About Violant AuroriViolant Aurori
Str 10 (+0), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 16 (+3)
(0 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 10 = 25, +2 Wis as a Human bonus) Combat
HP: 16 (+2 Con, +6 base), AC: 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex), Spd 20 ft., Init +1, Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5, BAB +0, Grapple +0, Atk: +0 Dagger (1d4 P, 19-20/x2 crit, 10 ft. range), +1 thrown Dagger (1d4 P) Racial abilities
+2 Wisdom, Favored Class Cleric, 1 bonus feat, +1 skill point per level Class Abilities
bonus proficiency with Whip, Channel positive energy 7/day, Domains (Luck (Bit of Luck - touch a willing target as a standard action and for the next round, they roll twice for each d20 roll and pick the best result, up to 6/day), Trickery (Copy Cat, move action to create 1 mirror image for 1 round / level, no more than 1 image can be in existence at a time, up to 6/day) Feats
Endurance (B), Additional Traits (B), Selective Channeling Traits
Looking for Work (+1 to Perform checks, always a class skill), Charming (+1 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks against those who might be sexually attracted to her, +1 save DC of any language-dependent spell she casts on someone who might be attracted to her), Minor Magics (You can cast prestidigitation a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once) at your character level), Exalted of the Society (channel energy +1 time / day) Languages and Skills
Languages: Varisian, Common (Taldane)
Skills (2 (class), +1 (human), +1 (Int), +1 (favored class)): Bluff (Cha, cross-class) 0 (+3, +4 vs. those who might be attracted to her) Craft (Int, alchemy) 0 (-), Diplomacy 1 (Cha, +7, +8 vs. those who might attracted to her), Heal (Wis) 1 (+7), Knowledge (arcane) 0 (Int, -), Knowledge (history) 0 (Int, -), Knowledge (religion) 1 (Int, +5), Knowledge (the planes) 0 (Int, -), Perception 1 (Wis, +7), Perform (exotic dance) 1 (Cha, +8 including Trait bonus), Profession (Wis, -) 0 (-), Sense Motive (Wis, cross-class) 0 (+3), Spellcraft (Int) 0 (+1) Spells
0 (3) – Guidance, Detect Magic, Light
1st (1+1) – True Strike*, Command (Will DC 15) x2 Equipment
3 Daggers (6 gp, 3 lbs), Chain Shirt (+4 armor, 100 gp, 25 lbs, +4 MDB, -2 ACP, 20% ASF), heavy wooden shield (7 gp, +2 shield bonus, -2 ACP, 10 lbs), Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs), Rations x5 (2.5 gp, 5 lbs), Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs), Flint & Steel (1 gp, -), Signal Whistle (8 sp, -), Belt Pouch (1 gp, ½ lb), wooden holy symbol (1 gp, -) Encumbrance and Cash spent
Encumberance: (Lt 33 lbs, Med 34-66 lbs, Hvy 67-100 lbs), 54.5 lbs carried
Cash Spent: 122.4 gp, Cash Remaining: 117 gp, 6 sp 'Day Job check': Perform (dancer) +8 XP / gold Gained this adventure: +12 gp, +40 gold tokens (that need to be cashed in) History
Violant grew up on the streets of Magnimar, where she worked as a street performer for an old man who called himself her uncle. She was dance provocatively, while another child working for him would steal purses from those distracted by her salacious moves. While primarily of Taldane parentage, so far as she knows, she played up the mysterious Varisian gypsy angle, dying her hair and wearing brightly colored scarves and loose-fitting clothing that whipped around her slim body as she danced. Her 'uncle,' who was Varisian, taught her the language so that she could sing or chant along with her energetic dances. Still, such a life is hardly safe, and when a frustrated mark decided to take what he felt he was being promised, she found herself on the run, her young 'brother' cut down by the brute in a vain attempt to stop this assault on her person. She fled during the all-too brief struggle, and found herself colliding with a priestess of Calistria who was leaving the city for Riddleport. Just ahead of her pursuer, she fell to the ground sobbing, only to see the statuesque half-elven woman in front of her mutter some words and then strike her attacker dead with a slap to the face that seemed to fill his body with deadly venom, leaving him bloated and purple, screaming his last. Enamored of this power, Violant (a Varisian-sounding name chosen by her 'uncle,' she has no idea what her given name was, with her last name, Aurori, being evocative of the signature scarves of yellow silk that she always wears) begged to be travel with this powerful woman, serving her in whatever capacity she wished, if only she could learn her ways. Life in Riddleport was a far different thing. In Magnimar, it was conceivable that work like hers could have not ended in tragedy, but in Riddleport, she soon learned to 'keep her light under a bushel,' and dress more modestly (even purchasing a suit of fine chain, with her wages). Still, she served for a year in Riddleport and another year in Oppara, before being judged ready for the duties of an Acolyte, and after a year of advanced training, now in Absalom, ever at the beck and call of her wandering mistress, has finally been released 'on her own recognizance' to learn of the world and further the aims of the temple of Calistria. Her sensual nature has carried over into her faith, such that when she channels energy, it causes blood to rush through those healed, washing through them like a rush of carnal pleasure, which has proven to be a bit of a mixed blessing in mixed company... She learned soon enough that her matron was a member of the Pathfinder Society, and travelled in the company of others such as herself. Through study with one of her matron's constant companions, a crotchety old wizard, she learned the smallest tricks of prestidigitation, and from ancient holy texts that her matron left lying about (for her to benefit from, she knew all too well), she learned secrets of the channeler's art beyond her own means. In her travels from Magnimar to Riddleport to Oppara to Absalom, she felt like every place had a thing to teach her, and she is eager to find out what sort of things great Absalom has yet to show her. But, the most important less she learned from matron Maeve, was to surround oneself with strong hands and clever minds, to never again find herself alone and running from danger. She knows quite well that a young woman of her talents could secure a husband, and 'retire' to a life of gossip and household maintenance and child-bearing, but she has seen too much of this world, and there is too much yet to see, and so she will find not a single man, but a pack of them, and live a life of adventure instead. Advancement plan
Pick up Diehard feat at 3rd and Toughness feat at 6th. Turn Outsider (evil) or Improved Turning or Extra Turning at 9th?
