Algon the Ever-Seeking

Vegeir "Gear" Carlsen's page

39 posts. Alias of karlprosek.

Full Name

Vegeir "Gear" Carlsen




Ftr 1/Cleric 10 (HP 106/119 | AC:22/24 vs evil | T:10/12 | FF:22/24 | Fort:+13/15 | Ref:+6/8 | Will:+10/12 | Init:+0 | Speed 20)







Special Abilities

Protection from Evil continuous, Spontaneous Cure spells







Strength 17
Dexterity 8
Constitution 16
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Vegeir "Gear" Carlsen

M LN Human Fighter/Cleric, Level 1/10, Init +0, HP 119/119, Speed 20, AC 22 (+2 vs evil), Touch 10 (+2 vs evil), Flat-footed 22 (+2 vs evil), Fort 2+2+7+2 (+2 vs evil), Ref 0+1+3+2 (+2 vs evil), Will 0+1+7+2 (+2 vs evil), Base Attack Bonus +7/+2 (+11/+6/+1), Grapple +13 (+17)
Abilities Str 17 (23), Dex 8, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10
Conditions None

Paragon, +1 Holy Greatsword +18/+13/+8 2d6+7 19-20/x2 S (Good aligned weapon for DR, golden light in 30' radius when drawn)
+Magic Weapon +20/+15/+10 2d6+9
+2d6 dmg vs Evil

Stag King's Hammer, MW Cold Iron Maul +18/+13/+8 1d10+6 x3 B

Full Plate Armor Gauntlets, +17/+12/+7 1d3+6 B


Divine Power full BAB, +6 Str, +1 hp/lvl (24 hours, enhancement)
Magic Vestment +2 AC (hour/lvl, enhancement)
Magic Weapon, Greater +2 atk/dmg (hour/lvl, enhancement)

Aid +1 atk rolls/saves vs fear (min/lvl, morale)
Divine Favor +3 atk/dmg (1 minute, luck)
Enlarge Person large size (10' Reach, greatsword 3d6 maul 2d8), +2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 to atk and AC (1 minute, size)
Righteous Might large size (10' Reach, greatsword 3d6 maul 2d8), +8 Str, +4 Con, -1 to atk and AC (round/lvl, size)
Power Attack (+2 damage for -1 atk penalty, varies up to max BAB: +22 dmg/-11 atk)
Heedless Charge (on a Charge, can assign Power Attack penalty to AC instead of attack bonus)
Improved Bull Rush (+4 on opposed Str check to push defender, does not provoke AoO from defender)

Fly 60 ft., Good maneuverability (5 min., 2/day)
Resist Energy ER 10 vs chosen type (10 min/lvl)

Protection from Evil item effect:
-+2 AC/Saves vs Evil creatures (deflection bonus)
-Possession immunity (not alignment dependent)
-Suppresses Enchantment (Charm or Compulsion) effects that exert ongoing control (such as Charm or Dominate spells, not alignment dependent)
-Prevents contact from evil summoned creatures (broken if he attacks or forces himself up against the creature)


From family of wizards and arcane researchers but didn't have the knack for it. Faith in Boccob gave him holy power and combined with his prodigious strength he became a holy warrior.

Was in the Bright Desert for several years, searching for the Well of the Moon (eventually found in X5). Adventuring history (all the old desert adventures): Lost City (B4), Desert of Desolation modules (I3-I5), Desert Nomads adventures (X4-X5)

Is a member of the Seekers of the Arcane

Years long love affair with a sand shaper wizard in the Bright Desert that ended badly


Friendly, helpful, outgoing, protective. Not very smart but likes to read, especially about arcane mysteries and inventions.

Doesn't trust/like to ride horses.

Collects scrolls.

Believes his mission is to protect magic- magic items, magic users, magical sites.

Respects Wee Jas but doesn't like her view on undeath. Opposes servants of Tharizdun.

Prefers his wooden holy symbol because it was carved for him by a friend during his time in the Bright Desert.

Shhhh, secret goal:
Looking for the legendary Orb of Opposition, said to be in the lowest levels of the ruins of Castle Greyhawk. Wants to find it for safe keeping by the church of Boccob.


