Vulpae's page
Organized Play Member. 108 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
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I have the core world for my fantasy setting, known as Aneraph. But the galaxy, and the nearby starsystems, are occupied by various worlds as well. I've got five other planets with fully developed life, as opposed to planets like Eox, that blasted off their own atmosphere during a mage war which I outright copied from Golarion's solar system. I would like help fleshing these worlds out with nations, civilizations, races, religions, and more.
It's used for Pathfinder and GURPS mostly.
The Galaxy of Anuld: Set on the prime materal plane Anuld is home to the last two surviving Primordials, Creation and Oblivion, aside from The Creator (benevolent overgod of fate) they are the oldest beings in existance. While the rest of the primordials killed each other off at the beginning of time, with the death of the Time primordial itself creating linear history within the prime materal plane, these two had a moment of stockhold syndrome, and unable to kill each other, fell in love. They reside at the center of the galaxy, and their "star forge" gives birth to new solar systems in addtion to those that form naturally. (Which is why there are many more habitable systems close to each other.)
Aneraph: is the prime planet belonging to the central solar system, of a cluster near the starforge. It is protected from the forge by a shield wall of dead planets, meteorites, and black holes on the "western side" of the cluster. It's already developed my me as a fantasy world with dead civilizations layered underneath the crust stretching back billions of years, so the Underdark is actually layers of ruins and caverns.
The Planes: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Positive, and Negitive, with their overlaping planes (ooze, magma, lightning, and so forth) are the inner planes. With various afterlives, odd realms, and the massive Asteral plane, as the outer plane. The etheral plane, and the Fae Realm, are out of phase with the materal world, but can be reached via magic, if the stars are right, ect. Anything summoned from the planes to a world is subject to the laws of the materal plane. (This is why you can kill elementals, demons, archons, ect.)
The five nearby system prime worlds: I want help developing ideas for various cultures, factions, nations, warlords, ect. I'm giving you premission to go crazy and create fluff.
Quasslam:A world where magic is used for everything. I got the idea from a player who continuiously created magical items to min-max himself and make money. Magic is everything, and it has created a rapid magic based economy where a Mage Guild is the equivilent of a cyberpunk Mega Corp in power. However many mages have become vapid, self-important, and shallow, and non-magical innivation has gone down the crapper. Why develop warm clothing when you can enchant endure elements on this weeks most popular dress?
Cereaph: At first a joke planet, and partly to taunt a player with a psycotic lesbian gnome, who went looking for an "amazon world" it became a real world. Cereaph is a world of tall amazonian women, all humanoids on seraph are female as the result of a million year breeding program of an elder civilization. It came to the conclusions that women were superior to men, just as real life greeks & romans believed in somthing simmilar5 for men. This civilization stumbled upon the concept of "eugenics" from studying noble bloodlines, and paired it with magic. Thus all of the major humanoids are "perfect" women. Dwarves were destroyed in the ensuing subtle conflicts. However the planetwide belief in prefection lives on after the civilization itself fell. They have mastered art, bronze, and magic, but their civilizations are extremely conservitive, and have a strong sense of Civic pride.
Duazzo: The Yang to Cereaph's Ying, and again, because I wanted to fustrate a lesbian gnome and her lewd player. Durazzo is an all male world. A demon lord of fertility & disease tried to destroy it by creating a pathogen that damaged the female cromozone. Thus rendering all humanoid women infertile or stillborn within a few generations. There's an elaborate return to nature idology behind it, but that's not important. Druids and other primal faiths did not survive the ensuing fallout. But the people of Durazzo survived via a simmilar magical proccess used on Cereaph. The planet is the only one of the five to have undergone an industrial revoloution due in large part to a lack of population for a long time, making it slightly steampunk in flavor. Religion and Knightly Chivalry still play a major roll on this world, due to their involvement in destroying the demonic hordes.
