
Waldus Reuben's page

No posts. Alias of BinkyBo.

About Waldus Reuben

NG Human Slayer (Bounty Hunter)
Init+4; Per+4

Str 13 ... AC 16, tch 14, ff 12 (+2armor, +4dex)
Dex 18 .. HP 11
Con 12 .. BAB+1
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 12

CMB+2, CMD 16; Move 30'
Fort+3, Ref+6 , Will+0

Net (10' reach)
Aklys +5(1d6+1) B
Machete +5(1d6+1/19-20x2) S
Boarding Axe +5(1d6+1/x3) P or S
Aklys +5(1d6+1) + trip d20+4, 20' max range


Weapon Finesse
Net Adept You can treat a net as a one-handed melee reach weapon with a
10-foot reach. Further, you take no penalty on melee attack rolls for
using an unfolded net, and you can use one full-round action or two
move actions to fold a net.

Survivalist (trait) You gain a +5 trait bonus on all Survival skill
checks made to get along in the wild, travel in severe weather, keep
from getting lost, or predict the weather.

Seasoned Hunter (campaign trait) +1 to hit animals

Skills and Languages:

7+1+1+2(+2 background skills)
+8 Acrobatics 1(+3,+4)
+5 Bluff 1(+3,+1)
+5 Climb 1(+3,+1)
+5 Craft(weapons) 1(+3,+1)
+5 Knowledge(dungeoneering) 1(+3,+1)
+5 Knowledge(geography) 1(+3,+1)
+5 Knowledge(local) 1(+3,+1)
+5 Knowledge(nature) 1(+3,+1)
+4 Perception 1(+3,+0)
+4 Sense Motive 1(+3,+0)
+8 Stealth 1(+3,+4)
+4 Survival 1(+3,+0) (+5 to get along in wild+)(+1 to track)
+5 Swim 1(+3,+1)
Common, Polyglot, Orc.
Class Abilities:

Studied Target
A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer
then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive,
and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on
weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class
abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only
maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses
remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer
studies a new target.

Add half class level (+1 minimum)

Worn Gear (31.5 lbs) Leather armor, Net, Aklys, Machete, Traveler's Garb,
Canteen, compass.

Masterwork Backpack (48 lbs) bedroll, blanket, 50' silk rope, rations (6),
waterproof hooded lantern, boarding axe, lamp oil (4), flint and steel,
cooking kit.

gear cost/weight:
-/5 traveler's outfit
10/15 armor
10/2 machete
5/2 aklys
20/6 net
2/1 canteen
10/.5 compass

50/4 mwk backpack
6sp/8 bedroll blanket
10/5 silk rope
3/16 cooking kit
1/- flint and steel
4sp/4 lamp oil
3/6 trail rations
6/3 boarding axe
12/2 waterproof hooded lantern

142gp /79.5lb