About Viktor RusnakStatistics:
Male Human Paladin (Sacred Shield)
LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +1; Senses Perception +1 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +1 dex, +4 shield) hp 12 Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3 (+2 vs cold climate/slipping) Resist cold 3 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee Warhammer +5 (1d8+4)
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Heart of the Snows Humans born in chilly climes treat cold climates as one category less severe. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws against the effects of cold climates, on any check or saving throw to avoid slipping and falling, and to CMD against trip combat maneuvers. This bonus applies on Acrobatics and Climb checks made in slippery conditions. This racial trait replaces skilled. Northern Ancestry One of your parents came from the North, and the tales of the frozen lands at the top of the world that you grew up listening to excited your imagination. Alternatively, maybe one of your ancestors passed on the blood of some frost-rimed creature. You feel most alive during the chill of winter, and as a child, you spent hours playing in the snow. You rarely feel the cold, and you’ve always had a restless longing to travel
Patient Optimist You know that all things pass in time, and are used to having to repeat arguments multiple times to convince stubborn believers. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence hostile or unfriendly creatures, and if you fail at such an attempt, you may retry it once. Human Paladin Favored Class Bonus Add +1 to the paladin’s energy resistance to one kind of energy (cold). Aura of Good The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. Detect Evil At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range. Bastion of Good At 1st level, a sacred shield can call upon the powers of good to defend her and her allies against evil. This ability functions as smite evil, except that the paladin gains no benefit on attack or damage rolls against her target. Instead, any attacks the target makes against allies within 10 feet of the paladin deal half damage. Attacks against the paladin deal full damage, but the paladin gains a deflection bonus to her AC equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) against attacks made by the target of the smite. This bonus increases by +1 for every four paladin levels (to a maximum of +6 at 20th level). As with smite evil, if the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, her bastion of good ability is wasted with no effect. Feats, abilities, and the like that increase a paladin’s number of uses of smite evil per day increase a sacred shield’s uses of bastion of good per day. Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Carrying Capacity Light 0-100 lb. Medium 101-200 lb. Heavy 201-300 lb. Current Load Carried 134 lb. Money 20 GP 0 SP 0 CP
Viktor was born in Heldren as the second child of three. His parents are Niko and Helena. His younger sister is a beauty called Nina and his older brother a fierce fighter by the name of Isaac.
The beginning of their life was quiet, the family living in peace. Niko worked the fields and was joined by both his sons when they grew of age, while Helena cooked for an inn, the Silver Stout. Isaac was never content with the quiet life though, and spent more time learning how to fight from traveling sell-swords than helping on the farm. Niko tried to beat the rage out of the boy but only fanned the flames and made him more secretive and angry. Viktor ended up on the bad end of more than one beating from his older brother. One day a traveler came by the Silver Stout asking about Niko. He was a northerner and didn't fit in well with the town. He found his way after a few questions but when Viktor pointed the stranger out Niko told the children to stay inside with their mother. He took the stranger some ways into the field and had a conversation with him well out of earshot. Apparently things got very heated, but they both stomped off without resorting to blows. Niko refused to speak about what happened, but was brooding and angry for the rest of the night. The next day Viktor was out gathering wood when he heard a strange noise in the woods unlike any animals he has encountered. He went to investigate, but a blood curdling scream sent him running. He barely made it three steps before a demon jumped on him, teeth and claws and wings cutting and beating him. Viktor was no match for the demon, quickly falling unconscious beneath the assault. The demon was about to land the killing blow when Niko roared and jumped on it. There was a terrible battle that lasted several minutes, but eventually Niko stood over the corpse of the demon. With rage and tears in his eyes he picked up his son and carried him home. The children and Helena pressed themselves against the windows as Niko returned with the barely living Viktor He had a very serious look on his face and began packing his things. Tears sprung to Helena's eyes and she asked him where he was going. He didn't meet her eyes, and just said "Away." When she asked him why he didn't even answer. She grabbed onto him and begged him to stay, but he grabbed the rest of his things and pushed his way out the door. He paused, then turned and said "I have responsibilities and debts to pay, and I am going to the Worldwound to make things right." Then he closed the door. Times became harder on the family, partially because of income bust mostly because of the empty hole Niko had left. Viktor managed to recover, but where some of the worst wounds were on his chest he retained a blotchy purple-green rash. Helena took to drinking and there was nobody to temper Isaac's rage. When Isaac came of age he approached the family with a pack on his back and a twisted face of rage. "I'm going to track down that bastard and learn why he left us. Don't try to stop me." And so another of their family walked out of their life. It wasn't long until Viktor felt the call in his bones as well, the call of the north and the call of the mystery of his father. He approached Helena and Nina with a pack on as well, but his face was stalwart where his brother's was angry and his father's was blank. "I wish things could be different, but they are not. I cannot live not knowing what kind of man my father was, and I need to look after Isaac. He always gets himself into trouble with how headstrong he is. I'll bring them back if I can." And he followed his blood north. The road to Mendev was not easy, but his father had taught him how to survive and the skill served him well. There were various times he was nearly killed by bandits or he ate the wrong kind of berry, but finally he found himself in the frosty north. The Worldwound was his only clue so he enlisted himself to help battle the rift. It was there he learned to fight while he searched high and low for Isaac and Niko. It also allowed him to let off some of his pent up anger towards demons. While he did not find his blood fighting the rift, he did find out more about himself. He was a stalwart fighter and an honorable man and was accepted into the ranks of the paladins there. He graciously accepted and followed in the footsteps of the Erastil faith. It was nearly a year of fighting and fruitless searching before Viktor found a new lead. He had been transferred to a new commander who recognized his family name and told him that Niko had served for a time before heading west to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. He also learned that his father had made a pact with the evil outsiders long ago to protect Mendev, but nobody knew the details. Viktor thanked him and resigned from his position at the rift, taking his new equipment and new skills west to further the search for his kin. Viktor made his way to Icestair, the largest settlement in the area, and there he learned the true meaning of the word cold. He found work as a guide after he spent enough time learning the lay of the land, and to his surprise was one day hired by Isaac. The two brothers stared at each other in silence for a moment, then laughed and embraced each other.