Bawia: a world ruled by two massive states, and their puppets, it originated from the idea "if China and Rome became superpowers and the parthians and persians weren't in the way." The Empire of Silver in the west and the Imperial Tribune States in the east are largely made up of fudal states and warlords that answer to powerful emperor. War is incessent, but neither side can triumph due to the sheer size of the other.
Geruth: a world where savagery triumphed, where life is short, hard, and stubborn. Humanoids live in tribes, small nomadic states, and occasionally city states. Geruth is trapped by it's own barbaric nature and lack of pack animals (no horses...). The worst aspects of primitive religions run free here, druids commit blood sacrifice to bless crops, priests tear hearts out on altars and commune with their gods using drugs. Wizards and sorcerers are almost unheard of, even written language is rare.
Additional note: Bonus points for creating and naming dead worlds.
Drama Avoidance Disclaimer: Some places this would cause a flame war and odd accusations with two mono-gender planets. especally with Ceraph having a bit of sexisim in it's past. Some of my players would start cracking heads if I used males. So by putting it on an amazonian style planet it is a way to explore, talk about, and confront with an uncomfortable topic. Without invoking the "it's evil, smash it in the face" reflex right away.
Please don't flame. It's not about politics, it's about telling a good story.
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I've run them a few times, and think I should put up the race itself to the lashings, and odd thinking of the internet. Tell me what you think, and critique away.
Shoray are cute little sheep-like humanoids that are industrious, harmonious, and organized. They are somewhat childlike in nature and personality, but smart.
Size: Medium (Average around 5'1)
+2 Con +2 Chr
Trusting: -4 to sense motive
Team Players: If a shoray has a teamwork feat, all other shoary count as if they also possess that teamwork feat if they would gain a benefit at that time. (IE: even if he doesn't have the feat for it, a shoray fighter gives the shoary rouge his teamwork flanking bonus, and gets the bonus himself. But ONLY if he's in the right position.)
Shoray gain a +4 assistance bonus, instead of a +2, if given by another shoray.
Musical: Shoray gain a +1 to caster level if using the Maestro Bloodline. They also gain double bonus from musical morale effects, such as a bard.
Favored classes Bard & sorcerer
Background: Created on the world of Quassliam as a race of harmonious servants, Shoray were taken and put into a pocket plane for the "Unblananced things" of the multiverse by an old, now extinct pantheon. They were freed by a group of planes traveling adventurers, and have grown from a small minority, to a major race across the south-lands in recent years.
Shoray share many values with Halflings & Dwarves, food, hearth, family. But are a builder race that are constantly seeking new lands, and new things to do. They are incredibly social among themselves, friendly and warm around others. If this sounds like a race too nice to survive, you would've been right. But years in the "rejected world" have hardened them as a race of survivors. Shoray work in perfect harmony, and this is never more evident than when forced to defend themselves.
Shories love stories and song, there is nothing they like better.
Funfact: on their birthday shoray give little presents rather than receive them.
Psychology: "like being lobotomized with sugar packets" according to a wizard turned into one. On a subconscious level Shoray are naturally trusting, open with both themselves, and others. They have an almost childlike glee, and love life.
Creator note: I overheard some goths at Mc Donalds griping about how "the whole world is filled with sheeple" and the idea developed into a cute race of promiscuous, expansionist, genuinely compassionate conformists. Giving them a slightly creepy Disney cheery vibe, with musicals and everything. The players are tense and waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it never will.
I am playing one in a recent game, and after failing his spellcraft to identify and cure stat drain spell, Abel tried to "hug the stupids away" until the cleric regained his mental stats.
Let's Start at the beginning, with a new person adding to the world's lore with each post, no matter how small.
I do however request that nobody "Wreck" the world on a nightly basis, or smash other people's ideas outright. (IE: someone writes up a greatly detailed republic and another guy jumps in and says it all exploded because a goblin picked his nose and accidently used the wish ring he got off a dead adventurer.)
I will start it off:
At the beginning there were The Primordials, Elder beings of immense power, their origins and the reason for their conflict are lost to history. But in the formless void the Primordials fought each other in a savage contest of wills and physical strengh. Life fought Death, Sky fought Land, and all fought all in a massive battle royal. Their true names are lost to time, and so they are referenced by what they created.
