Lorance didn't have much going for him early in life, he was raised only by his father, a man who had seldom noticed his existence, and in lived in a small town a good couple days ride to any larger city. Despite how some may see these as detriments, he spent his early youth running about, unaware these actions would set the road he would walk in the future. It wasn't until he had his first true experience with nobility that his outlook and perception started to change.
His father had been caught trying to steal a noble's coin purse, in an attempt to afford more alcohol, but had tossed the blame on his child. Maybe he had hopped that they would be more lenient on a child, or maybe he just wanted to be rid of a child he barely noticed; either way Lorance ran. He wasn't sure where he was going to go, but he wasn't willing to find out what was going to happen. Scared, confused, and hurt; he wanted to get as far away as possible. He wasn't sure how long he ran, long enough for the sun to set at least, and long enough for him to question running. He looked around for a few minutes, but realized he was completely lost. It was then he heard the sound of hoofs and armor. Watching as the group started to pass, he recognized the symbol on the banner as the one of the noble his father tried to steal from. He wanted to run, to hide, but fear froze him in place. The man looked at him, and had begun to speak.
Finding out the lie his father had told the noble wasn't believed, and the fact that he wasn't pleased with him trying to push blame onto a child let alone his own, led Lorance to having few options on what to do. He could head back to the village, although the thought of facing those memories and being alone didn't sit well with him, or as one of the men traveling with the noble had mentioned they might be able to find him a place in their keep. Lorance decided, he didn't want to go back to the village, to the memories of his father, or the things that happened.
He had found out that the noble was of House Blackbury, outside of hearing of it in passing, Lorance didn't know much of it. As they traveled, he had asked questions when he could, curious and curious about what was going to happen to him when they arrived. He knew he would be staying with nobility, but that was to be expected, at that point he was just hoping for a good meal. After being intrusted to an older couple who's sons had grown to be guards and soldiers, Lorance grew to his adulthood in quietness. While a lot of people who met him, would swear he would grow to become another solider like his older adopted brothers, or with him constantly questioning and trying to understand people, that he might become a scholar and join the maesters: no one had seen him striking out on his own as an entertainer. While not surprising, he seemed to have a way with making people happy, there were those who questioned the decision given his tendency to blend into a crowd at times. This led him to where he is today, loyal to the family of the man who found him. Lorance started taking up the name Victor Swiftblade, an acting persona, using his talents to entertain and to keep his ears out for anything that could be useful for the Blackbury's.