Viktor tracked him, following him until he was lead to a large camp of demons lead by his father. Niko was off on his own at the time and Isaac took advantage of the situation, stalking off after him. Viktor hurriedly followed, and there the three men found each other in a tense family reunion next to a cliff.
Viktor launched himself to the edge of the icy cliff, digging his feet in and catching both of his blood in each hand. But despite his grasp he could not pull them up, only delay the inevitable. The rage in Isaac's eyes became replaced with fear, but over his father grew a strange calm. "Perhaps I was a fool to do this, but I will not sacrifice my blood to delay an old corrupt mans death. Live well, my sons." He let go of Viktor's hand, plummeting into the cold, dark abyss below. Viktor used the last of his strength to pull Isaac up, but then lay in the frozen wasteland, stunned. After Isaac recovered he strained up, looking down at his little brother. "You can consider us done. Stay out of my way from now on." And he stomped off, away from Icestair and the clans, into the wild. Viktor could not face his failure and the shame his father had become, so he made his way back to Mendev and threw himself into his work. Underneath he is still a strong man, but on the surface he is breaking. Appearance and Personality:
Viktor is average height but has a strong, stalwart build. He has a well kept full beard and short hair. His face has a few scars but is handsome and goes well with his friendly smile full of white teeth.
Viktor has a calm personality and likes to smile, tell jokes, and drink with friends. He has a loud voice when he deigns to use it and is fiercely protective of his friends. There is a kind heart beating in his chest, but it is bruised with the corruption that he found in his family. . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes:
Male Human Paladin (Sacred Shield, Oath Against Fiends)
LG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +0; Senses Perception +0 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +4 shield) hp 40 (3d10+12) Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +5 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee (Any attacks made while wielding tower shield are at -2)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Exposed to Awfulness As a child, you were badly mauled by a demon. The demon was slain before it could kill you, but you lingered at death's door for weeks before regaining consciousness. Ever since, you've been unusually hale and hearty, as if your body had reacted to its brush with doom by becoming supernaturally fit. Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would kill or incapacitate you physically, you can immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. Scholar of the Great Beyond You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (planes) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. Aura of Good The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level. Detect Evil At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range. Bastion of Good At 1st level, a sacred shield can call upon the powers of good to defend her and her allies against evil. This ability functions as smite evil, except that the paladin gains no benefit on attack or damage rolls against her target. Instead, any attacks the target makes against allies within 10 feet of the paladin deal half damage. Attacks against the paladin deal full damage, but the paladin gains a deflection bonus to her AC equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) against attacks made by the target of the smite. This bonus increases by +1 for every four paladin levels (to a maximum of +6 at 20th level). As with smite evil, if the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, her bastion of good ability is wasted with no effect. Feats, abilities, and the like that increase a paladin’s number of uses of smite evil per day increase a sacred shield’s uses of bastion of good per day. Divine Grace At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. Lay On Hands (4/4) Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability. Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. Aura of Courage At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead. Divine Health At 3rd level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot. Mercy At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a paladin can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the paladin’s lay on hands ability. Whenever the paladin uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the paladin. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition. Sickened The target is no longer sickened. ------------------------------
Money 16 GP 0 SP 0 CP
Party Role Tank, Front Liner, Secondary Healer Viktor was born in Heldren as the second child of three. His parents are Niko and Helena. His younger sister is a beauty called Nina and his older brother a fierce fighter by the name of Isaac. The beginning of their life was quiet, the family living in peace. Niko worked the fields and was joined by both his sons when they grew of age, while Helena cooked for an inn, the Silver Stout. Isaac was never content with the quiet life though, and spent more time learning how to fight from traveling sell-swords than helping on the farm. Niko tried to beat the rage out of the boy but only fanned the flames and made him more secretive and angry. Viktor ended up on the bad end of more than one beating from his older brother. One day a traveler came by the Silver Stout asking about Niko. He was a northerner and didn't fit in well with the town. He found his way after a few questions but when Viktor pointed the stranger out Niko told the children to stay inside with their mother. He took the stranger some ways into the field and had a conversation with him well out of earshot. Apparently things got very heated, but they both stomped