It was in this conflict that the multiverse was created.
From the broken bones of Land came mountians, from blood of water came the seas, from the howls of lightning came thunder, and so on.
In the shadow of these primordals were the old ones, created from the carnage, born of malice and cold rage. Scurrying insects crushed by the battles of the Primordials often before they could build hovels to hide.
In the end, few remained, and the matter and energy of the dead gave form to existance. This is why the world is so violent, and the idea of slaughtering fifty orc warriors does not traumatize the party fighter, though killing their kids will.
Only two Primordials survived, Creation and Oblivion. During that long brutal war, the two of them fought for long enough to realize the futility of their struggle, and instead fell head over heels in love with each other over the billions of years spent togeather.
It was they who gave birth the first deity, who, like them, was inscrutable and incomprehensible, yet also a being of benovlence who answered the prayers of the first mortals.
Some say he is dead, replaced by more modern faiths, others that The Firstborn is still there in the twilight wind, and motions of the heavens, still weaving fate, and ensuring those who rise in time of crisis do.
The two lovers continue to make love in the center of the materal world. Our world lies closest to where the two exist, always hidden behind the light of the great celestrial objects, the sun, and at night, they part from their shared bed, and hide behind the moons.
(this was inspired by greek & egyptian creation mythology, with a bit of baha'i and Lovecraft thrown in there for good measure)
I built a large cavlier, and it turns out there are no creatures he can ride.
Is there ANY mount he can ride.
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A recent game being run in our game shop is "Down" which is an adventure in the abyss by a GM who has been playing since 1st edition, and is using planescape as a base.
We are using a form of gestalt class rules that is working very well.
We only discovered this AFTER the first chapter was done.
I am playing a paladin/ranger named Null, who is an advanced Fawn and comes from a drudic culture. I won't bore you with the details of the complicated mother son relationship in his backstory, but suffice to say he's a damn cool hero. especally against boss monsters where he can smite evil and use his dual weapons to inflict multi-smites in a single round.
We were called upon to save our world, as wierd apocolptic stuff was starting to happen, fields of grain turning into quasits, buildings imploding, ect. The guy who had the knowlage of how to do so was shot before he could reveal the plan (arrows of human slaying X.X ) and we were forced to try and figure things out.
We succedded in stopping a horde of demons from being unleashed and conquering our world, suprisingly some nasty creatures called oberiths were going to destroy it anyway. The demons planned to save the world, and enslave it...
We had no idea because the seer who fortold how to save the world had the curse babble, opposate of tounges, and nobody but a Chaositic can understand babble. (the loon assassinated was the chaositic translator, without him, nobody could understand her.)
The Oberiths marked the party for their "help" and because they did so, they wound up going to the abyss, and spending 250 years as magoty things....
A group of demons decided it'd be fun to fish them out, and try them for "crimes against the abyss" Null accepted the accusations, "guilty as virtue" was tossed around, then the group was kicked into the abyssal landscape. because Null was "gulty" they took his stuff.
Dispite all this he remained innocent, never broke the paladin's code, and remained a bastion Honesty, Chivalry, and Good. So he's the only unfallen paladin to ever wash up in the abyss.
As the DM kinda hinted at "Null is now an anaomly in the multiversal system, weather that's a good or bad thing remains to be seen."
So whadda ya'all think?
I'll post updates as they happen.
first the Rules I'vde been experimenting with.
It BURNS!: elemental damage is not simply energy, but as affects the enviroment around it if the damage overcomes the objects hardness it is affected.
Magical items are far more resistant, and in other cases totally unaffected. for example red dragon hide armor is totally unaffected by fire... the guy inside still gets roasted unless it's enchanted, but the armor is fine.
Fire: if the object is flammable it will catch fire, and the fire can spread to other unattended objects.
Acid: object is melted, gains broken condition.
