
Varl, the Deformed's page

2 posts. Alias of Tenro.




Aegis (Aberrant) // Alchemist (Chirurgeon, Vivisectionist) 1







Special Abilities

Sneak Attack 1d6; Grab




Common, Aklo, Draconic, Undercommon, Abyssal, Infernal


Surgeon, Criminal

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Varl, the Deformed

HP: 12
AC: 18 =10 + 3 DEX + 4 ARMOR + 1 NATURAL
Init: +3
Speed: 30

F: 4 = 2 base + 2 CON
R: 5 = 2 base + 3 DEX
W: 3 = 2 base + 1 WIS
+2 vs spells, powers, spell-like abilities, and psi-like abilities

Unarmed Strike lethal/nonlethal
+5 melee; 1d4+4 dmg; crit x2; S/B/P

4 Tentacles primary/secondary natural; Grab
+5/+5/+5/+5 melee; 1d4+4; crit x2; B
IF used with attack other than tentacle, subtract 5 to each attack roll; damage becomes 1d4+2

Thrown Weapons +1 to hit/damage, +INT to damage and splash damage

Conditional; Not Calculated:
Sneak Attack +1d6
+5 grapple in rounds i maintain grapple

BAB: +1
CMB: +5
CMD: 18
Misc (in addition to above)
+9 Grapple
+1 Disarm

Racial Traits:

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
  • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

    Favored Class: +1/4 Aegis customization point

  • Class Abilities:

    Aegis (Aberrant)

    Power Points (Total): 3

    Transformed Body (Su): An aberrant learns to modify his own form, rather than covering himself in an ectoplasmic suit. The aberrant gains a +1 natural armor bonus to his AC. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th), the natural armor bonus increases by 1.
    An aberrant can modify his form in a fashion similar to the aegis’s customization, but his options are more limited. He can choose customizations from the customization list below, as well as new customizations exclusive to the aberrant. Because the aberrant is modifying his own body, he can wear armor as normal.
    The aberrant gains Hardened Strikes and Brawn as a free customization. At 2nd level, the aberrant gains Darkvision as a free customization. At 10th level, the aberrant gains Improved Damage Reduction as a free customization.
    This ability replaces Astral Suit.

    Vim (Ps): The aberrant gains vim as a psi-like ability usable at will at first level as long as he maintains psionic focus.
    This ability replaces Astral Repair.

    (0) Hardened Strikes: as Improved Unarmed Strike
    (0) Brawn: +2 STR
    (1) Aberrant Blood: Flexible Limbs, +2 Grapple
    (2) Illithid Grapple (x2): gain two tentacles, grab ability, +2 grapple per tentacle after the 1st

    Alchemist (Chirurgeon; Vivisectionist)

    Alchemy (Su): Alchemists are not only masters of creating mundane alchemical substances such as alchemist's fire and smokesticks, but also of fashioning magical potion-like extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect, an alchemist prepares his spells by mixing ingredients into a number of extracts, and then “casts” his spells by drinking the extract. When an alchemist creates an extract or bomb, he infuses the concoction with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator. When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. He must hold the potion for 1 round to make such a check.
    An alchemist can create three special types of magical items—extracts, bombs, and mutagens are transformative elixirs that the alchemist drinks to enhance his physical abilities—both of these are detailed in their own sections below.
    Extracts are the most varied of the three. In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the alchemist's level as the caster level. Unlike potions, though, extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion normally could not.
    An alchemist can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day. His base daily allotment of extracts is given on Table: Alchemist. In addition, he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day. When an alchemist mixes an extract, he infuses the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from his own magical aura. An extract immediately becomes inert if it leaves the alchemist's possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping—an alchemist cannot normally pass out his extracts for allies to use (but see the “infusion” discovery below). An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before becoming inert, so an alchemist must re-prepare his extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work—most alchemists prepare many extracts at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it's not uncommon for an alchemist to keep some (or even all) of his daily extract slots open so that he can prepare extracts in the field as needed.
    Although the alchemist doesn't actually cast spells, he does have a formulae list that determines what extracts he can create. An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his formulae list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so). An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist. The alchemist uses his level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level. Creating extracts consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (alchemist extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An alchemist can prepare an extract of any formula he knows. To learn or use an extract, an alchemist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the extract's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an alchemist's extract is 10 + the extract level + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier. An alchemist may know any number of formulae. He stores his formulae in a special tome called a formula book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares an extract but not when he consumes it. An alchemist begins play with two 1st level formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional forumlae equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new alchemist level, he gains one new formula of any level that he can create. An alchemist can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements. An alchemist can study a wizard's spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An alchemist does not need to decipher arcane writings before copying them.

    Sneak Attack: At 1st level, a vivisectionist gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. If a character already has sneak attack from another class, the levels from the classes that grant sneak attack stack to determine the effective rogue level for the sneak attack’s extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/rogue 1 has a +1d6 sneak attack like a 2nd-level rogue, an alchemist 2/rogue 1 has a +2d6 sneak attack like a 3rd-level rogue, and so on).
    This ability replaces bomb.

    Brew Potion (Ex): At 1st level, alchemists receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat. An alchemist can brew potions of any formulae he knows (up to 3rd level), using his alchemist level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a potion. The alchemist does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.

    Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an alchemist's possession becomes inert until an alchemist picks it up again.
    When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. It's a standard action to drink a mutagen. Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level. In addition, while the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist takes a –2 penalty to one of his mental ability scores. If the mutagen enhances his Strength, it applies a penalty to his Intelligence. If it enhances his Dexterity, it applies a penalty to his Wisdom. If it enhances his Constitution, it applies a penalty to his Charisma.
    A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level + the alchemist's Intelligence modifier) or become nauseated for 1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another alchemist's mutagen if he drinks it. (Although if the other alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the “stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the effects of any previous mutagen immediately end.

    Throw Anything (Ex):All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.

    Feats, Traits and Drawback:

    Illithid Heritage
    Brew Potion
    Throw Anything

    Fight Through the Pain: +2 trait bonus to Autohypnosis to avoid caltrop damage, stabilize, and resist poison.
    Armor Expert: reduce ACP for all armor by 1
    Kidnapping: You have abducted someone perhaps to ransom them or do unspeakable things to them. Unfortunately, you were caught and your victim was rescued (if they weren’t rescued -- you would be guilty of murder instead). To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you must have abducted someone of great importance or in a particularly gruesome manner.
    -- Punishment: Death by beheading
    -- Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.
    Slippery: gain +1 Stealth and it is a class skill

    Paranoid: Anyone who attempts an aid another action of any type to assist you must succeed at a DC 15 check instead of the normal DC 10 check.


    Extracts per day: 3

    1st level Extracts Known (7):

  • Ant Haul
  • Crafter's Fortune
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Disguise Self
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • Identify
  • Shield
  • Touch of the Sea

  • Skills:
    Craft Skill and DCs
    Alchemical Items
    Guide to good alchemical items

  • Acrobatics: +4 =r++4 DEX+0
  • Appraise: +5 =r++5 INT+0
  • Autohypnosis: +7 =1++1 WIS+3 +2T
  • Bluff: -1 =r+-1 CHA+CC
  • Climb: +4 =r++4 STR+0
  • Craft: Alchemy: +10 =1++5 INT+3 +1Cs
  • Craft: Armor: +9 =1++5 INT+3
  • Disable Device: +9 =1++3 DEX+3 +2Cs
  • Disguise: -1 =r+-1 CHA+CC
  • Escape Artist: +3 =r++3 DEX+CC
  • Fly: +3 =r++3 DEX+0
  • Heal: +7 =1++1 WIS+3 +2Cs
  • Intimidate: -1 =r+-1 CHA+0
  • Know: Arcana: +9 =1++5 INT+3
  • Know: Dungeon: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Engineer: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Geography: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: History: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Local: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Nature: +9 =1++5 INT+3
  • Know: Nobility: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Planes: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Religion: +5 =r++5 INT+CC
  • Know: Psionics: +5 =r++5 INT+0
  • Perception: +5 =1++1 WIS+3
  • Profession: +1 =r++1 WIS+0
  • Sleight of Hand: +7 =1++3 DEX+3
  • Spellcraft: +9 =1++5 INT+3
  • Stealth: +8 =1++3 DEX+3 +1T
  • Survival: +1 =r++1 WIS+0
  • Swim: +4 =r++4 STR+0
  • Use Magic Device: -1 =r+-1 CHA+0

  • Equipment:

    6 gp, 10 sp

    175gp Mwk Chain Shirt (+4 AC +4 Max Dex, -0 ACP) (crafted, modified to allow for tentacles)
    2gp Dagger

    85gp Skeleton Key (DD at +10 total, only one try per lock, can't take 10)
    40gp Alchemist's Kit
    50gp Healer's Kit [10 uses]
    75gp Portable Alchemist's Lab
    300gp Thieves' Ring (+2 DD tools, +2 SoH to hide)

    10gp Bandolier [x2]
    10gp Vial [x10]
    1gp Iron Vial [x10]

    17gp Antiplague
    17gp Antitoxin
    20gp Acid [x6]
    7gp Vermin Repellent
    20gp Alchemist's Fire [x3]
    8gp Smelling Salts
    33gp Troll Styptic
    7gp Alchemical Glue
    26gp Brewed Reek [x2]
    28gp Elemental Breath
    8gp Impact Foam
    4gp Foaming Powder
    50gp Tanglefoot Bag [x3]

    Player notes:

    Starting: 3 feats + 3 aegis evo pts
    To keep track of numerical bonuses that hinge off of these features, I will assign Illithid Transformation Points (ITP) which will serve as a counter that will determine the increasing bonuses that hinge upon number of similar features falling under the "unified theme" approved by GM and the "Illithid Feats as Evolutions and Discoveries" approved by GM.

    1st Level:
    FEAT: Illithid Heritage (1 ITP)
    EVOL: Aberration Blood (1 ITP)
    FEAT: Deepspawn (1 ITP)
    EVOL: Illithid Grapple (1 ITP)
    EVOL: Illithid Grapple (1 ITP)
    FEAT: Strangler

    2nd Level:
    DISC: Parasitic Twin (1 ITP)
    EVOL: Illithid Extraction (1 ITP)

    Feats to work towards:

    ***Body Shield after BAB +6
    ****Rapid Grappler at BAB +9?
    Combat Reflexes (with reach and tentacles later)
    Two Weapon Fighting? (with extra arms later)
    Surprise Maneuver (need sneak attack 3d6 first, and combat expertise)
    ***Multiattack (need 3 natural attacks)

    1st major question to GM, approved
    2nd major question to GM, approved