Add +1 Dex at 4th, then +1 Wisdom for 8th, 12th, etc. A Day in the Life
She’d had a lump in her throat all day, knowing that this was the big day, when she would leave her studies in the House of Silken Veils to seek her own fortunes.
Truthfully, the woman she thought of as her savior had shown great patience with her, as she’d completed her acolyte’s studies weeks before, and had been dithering around the temple, instead of finding her own way in the world. Their last ‘discussion’ on the topic had been… final, and Violant knew that she had pressed her foster-mother’s patience to the breaking point, clutching to her skirts like a frightened child. So now she wove through the familiar streets to the wharfs, wrapped up against the air in the morning shadows, not yet warmed by the touch of the sun. Som was at her side, and she had not the heart to explain to the simple half-orc that this would be the last day they worked together, because it would break her to see the intimidating brute start crying. She smiled slightly as he babbled alongside her, pointing out gulls circling, as if he hadn’t seen such a thousand times before, and found it wondrous every time how they hung in the sky like that. A few of the working girls at the temple would have picked one of the less intimidating, more human-looking, of the protectors to watch over them and make sure that their clients didn’t get out of hand, but Som was the one who was most fiercely protective of ‘his girls,’ and too much a child in mind for his own needs to ever become onerous. It was the first bit of good advice that her foster mother had given her when they arrived from Oppara, to choose Som as protector whenever possible. Counsel beyond price, it turned out to be, as some sailors weren’t interested in waiting until they got to the House of Silken Veils, but would instead grab at the enticing ‘sample’ dancing before the signs. But they never made a second grab, not after Som was finished with them. They’d found a decent spot on the wharves, out of the way of the dock-workers, some of whom whistled and clapped to see her taking up station in their area, and Som set down the sturdy crate he’d brought with him, and offered his meaty hand to her like a bashful gentleman. She ascended the crate and began swaying slightly, yellow scarves billowing around her slim figure as she stretched her neck and limbs, loosening up for the day’s exertions. Som had pulled the large shield off of his back that served as a billboard for the House of Silken Veils, and set it down in front of the crate to let the new sailors coming down their piers know where they could find respite in Riddleport. Within a matter of moments, a couple of young children had staked out position near Som (but out of reach of his irritated swats), ready to take copper coins to lead anyone attracted to Violant’s dancing to the House of Silken Veils. It was an hour before the first ship came in, and she considered it a good omen that she recognized the Stone Raven, a regular from Cassomir. As expected, a party of dwarves had already shown up to greet them, and there was the usual gruff and boisterous dwarven bickering between the two parties before they started ferrying their cargo past Violant’s position. Once faces were turned in her direction, she began dancing in earnest, playing to her audience and flashing the daggers at hip and shoulder, knowing that the sailors arriving liked to pretend that Absalom was a place of exotic wares, and that a dancing maiden with visible blades would just add to that feeling. The various dwarves, grunting under their burdens, filed past her, many looking up admiringly, but unable to tear their attentions away from their unloading and transport duties, but she made note of which ones seemed new, and likely to seek directions at a later time, blowing them kisses, or sending a scarf out to trail across their shoulders as they passed close to her. Som also played his role, snarling menacingly, and it was a credit to her performance that at least one of the dwarves had failed to notice the scimitar-wielding half-orc standing ready until he was within striking range of said scimitar, and stepped back, reaching for a weapon of his own before his companions pulled him away, laughing at him in their rough barking language. She recognized the Stone Raven’s captain, who everybody called Twistbeard, because of the dozen painfully-tight braids he kept his thick brown beard tied into, and he walked right up to her position as she wiggled and smiled at him, a genuine smile, instead of the flirty ones she typically gave her viewers. “Ah, Little Sting, yer a sight, as always. They still not feeding you, lassie?” he joked, pretending that she was ‘too slender’ for his tastes, even if it was no dark secret that he preferred the lads to the lasses. Hours passed, ships came and went, and even some new ships with wide-eyed sailors unfamiliar to Absalom, with Violant giving the wharf-children some coin, directing the sailors to the House where Violant had grown up and ceased being a street-child like these unlucky souls, the House that, it seems, she had now out-grown… |