Full Name |
Varr'os Koldukar |
Race |
Dwarf |
Classes/Levels |
Hunter 7, Guntank 2, Justicar 3, Shield Marshal 1 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
53 |
Alignment |
Lawful Neutral |
Deity |
Erastil |
Location |
Village of Skirgarrd |
Languages |
Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Hand Signs, Giant, Orc, Sasquatch |
Occupation |
Cartographer |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Varr'os Koldukar
Varr'os Koldukar
Male Dwarf Hunter: 7, Gunslinger: Gun Tank 2, Justicar 3, Shield Marshal 1
Initiative: +3, Perception: +13 (+2 vs Stone)
Darkvision: 60', lowlight-vision
Leadership: 16 +3/+4
Speed:20' BAB:+11 CMB: +11 CMD: +24 +4 vs Bull Rush or Trip
Weapon Info
SEED Rifle 2H (+1 Pepperbox Rifle w Greater Reliability) +13/+8/+3 Hit 1d10+2 20*4 B\P 80' 4Shot
SEED Rifle 1H (with Tower Shield) +9/+4/-1 Hit 1d10+2 20*4 B/P 80' 4 Shot
SEED Spike 2H (+1 Bayonet on seed rifle) +10/+5/+0 Hit 1d6+2 20*2 P Melee
Koldukar Family Axe (+1 Silver Waraxe) +10/+5/+0 Hit 1d10 20*3 S Silvered
AC: 21 (+4 w shield), 13 (12 w shield) Touch, Flat-Footed: 18 (23 w shield)
Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 8, +2 vs Poison/Spell/SLA
Hit Points: 113
Armor Breakdown
Koldukar Officers BP (+1 Mithril Agile BP) +8 AC, -1 Armor Check, 5 Max Dex
DEX 2 +3 AC Dexterity
Driftwood Shield (+1 Paueliel Tower Shield) +5AC, -7 Armor Check, 2 Max Dex
--------------------------Character Information------------------------
STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON:16 INT: 14 WIS: 16 CHA: 14
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Hand Signs, Giant, Orc, Sasquatch
Feats: Armor Prof(Light/Medium/Heavy/Shields/Towers) Weapons (Simple/Martial/Firearms), Craft Wands, Expert Cartographer, Gunsmithing, Noble Scion of Lore, Precise Shot, Precise Strike, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload (pepperbox rifle), Saving Shield, Stealthy, Stealth Synergy
Rich Parents, Trunau Native, Natural Born Leader
Drawback: Meticulous
-----------------------------------Skills---------------------------------- -
Armor Check: -8 with Armor & Shield
Stealth +26 (19 w tower), Craft: Cartography +22, Profession: Scribe +20, Handle Animal +18, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Knowledge: Local +12, Craft: Alchemy +10, Diplomacy: +10,Intimidate +10, Knowledge: Nobles +10, Linguistics +10, Knowledge: Geography +8, Knowledge: Nature +8, Knowledge: Engineering +7, Perform: Oratory +7, Survival +7 (19 to avoid being lost), Appraise: +6, Bluff: +6, Climb: +4, Swim +3, Acrobatics: -1
---------------------------Special Abilities---------------------------------
Grit: 3
Deed: -1 Grit Gun Tanks Resolve (25% Chance to ignore crit/sneak damage)
Deed: -1 Grit Quick Clear (Remove broken condition from a firearm)
Bullet Deflection: +2 AC vs Touch Attacks
Gunsmith: Craft Firearms and Ammo
Animal Focus: Owl (+4 Stealth), Bat (+60' Darkvision)
Aura of Law: Radiates Overwhelming Aura of Law
Authority: Serves The Code. Make take 10 on knowledge checks regarding the Law, also +4 Diplomacy/Intimidate checks regarding the law.
Lawkeeper: May never violate their code, or an oath or contract.
Sure Shot: Skilled with crossbows/firearms 3x per day may add +2 Hit and +3 Damage.
Oathmark: Witness and seal and oath between two people in that if one or the other ever breaks the oath they are then cursed with a supernatural mark upon the forehead that says oathbreaker in dwarven. granting the oathbreaking a -4 diplomacy bonus.
Eye for Detail: Add INT to Perception and sense motive in addition to wisdom.
Legal Judgement: 1x per day (Generally Destruction, Evasive and Justice )
--------------------------Personal Capital Gains---------------------------
Earn Gold: =Craft: Cartography 1d20+22/dice (42)
Earn Goods: =Craft: Cartography 1d20+22/dice (42)
Earn Influence: =Craft: Cartography 1d20+22/dice (42)
Earn Labor: =Handle Animal 1d20+18/dice (38)
Earn Magic: =Profession: Scribe 1d20+20/dice (40)