off without resorting to blows. Niko refused to speak about what happened, but was brooding and angry for the rest of the night. The next day Viktor was out gathering wood when he heard a strange noise in the woods unlike any animals he has encountered. He went to investigate, but a blood curdling scream sent him running. He barely made it three steps before a demon jumped on him, teeth and claws and wings cutting and beating him. Viktor was no match for the demon, quickly falling unconscious beneath the assault. The demon was about to land the killing blow when Niko roared and jumped on it. There was a terrible battle that lasted several minutes, but eventually Niko stood over the corpse of the demon. With rage and tears in his eyes he picked up his son and carried him home. The children and Helena pressed themselves against the windows as Niko returned with the barely living Viktor He had a very serious look on his face and began packing his things. Tears sprung to Helena's eyes and she asked him where he was going. He didn't meet her eyes, and just said "Away." When she asked him why he didn't even answer. She grabbed onto him and begged him to stay, but he grabbed the rest of his things and pushed his way out the door. He paused, then turned and said "I have responsibilities and debts to pay, and I am going to the Worldwound to make things right." Then he closed the door. Times became harder on the family, partially because of income bust mostly because of the empty hole Niko had left. Viktor managed to recover, but where some of the worst wounds were on his chest he retained a blotchy purple-green rash. Helena took to drinking and there was nobody to temper Isaac's rage. When Isaac came of age he approached the family with a pack on his back and a twisted face of rage. "I'm going to track down that bastard and learn why he left us. Don't try to stop me." And so another of their family walked out of their life. It wasn't long until Viktor felt the call in his bones as well, the call of the north and the call of the mystery of his father. He approached Helena and Nina with a pack on as well, but his face was stalwart where his brother's was angry and his father's was blank. "I wish things could be different, but they are not. I cannot live not knowing what kind of man my father was, and I need to look after Isaac. He always gets himself into trouble with how headstrong he is. I'll bring them back if I can." And he followed his blood north. The road to Mendev was not easy, but his father had taught him how to survive and the skill served him well. There were various times he was nearly killed by bandits or he ate the wrong kind of berry, but finally he found himself in the frosty north. The Worldwound was his only clue so he enlisted himself to help battle the rift. It was there he learned to fight while he searched high and low for Isaac and Niko. It also allowed him to let off some of his pent up anger towards demons. While he did not find his blood fighting the rift, he did find out more about himself. He was a stalwart fighter and an honorable man and was accepted into the ranks of the paladins there. He graciously accepted and followed in the footsteps of the Erastil faith. It was nearly a year of fighting and fruitless searching before Viktor found a new lead. He had been transferred to a new commander who recognized his family name and told him that Niko had served for a time before heading west to the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. He also learned that his father had made a pact with the evil outsiders long ago to protect Mendev, but nobody knew the details. Viktor thanked him and resigned from his position at the rift, taking his new equipment and new skills west to further the search for his kin. Viktor made his way to Icestair, the largest settlement in the area, and there he learned the true meaning of the word cold. He found work as a guide after he spent enough time learning the lay of the land, and to his surprise was one day hired by Isaac. The two brothers stared at each other in silence for a moment, then laughed and embraced each other.
Viktor tracked him, following him until he was lead to a large camp of demons lead by his father. Niko was off on his own at the time and Isaac took advantage of the situation, stalking off after him. Viktor hurriedly followed, and there the three men found each other in a tense family reunion next to a cliff.
Viktor launched himself to the edge of the icy cliff, digging his feet in and catching both of his blood in each hand. But despite his grasp he could not pull them up, only delay the inevitable. The rage in Isaac's eyes became replaced with fear, but over his father grew a strange calm. "Perhaps I was a fool to do this, but I will not sacrifice my blood to delay an old corrupt mans death. Live well, my sons." He let go of Viktor's hand, plummeting into the cold, dark abyss below. Viktor used the last of his strength to pull Isaac up, but then lay in the frozen wasteland, stunned. After Isaac recovered he strained up, looking down at his little brother. "You can consider us done. Stay out of my way from now on." And he stomped off, away from Icestair and the clans, into the wild. Viktor could not face his failure and the shame his father had become, so he made his way back to Mendev and threw himself into his work. Underneath he is still a strong man, but on the surface he is breaking. Viktor is average height but has a strong, stalwart build. He has a well kept full beard and short hair. His face has a few scars but is handsome and goes well with his friendly smile full of white teeth. Viktor has a calm personality and likes to smile, tell jokes, and drink with friends. He has a loud voice when he deigns to use it and is fiercely protective of his friends. There is a kind heart beating in his chest, but it is bruised with the corruption that he found in his family. Dossier for Viktor Rusnak, Son of Niko