Mutant Power:
Secret Society: Anti-Mutant (Rank 2)
Secret Skills: Mutant Power Studies 6, Pop Culture Trivia 14, Propaganda 10
Beliefs: Eliminate mutant powers. Re-establish
pure-strain humans as the dominant force
in society. An evil, monolithic conspiracy of
mutants seeks to destroy true humans and
impose a mutant dictatorship. If mutants are
not destroyed, three-armed green-tendriled
monstrosities will take over! With their fantastic
mental powers, they may be warping your mind
and playing with your emotions even now! Kill
any mutant, anywhere, any time. Just because
a mutant has registered with The Computer is
no reason to spare his life. Any deviation from
the human norm is suspect. Anyone who even
looks at you cross-eyed is probably trying to
control your mind. Mutants are evil! Mutants
are foul! Kill all mutants!
Friends: Humanists
Enemies: Psion
Recognition signal: The first member
makes the ‘antennae’ symbol (wiggles two
fi ngers above his head). The second member
responds with a slooow cutting motion across
the throat.
Advancement: For executing mutants or
uncovering evidence of mutation.
Special rules: He should only denounce or execute a citizen with a mutant power if he has actual, incontrovertible proof the mutant power exists.
See Chapter 30, ‘Treason and correction,’ for
a discussion of evidence standards.
Anti-Mutant is generally loyal to The
Computer, and is in fact heavily infiltrated
by Internal Security. The society does have
access to wealthy patrons, and The Computer
(through its Internal Security agents) may
support society missions in keeping with its
own objectives. Expensive and exotic, but
generally legal, equipment is often available
through the society.
The society also maintains detailed records
on all mutations and on those who are
suspected of having mutations. However,
much of this is inaccurate and derives from
Old Reckoning comic books. The rival secret
society Psion makes forays into Anti-Mutant
strongholds to destroy actual data about mutant
Personal Goals: Though you yourself are a mutant, you see your powers as a blessing because they allow you to detect other mutants and thus destroy them. You suspect that at least one member of your team might be a mutant, and your plan is to quickly figure out who your enemies are, so that you can start destroying them as soon as you get the chance. Of course proving one of your team mates is a mutant without revealing that you are a mutant is challenging, so if you can manage to do this you may have to start finding sneaky ways to wipe em out.
You support The Computer and will do what you can to see to the success of any mission the Computer sends you on.
As part of your job in News Services you specialize in spreading anti-mutant propoganda, and you will do so whenever possible.