind them. A new, great power resided in him, gifted by Szuriel in order to wrought great destruction to mortals. A great weapon was gifted to him as well.. A token of his foolish attempt at defeating an entire race of Daemon's, Fool's Errand was it's fitting name. Now equipped with the power of Abbadon, Agash was given two tasks to prove his worth.. The first was to find an Adult Gold Dragon and bring her it's head, the second was to infiltrate the Clergy of a civilized diety and destroy it from within. Back on the material plane for the first time in four thousand years it took Agash a moment to get his bearings, afterwhich with the aid of his divine magic he was able to locate and adult gold dragon. With the easy part done, now came the hard part, defeating it.. Fully aware of it's abilities Agash cast many protective spells and with the use of magic was able to get inside it's lair undetected, but that was not to last as a Dragon's senses are to keen to be completely snuck up on.. The dragon sensed the overwhelming evil permeating from Agash and didn't even bother talking.. A titanic battle ensued, with Agash being victorius only through his spells and newly granted powers. Taking it's head and horde he began to prepare for his next task. Augustana was selected for his infiltration. The large port city contained a large clergy of Abadaran's due to it's wealth. The collapse of the church/bank there would sow great disent into the population and surely cause a riot to recover personal wealth from the vaults.. Many souls would be harvested from the ensueing violence.. Again this task was made easy with the use of his spells and new abilities. Disguised as a visiting priest from Almas Agash gained entry and after a meeting with the headmaster assumed the man's identity and sent his soul to Abaddon. It wasn't long after this till he had the clergy convinced a riot was to occur and to lock down the buildings from the inside. It was then he revealed himself and slaughtered the church down to the man. After cleaning the bank out he returned to the Cinder Furnace to face his new master. Pleased with his work Szuriel again gifted an increase in power, also she gave his final task before setting him free into the world.. To prove worthiness of spreading The Horseman of War's word he must face her in single combat and live. She allowed him every advantage, while herself went naked save a blade.. Agash fought like a beast, but was barely able to land a blow, all while Szuriel demolished him. It was as if an infant was fighting a bear. On his last leg Agash's pent up rage finally released. Going berserk he staggered The Horseman with his onslaught. Surprised by the sudden ferociousness Szuriel responded the only way she knows how, by removing his head. And so the lights went out for Agash.. It was not to last though for moments later he was revived by her and was again blessed with an increase in power. Agash the Defiled had passed his masters tests and had proven himself worthy.. With her blessing he set out to make the mortal world tremble at the sound of is name..
Personality and Apperance:
His mind is twisted after 4 millinia of torture, so he's not all there at times.. A very callous individual he is easily provoked and shows no mercy on the battlefield, often using far more fire power than is neccessary to win. A once very beautiful being, now Agash is a painted picture of torture. His body carries scars, burns, and all sorts of disfigurements including his latest one, a sizeable scar 360 degrees around his neck from where his headed was severed in the fight with Szuriel. He has long black hair, red glowing eyes, and a pair of large black wings. He wears darkened mithril fullplate under dark clerical vestments.
Agash the Defiled Fallen Ghaele Azata Cleric 1/Mythic Champion Tier 3 NE Medium Outsider (azata, neutral, extraplanar, evil, shapechanger) Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Detect Good, Low-Light Vision, See Invisibility; Perception +27 Aura of Evil, Unholy Aura --------------- Defense --------------- AC 43, touch 17, flat-footed 42 (+14 armor, +4 deflection, +1 Dex, +2 luck, +12 natural), 20% Miss Chance hp 192 (13d10+1d8+99+15) Fort +21, Ref +9, Will +24 DR 10/Cold Iron and Good; Immune Electricity, Petrification; Resist Cold 10, Fire 10; SR 26 --------------- Offense --------------- Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect) Melee Fool's Errand +30/+25/+20 2d4+23(15/20x3) Ranged 2 Dark Rays +14 Ranged Touch (2d12) Special Attacks Gaze(DC 18), Power Attack(-4/+16), Sudden Strike Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th)(CC +25)(SP +14) Constant—Detect good, Unholy Aura(DC 28), See Invisibility At will—Aid, Charm Monster(DC 23), Continual Flame, Cure Light Wounds, Dancing Lights, Detect Thoughts(DC 21), Disguise Self, Dispel Magic, Hold Monster(DC 25), Greater Invisibility(self only), Major Image(DC 23), Greater Teleport(self plus 50 lbs. of objects only) 3/day—Globe of Invulnerability 1/day—Chain Lightning(DC 26), Prismatic Spray(DC 27), Wall of Force Spells - See Spoiler --------------- Statistics --------------- Str 35, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 30, Cha 13 Base Atk +13; CMB +25; CMD 42 Feats Critical Focus, Extend Spell, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Improved Critical, Quicken Spell, Power Attack, Staggering Critical Mythic Feats Improved Critical(Falchion), Power Attack Traits Fates