
Waffle_Neutral's page

Organized Play Member. 155 posts (168 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

The Exchange

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The best skeletons are bloody, burning kitten (young cat familiars) skeletons. They move at a speed of 40. They are diminutive, so you can fit a bunch of them in a single square. They never have to hit anything, they just have to move next to a creature, and, when it's turn starts, it take 1d6 points of fire damage per kitten. If it attacks and gets killed, it explodes for another d6 fire damage, but that's no big deal because it's also bloody and will come back to unlife in an hour.

For regular animate dead, they cost four 25gp onyx gems to make, but only have 1 hit die each, so you can control 4 times your level worth of them. So a level 5 cleric can spend 2,000gp on a pride of 20 bloody, burning kitten skeletons and command them to stand next to a creature and do 20d6 fire damage with no save every round.

The Exchange

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Here's the text for the Double Property.


Double: You can use a double weapon to fight as if

fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the
normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two
weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon
and a light weapon. A double weapon can be wielded as
a one-handed weapon
, but it cannot be used as a double
weapon when wielded in this way—only one end of the
weapon can be used in any given round.

All double weapons are listed under two-handed weapons, but they can all be used as a one-handed weapon. One of the defining characteristics of one-handed weapons is that they can used with one hand.

The Exchange

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I would give the rogue a limited selection of spells (mostly enchantment and illusion stuff) and I would give bard sneak attack dice.

The Exchange

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Lord Fyre wrote:

By the way: the "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" quote is a logica falicy.

If one has "Absolute Power," then it is impossible to be corrupt, because nothing is forbidden.

Doesn't that just prove it, though? If all the things that were once forbidden become possible for a man, then that man has been corrupted, changed or warped, from what he was before.

If a paladin sees raping and murdering innocent villagers as something that he could possibly do, he is corrupted. Now I'm not talking about him thinking it is possible that someday a wizard will cast dominate person on him and force him to. He thinks he could do it, because he believes he has absolute power and there is no higher authority to stop him.

The Exchange

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David Thomassen wrote:
I would say no, it cannot use the wand as it cannot speak Monkey - no language. Wait for improved Familiar

But it can speak a in a secret language with its master. Maybe this language is made up entirely of spell trigger words.

The Exchange

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Curse someone with horrible remorse for taking a life. If he kills someone he must spend his next round nauseated and the round after that sickened.

The Exchange

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It's too bad that this game doesn't have a real, live, human referee with a brain managing each session to determine when to call for skill checks.

The Exchange

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

No. For creatures with 10 feet of reach there's a specific exception for the distance rules. No Limburger cheese for you.

A large-sized creature would not have this problem, but I'm more worried about the medium-sized spearman.