The Cinderlander

Vladicu's page

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Response to 'why not'?

1. How much do you get paid an hour for screening hypens?

2. Paizo the publisher should change its name to avoid the charge of tasteless crass piggy back.

You see, at best for the Christian you'd have Christian paizo plus something else. Most would stop there. Some don't. I say the game is good without the appropriation of the Christian, which already honors the term, can never be a game, and functions poorly as in not at all regards being an anchor especially if not declared by the person/group/or publisher piggy backing on its core term.

at best for the Christian you'd have Christian paizo plus something else. Most would stop there. Some don't. I say the game is good without the appropriation of the Christian, which already honors the term, can never be a game, and functions poorly as in not at all regards being an anchor especially if not declared by the person/group/or publisher piggy backing on its core term. Thus, you could say, I'm a Christian and I play D&D and I'm damn good at both.
Bob Bledsaw Sr, both Judges Guild founder and member of the Church of the Nazarene (impaled by Death Metal, of course, or otherwise), certainly did both and on all accounts to excellence regards both endeavors.

But you can't say, I'm a Christian and I support this tamer D&D paizo. Not in game (as in pluck) terms. Not in current form as a piggy backed term with a coupling you can't get around. Such support amounts to a devaluing gold armor for bronze exchange experience for the Christian, which the Iliad itself and in more general and famous fashion rudely relays - Glaucus & Diomedes Book VI. Educated: Paizo the publisher knows this, and guess what, there they are...

In contrast, the band, Black Sabbath, doesn't even require such chinse as entry fee. Thus, there's better D&D out there. The adult kind. Clark Peterson saw my Savage Wilderlands art show, for example. It married world class art from across the gamut of fantasy, magical realism, and others both old and new tightly and with passion to theWilderlands Players Guide. This turned out to be frankly quite disturbing. Yes, yes, yes. At any price, trade, or rate, I'm not playing with anything less - it's called exquisite taste.

But you can't say, I'm a Christian and I support paizo. Not in game terms. Not in current form as a piggy backed term with a coupling you can't get around. Such support amounts to a devaluing gold armor for bronze exchange experience for the Christian, which the Iliad itself and in more general and famous fashion rudely relays - Glaucus & Diomedes Book VI. Educated: Paizo the publisher knows this, and guess what, there they are...

In contrast, the band, Black Sabbath, doesn't even require such chinse as entry fee. Thus, there's better D&D out there. The adult kind. Clark Peterson saw my Savage Wilderlands art show, for example. It married world class art from across the gamut of fantasy, magical realism, and others both old and new tightly and with passion to theWilderlands Players Guide. This turned out to be frankly quite disturbing. Yes, yes, yes. At any price, trade, or rate, I'm not playing with anything less - it's called the pursuit of exquisite taste.

Now imagine, me a Christian, sharing paizo with you. It ain't gonna happen. On the other hand, are you a googler or someone who contemplates googol? Are you a game player or a gamer? Thus, (and vastly, truly, the moreso) if you, Paizo the Publisher, change your name, all good will surely then will flow to you and yours. And yes, at the end of the day, this is a fiscal argument, a business argument meant to be in your favor - you conceded f~&!s.

Or, rather - why not a contest to select a better name for the Publisher? Winner gets 1 year subscription to Pathfinder (this doesn't need to change) AP of his or her choice, eh?

I've been giving Wilderlands' City State of the World Emperor some thought. It is arguably the baddest city around. If the original materials - the shops etc are available, link them to the master map. Then steal what seems useful in terms of flavor from Ptolus - much excellent material can be incorporated in this way as has been suggested on these forums regards Korsova, Cauldron, or any city for that matter. But then...

Why not Paizo's Curse of the Crimson Throne to inact the events that will occur if the Green Emperor dies? Sure, it would be Curse of the Emerald Throne, but Emperor's concubine (or queen, I can't remember original write up) could easily take the place of the queen of Korsova in the adventure path. Augment and change for locale and you would have mechanism worthy of driving the finest and greatest of all cities in the Wilderlands.