Suel heritage. Big red haired guy, bushy beard, average looking but nice and friendly.

Enormous- tall and wide with muscles like a bull. 6'9", 450 pounds. Looks like a powerlifter- huge muscles but not cut/doesn't have visible abs etc.

Wears heavy full plate armor covered by a blue tabard with Boccob's golden pentagram and eye symbol prominently embroidered on the chest. A golden cloak covers his shoulders and falls down his back.

He carries Paragon, a greatsword he had commissioned after taking part in a battle where he witnessed a Planetar fight a Marilith. The greatsword sheds golden light in a 30' radiance when drawn, has angelic wings for a crossguard, and a turqoise gem set into the pommel.

Wears a hand-carved wooden holy symbol even though he has a more ornate silver holy symbol in his backpack.

FCB: HP all levels

SKILLS 2/lvl (x4 at lvl 1) = 20+8+human(4+10)
Climb 8 = 2 +6 Str
Concentration 14 = 11 +3 Con
Heal 4 = 1 +3 Wis
Intimidate 4 = 4 +0 Cha
Jump 7 = 1 +6 Str
Kn: Arcana 5 = 6 -1 Int
Kn: Religion 4 = 5 -1 Int
Spellcraft 10 = 11 -1 Int
Swim 7 = 1 +6 Str


Medium size
Mvmt 30
Bonus feat
Bonus skills (4 lvl 1, 1 per lvl)
Speaks Common
FC any
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus feat
Deity: Boccob (Magic, Planning)
Bonus feat (Extend Spell)
Spontaneous Casting
Aligned Spells (LN, TN)
Turn Undead 7/day 3 +0 Cha +4 feat

Deity: Boccob, Domains:

Granted Power: Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-half your cleric level (at least 1st level). For the purpose of using a scroll or other magic device, if you are also a wizard, actual wizard levels and these effective wizard levels stack.

Magic Aura
Dispel Magic
Imbue with Spell Ability
Spell Resistance
Antimagic Field
Spell Turning
Protection from Spells
Mage's Disjunction

Granted power: You gain Extend Spell as a bonus feat.
Detect Scrying
Discern Location
Heroes' Feast
Scrying, Greater
Time Stop


1: Power Attack
Human: Extra Turning
Ftr: Improved Bull Rush
Boccob: Extend Spell
3: Persist Spell
6: Divine Metamagic (Persist Spell)
9: Shock Trooper

Shock Trooper Feat:
Shock Trooper
( Complete Warrior, p. 112)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, Tactical]

You are adept at breaking up formations of soldiers when you rush into battle.

Improved Bull Rush (PH) , Power Attack (PH) , base attack bonus +6,

The Shock Trooper feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Directed Bull Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt as part of a charge. For every square you push your foe back, you may also push that foe one square to the left or right.

Domino Rush: To use this maneuver, you must make a successful bull rush attempt that forces a foe into the same square as another foe. You may make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time, and neither foe gets a chance to trip you if your attempt fails.

Heedless Charge: To use this maneuver, you must charge and make the attack at the end of the charge using your Power Attack feat. The penalty you take on your attack roll must be -5 or worse. In addition to normal charge modifiers (which give you a -2 penalty to AC and a +2 bonus on the attack roll), you can assign any portion of the attack roll penalty from Power Attack to your Armor Class instead, up to a maximum equal to your base attack bonus.

Cleric spells/day:
0 (DC 13): 6
1 (DC 14): 5+1
2 (DC 15): 5+1
3 (DC 16): 4+1 (-1 3rd lvl spell usually cast)
4 (DC 17): 3+1 (-2 4th lvl spell usually cast)
5 (DC 18): 2+1