Favored, Magical Lineage(Divine Power) Skills Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Fly +28, Heal +14, Know(arcana) +19, Know(history) +9, Know(planes) +9, Know(religion)+9, Perception +27, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +2, UMD +18 Languages Celestial, Daemonic; Truespeech SQ Amazing Initiative, Dark Form, Hard to Kill, Mythic Power(9/day), Surge(1d6), Recuperation Gear Fool's Errand, +5 Mithril Fullplate, +4 Belt of Strength, +4 Headband of Wisdom, Cloak of Minor Displacement, Boots of Speed, Jingasa of the Fortune Soldier, Quick Runner's Shirt, Pathfinder's Pouch, Tattoo Holy Symbol of Sizuriel, 75gp --------------- Special Abilities --------------- Channel Negative Energy(Su)7d6(4/day) Dark Form(Su) A fallen ghaele can shift between its solid body and one made of darkness as a standard action. In solid form, it cannot fly or use light rays. In light form, it can fly and gains the incorporeal quality—it can make light ray attacks or use spell-like abilities in this form, but can’t make physical attacks or cast spells. Dark Ray(Ex) A Fallen Ghaele’s dark rays have a range of 300 feet. This attack bypasses all damage reduction. Domains Ferocity 13/day (Ferocious Strike(Su): Whenever you make a melee attack, you can designate that attack as a ferocious strike. If the attack hits, it deals additional damage equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). Tactics 13/day (Seize the Initiative(Su): Whenever you and your allies roll for initiative, you can grant one ally within 30 feet the ability to roll twice and take either result. This decision is made before results are revealed.) Gaze(Su) In humanoid form, a ghaele’s gaze attack slays good creatures of 5 HD or less (range 60 feet, Will DC 20 negates, shaken for 2d10 rounds on a successful save). Non-Evil creatures, and good creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be shaken for 2d10 rounds. A creature that saves against a ghaele’s gaze is immune to that particular Ghaele’s gaze for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Spontaneous Casting Convert prepared spells to inflict spells. Usable:
Mythic Power 9/9 Channel Energy 4/4 (7d6 neg) Ferocious Strike 13/13 (+7 damage) Seize the Initiative 13/13 Boot's of Speed 10/10 Jingasa 1/1 Quick Runner's Shirt 1/1 Consumables:
Antitoxen Antiplague Scroll of Pro Good(2)
Spells Memorized:
Caster Level 14th, CC +25, SP +14, (Domain*) 7th—(4/day)Destruction(DC 27), Grasping Hand*, Quickened Divine Power(+5), +1 6th—(6/day)Blade Barrier*(DC 26), G. Dispel Magic, Heal, Quickened Bear's Endurance, +2 5th—(7/day)Extended Blessing of Fervor, Flame Strike(DC 25), Quickened Divine Favor(+4), Righteous Might*, True Seeing, +1 4th—(7/day)Communal Pro Energy, Death Ward, Extended Divine Power*(+5)(2), Freedom of Movement, Restoration, +1 3rd—(7/day)Communal Resist Energy, Deadly Juggernaut, Extended Bear's Endurance, Magic Vestment*(+3), Nap Stack, Prayer, +1 2nd—(8/day)Grace(3), Hold Person(DC 22), Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon*, Weapon of Awe, +1 1st—(8/day)Divine Favor(+4), Enlarge Person*, Forbid Action(DC 21), Liberating Command, Murderous Command(DC 21)(2), Sure Casting, +1 0 (at will)(4/day)Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic Spell Like Abilities
Mythic Champion Abilities:
Amazing Initiative(Ex): At 2nd tier, you gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can't be used to cast a spell. You can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round. Hard to Kill(Ex): Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score. Mythic Power(Su): Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, you can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double your mythic tier. (9/day) Surge(Su): You can call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll. Recuperation(Ex): At 3rd tier, you are restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day. Champion’s Strike
Fool's Errand:
Legendary Sword(Minor Artifact) Alignment NE Senses 30' Intelligence 18, Wisdom 14, Charisma 10, Ego 28 Languages Speech (Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal) Intelligent(3), Foe-biting, Powerful, Undetectable, Legendary Power 4/4 Legendary Surge (1d8), Weapon Attack Rolls/CMB Spell Like Abilities(Cl 6th) Gallant Inspiration 3/3 Good Hope 3/3 Difficult to Destroy An artifact can't be destroyed by normal means. Though a minor artifact has hit points and can be broken, it can't be destroyed by taking additional hit point damage.
Fool's Errand is an intelligent +5 Adamantine Ghost Touch Falchion that was gifted to Agash by Szuriel, The Horseman of War. The weapon was a two fold gift for it was a mocking thing, every chance it got it would remind Agash of how foolish he was 4000 years ago. At the same time it would use this to help him stay on the path and not make the same mistakes again..
How it is Destroyed:
Once the powerful angel Zuzel, Agash was foolish and thought he could take on the entire daemonic horde. The result for this action was 4000 years of torture and the slow transformation into what he is today.. Fool's Errand is a direct mockery of this and as such has a very unique method to destroy it. If the sword is ever clamied by an Angel and used to kill Agash, the weapon and the wielding Angel are immediately and utterly destroyed.. Of coarse the sword would attempt to circumvent it's destruction by dominating any angelic being attempting to do so.