Race |
F Hobgoblin Magus 13 | HP (112/179) (S:15/120/120)| AC 32 (Resist 3 Slashing)| F +22 R+19(+2 Bulwark) W +22(S>CS) | Darkvision +18 |
About Vesperscale
F Steelskin Hobgoblin, Scion of Slayers, Targus 13
N Medium Goblin Humanoid
Senses Perception + 19 (2 + 17 (E))
AC 32 +1 Resilient Full Plate 7(0/0) + 15(T)
HP 179/179(S 15/120/120)
Fort +22(E), Ref +19(E)+2 Bulwark, Will +22(M)
+2 to recover from most persistent damage | DC 17 flat to avoid Drained
Resist Slashing 3
. . Longsword +25 3d8+6 +1d6 fire S (T) – Versatile: Piercing
. . Spell Attack +21
. . DC 31
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14
Speed 25ft (w/armor) 30 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Vigorous Health, Recognize Ambush, Cantorian Rejuvenation, Can't Fall Here
Skill Feats: Catfall, Deceptive Worship, Streetwise, Rapid Mantle, Wall Jump
General Feats: Shield Block, Toughness, Diehard, Fleet
Class Features & Abilities Spellstrike, Sparkling Targe, Sentinel Dedication, Emergency Targe, Armor Specialist, Capture Magic, Rapid Recharge, Dazzling Block
Skills:: Acrobatics +16(T), Arcana +19 (T), Athletics +23(M), Crafting +19(T), Occultism +23(M), Society +19(T), Undead Lore +19(T), Cult Lore +23(M)
Languages Common, Goblin
Bulk (9/9/14) 2600 +2 Greater Striking Longsword of flaming
500 Full Plate +1 Resilient
3000 Sturdy Shield (Greater)
1.5 gp Adventurer's Pack
12gp l: Comprehend Languages(2)
12gp l: Enlarge(2)
12gp l: See Invisibility(2)
70gp 1: Freedom of Movement(4)
30gp 1: Earthbind(3)
Special Abilities
Focus: (1/1) Shielding Strike
0: (6) Disrupt Undead(D), Electric Arc, Gouging Claw, Ray of Frost, Shield, Warp Step
4: Stoneskin, True Strike
6: True Seeing, Disintegrate
7: Momentary Recovery, True Target