Ice: object becomes brittle break DC is decreased
Electric: see fire if it's flamable, see acid if it's conductive metal.
Negitive: object rots, see acid.
Positive: it never came up
Impact: if damage with a blunt weapon is over 20 points a check of CMB VS CMD is made, if the attacker succeeds the enemy is knocked back five feet + 5 for every additional 10 damage
Bleeding: if damage with a bladed weapon is over twenty the target begins bleeding out at 1 hp per a round + 1 for every additonal 10 damage. Note: this can be stopped with a heal check DC 15 + 5 per point of bleed or magical healing
Pinpoint: with a peircing weapon all attacks made to target limbs, vital points, etc. gain a +5 to hit and only need to deal half the damage usually required.
Homebrew Race: The Aval
I've mentioned them before, but my players wound up unleashing a number of freakish owlbear style hybrids. I liked the look of the aval that I kept developing them. creating a race of half-abberant dwellers amid the dark tapestry. whose nomadic ships explore the infinite black, and for normalo humanoids act as isles of sanity amid the stars.
I still need to assign them a CR or hit dice before I can use them.
Background: The Aval were once human, a group of mages turned skyward as a drifting Elder god was approaching their planet, this advanced civilization used magic to adapt their people for travel through the void, and thus escape it's notice. To this end they used the Akata (an abberation well known for it's ability to survive it's homeworld's distruction) as a template. in mid experiment the Elder god passed close, the madness warped destroyed the planet and scattered them across the stars much like the Akata they resemble.
The Aval have since grown into the role of preservers, protectors, and warrior scholars amid the void.
they trade with the City of Leng, Battle Moonbeasts and their black galleys, and lend a hand to developing primitive worlds, having a perticular soft spot for humans.
Stats: +2 Wisdom +2 Str -2 Chr Wise and Strong, but their abberant origin makes them awakward when dealing with more normal races.
Breathless: Aval do not need to breathe, though they can speak in atmosphere the lungs are not a life sustaining organ.
Energy Resistance 5-pts
Irepairably Sane: mind affecting spells such as symbol of insanity, confusion, etc have no affect on Aval. and have a +4 save against spells like Charm, & Suggestion, etc.
Favored Class: monk
Unique weapons:
Star thrower: a gun like weapon that launches ceramic blades.
1d6 S Range 130ft Reload- move action Clip holds five.
Aval female warrior
Aval Male engineer, less cool looking but makes the point
this is my first thread.
I'm working on actually going to other planets in Golarion's Solar System, letting players explore them.
more importantly I want to make a few level 0 abberant humanoids mentioned the books and one I homebrewed available.
So far I've got the Aval, my own addition to my players "Accidental" addition. I have pictures done by my sister who has artictic talent (for a price) but have to upload them
"Created in Numeria by one of the beings in the silver mount and released onto Golarion The Aval are a combining of the unnatural Akata and a human spliced into a single being. The Patriarch as the first Aval was called Left Golarion bringing his few offspring with him. since then they've become Nomadic traders and explorers in the dark Tapestry beyond the Solar System where time and space warp and bend. Now they've returned to the cradle of their birth, the small exporation fleet seeking the mysteries of Golarian's Solar System."
that's the discription I've got so far.
to be honest the Aval's role in the solar system is simmilar to a combination of the flumph from beastary 3 (didn't like the look and wussyness way back when, don't like it now.) and the Gethzari from Planescape.
their stats so far (in making them playable) are
+2 Wisdom they tend to be thinkers and philophiers
-2 Chrisma but being half abberant their minds are slightly cracked making interpersional relations a hassle.
DR 5/physical (they ignore the first 5 points of all elemental damage, but physical damage gets right through)
Does not need to Breathe, can breathe, but it is not a life sustaining function.
I'll upload the pictures tomorrow as it's being a pain tonight.
few of the abberant races have been touched on or even exist in a playable fashon.
I'd like to hear some advice about how to run somthing like this, and any custom races the people here have up their sleaves.