100 5/5 Oil, Alchemists fire (d6 fire damage on a 10' ranged touch attack, or one target of Burning Hands or Fireball catches fire)
5/5 Black power (+1 damage on evocation spells that deal energy damage)
20 5/5 Moondew (+1 ECL on divination spells)
60 20/20 Saltpeter (+1 damage on fire spells)
3 6/6 Spirits of wine (+1 ECL on duration of summoning spells)
30 6/6 Alchemical grease (+2 on CMD against grappling, or +1 on Grease spell DC)
80 2/2 Incendiary catalyst (throw as a ranged touch attack, gives vulnerability to fire for 1 round)
25 1/1 Liquid ice (power component, +1 damage on Ray of Frost)
30 1/1 Peptus salix (get another save against the nauseated or sickened conditions)
60 1/1 Itching powder (DC 12 fort save or -2 on attack rolls and saves)
100 4/4 Tanglefoot bags (DC 15 Reflex save or be glued)
90 3/3 Meditation tea (+2 vs mind-affecting effects for 10 minutes, or give another save at +2 if already affected)
100 2/2 Twilight Dagger herb (+1 ECL to overcome SR)
10 2/2 Dreamer's Star (makes a tea that allows the effects of 8 hours of sleep in just 6)
total 698 gp