Wei wears his hair long around a narrow face. He is slightly shorter than an average human, partially due to his youth and partially due to less-than-robust nourishment as a child. His skin is tanned from days spent in the temple sparring grounds.
Wei hails from the Shen Feng Tang (trans: Wind God Hall) monastery in the Wall of Heaven, though his inability to master his ki led to much frustration and criticism from his masters. Unbeknown to all, Wei bears the blood of empyreal beings in his blood, and his inability to master ki is in fact due to his mistaking his latent sorcerous powers for the ki energy his masters sought to teach him to harness.
Eventually, Wei's frustrations with his training led him to leave the monastery at the age of 15 for the town of Goka, where he served for a time as a guardsman for about a year. During that time, he rounded out his training by practicing the use of weaponry more commonly used by those untrained in the martial arts. An unfortunate encounter with some of his former brothers at the monastery however caused him to feel some shame at what his former brothers called his "weakness" and "abandonment of the martial arts". Slightly embittered by the encoutner and reluctant to repeat the incident, Wei rashly decided to join up with the crew of the first ship out of port that he could find. As it turned out, the ship was bound for Golarion, for whilst the captain had been hired to deliver a particularly valuable shipment that year, he was by trade a mercenary who operated predominantly in the pirate-infested River Kingdoms. Thus Wei came to spend the 5 years of his life as a mercenary-sailor, practicing and perfecting his uncommon blend of martial arts and weapon-combat on the decks of his captain's ship.
Eventually, however, Wei tired of the dishonourable conduct that he was surrounded by, and homesickness quickly crept in. And though he was still reluctant to return to Goka, he still longed to experience some of the culture of the home of his birth. A few years later, when his captain took on another of his relatively infrequent voyages to a far-off port, Wei chanced upon some members of the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge. His homesickness quickly took over, and he quickly sought to join their company, though he has kept his leaving of his monastery a secret from them. Thus it came to pass that the sailor-monk came to join the Pathfinders, and his adventuring days truly began.