Cleric spells usually prepared:
0: Cure Minor Wounds, Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance (competence), Light, Mending
1: Conviction (min/lvl, morale), Divine Favor x2 (1 min., luck), Lesser Vigor, Resurgence, Magic Aura (D)
2: Aid (min/lvl, morale) x2 Magic Circle Against Evil (1 use switched for Shadow Mastiffs), Resist Energy (10 min/lvl), Shatter, Spiritual Weapon, Augury (D)
3: Aid (Mass), Blindsight Daylight (switched for Shadow Mastiffs), Vigor (Mass Lesser), Resist Energy (Mass), Dispel Magic (D), Magic Vestment
4: Divine Power (enhancement), Imbue with Spell Ability (D), Magic Weapon (Greater) +1
5: Righteous Might (rd/lvl, size), Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (rd/lvl +1 atk at full BAB for group), Spell Resistance (D)

Cast today:
Divine Power cast every morning w/ DMM Persist
Magic Vestment cast whenever entering dangerous area
Magic Weapon, Greater cast whenever entering dangerous area


Paragon, +1 holy greatsword (18350)
Stag King's Hammer, MW cold iron maul (330)

Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000)
Eternal Wand of Fly (4420) cast Fly 2/day
Everburning Torch [1.0 lb.]
Hand of the Mage (900)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2000)
Custom Item (Seekers of the Arcane signet ring) of Protection from Evil (4000) continuous PfE
Shapesand (100gp, can take form of any non-magical tool or item)
Third Eye, Clarity (3000) 1/day negates confused, dazed, fascinated, or stunned condition

+2 full plate (5650) w/ 1 Locked Gauntlet (+10 to resist Disarm attempts)
Magical Darkwood Heavy Shield +1 (with shield sconce that holds a torch) [5.5 lb.] - not used, plan to enchant into Animated Shield

-Filter Mask (1gp, +2 vs gas-based effects, negates suffocation from dust/sand and effects of magical dust)
-Keepcool Salve (50gp, +1 to Fort saves vs hot environment)
-Sand Tube (80gp, used to dig in sand and avoid sandstorms)
-Sun Lenses (10gp, protects against being dazzled by bright light)

Antitoxin x2 (100)
Blanket, winter (.5)
Bedroll (.1) x2
Climber's kit x2 (80)
Map case (1)
Scroll case (1)
Chalk x10 (.1)
Crowbar (2)
Flint and steel (1)
Grappling hook and 50' silk rope x2 (11)
Holy symbol, silver (25)
Holy symbol, wooden (1)
Holy water x4 (100)
Piton x20 (2)
Portable ram (10)
Rations x20 (7)
Silk rope 150' (30)
Smokestick x5 (100)
Sunrod x10 (20)
Tent (10)
Torch x10 (.1)
Waterskin x5 (3)
Whetstone (.2)

Belt Pouch [0.5 lb.] holds:
Flint and steel [0.0 lb.]
Whetstone [1.0 lb.]
Tanglefoot Bag [4.0 lb.]

Belt Pouch [0.5 lb.] holds:
2 Vials of Antitoxin [0.0 lb.]
2 Flasks of Holy Water [2.0 lb.]
Empty Flask [0.0 lb.]
Tanglefoot Bag [4.0 lb.]

Cleric's vestments (5)
Courtier's outfit and jewelry (30+50)
Desert outfit (6gp)
Explorer's outfit (10)
Signet ring (Seekers of the Arcane, 5- custom Prot from Evil magic item)
Traveler's outfit

Wand of Lessor Vigor (37 charges; CL 1; Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds; Spell Trigger Activation) [0.0 lb.]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges; CL 1; 1d8+1 HP; Spell Trigger Activation) [0.0 lb.]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges; CL 1; 1d8+1 HP; Spell Trigger Activation) [0.0 lb.]

Comprehend Languages x4 (100)
Enlarge Person x4 (100)
Gaseous Form (375)
Knock x2 (300)
Locate Object x2 (300)
Rope Trick, 8 hours x5 (1000)
Water Breathing (375)

Total weight: 63 lbs.
-without pack: 58 lbs.

Light load 86 lbs. (200 lb. w/ Divine Power)
Med. load 173 lbs. (400 lbs.)
Hvy. load 260 lbs. (600 lbs.)
Lift (over head) 260 lbs. (600 lbs.)
Lift (off ground) 520 lbs. (1200 lbs.)
Push or drag 1300 lbs. (1800 lbs.)

126 gp
3 sp