
Valrydus's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 95 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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Hey everyone. I am sorry if this idea has been brewed up in the past and dissected but I haven't personally seen something on point.

So I love the fighter. I love it as is, but this is not to say that it couldn't be improved on. I have noticed the trend Paizo has been on in giving classes a flexible point based mechanic (Ki, Panache, Grit, Inspiration, etc). I feel that Bravery could follow in suit. Here is my proposition:

Bravery: An intangible, but very real, quality of those that train in arms in a world filled with mystical creatures and arcane magics beyond the ability of the standard person's comprehension. Bravery allows one to face odds that baffle the mind, or to stand up to one with powers you do not understand. Bravery separates those that fight from fighters.

At level 2, a Fighter gains a pool of Bravery points equal to one half her fighter level plus her constitution modifier (1/2 fighter + con). So long as a fighter has 1 bravery point remaining in her bravery pool she may:

1) Use her constitution modifier in place of her wisdom modifier for will saves.
2) Be considered one size category larger for the purposes of CMD.

By spending a point from her Bravery pool a fighter may:

1) Add a +2 morale bonus to any saving throw.
2) Heal a number of hit points equal to your fighter level.
3) Be treated as one size category larger for the purposes of one CMB.
4) Ignore their armor check penalty from armor or shields for any one skill roll.
5) Ignore the non-proficiency penalty for a weapon they are not proficient with for 1 round.
6) Re-roll any will save versus an effect that would cause fear, at a +2 bonus.

By spending 2 points from their bravery pool a fighter may:

1) Treat a successful attack as a critical threat. (still requires confirmation - but can't use bravery for it)
2) Gain (or improve existing) damage reduction x/-- equal to their constitution modifier for a number of minutes equal to their con modifier.

A fighter's bravery pool refreshes each day upon 8 hours of rest, though there a few ways in which to restore points that have been spent without rest, though a fighter may never have more than their max number of Bravery points. A fighter regains a Bravery point when:

1) A fighter defeats a creature in a fight during which the fighter expended at least 2 bravery points.
2) A fighter successfully saves against a fear effect while the fighter has no Bravery points remaining in her pool

Each of these uses of Bravery points is to be activated as either a swift action or an immediate action within its context.

What do you all think? Is this the kind of mechanic that could help to re-energize the fighter and help them live up to expectations?

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Well thank you, I was unaware of the FAQ.

I can state for sure that no such rule exists in my world, ha. Last thing I want is to switch every aasamir in my world into EKs.

I do wonder two things though:

1) so when the human wizard 5 / fighter 1 finally qualifies and takes EK at 7 he will have CL of 5 and BAB of 4 and the aasamir wizard 1 / fighter 1 / EK 5 (same casting for comparison) will have CL 5 and BAB 6, 6D10 HP compared to 2D10, and will have weapon spec because he counts as a 6th level fighter too. Why have the developers not already seen the power difference here?

2) does daylight here even count as an arcane spell? I mean it's on both arcane and divine spell lists and considering aasamir blood it makes more sense that a divine source grants the power. I guess there are just so many assumptions.

Well anyway thanks for calling my attention to the FAQ.

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What makes any of you think that a Spell-like Ability qualifies as a spell? It does not. It clearly states In the requirements that the character must be able to cast third level spells. Not have a third level spell-like ability.

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I played a kobold rogue that was sent off to find a new home for his clan. He met up with a group (the party obviously) and was comic relief as well as just a chance to play a character completely out of his element. He ended up deciding he loved the pony he was given (after originally being terrified of it) and took levels of cavalier.

Long story short he ended up being betrayed by the dragon that ruled his clan and sacrificed himself by taking her breath weapon for the party (gm approved plot device). Turns out he was actually the don of asmodeus and ended up in the hells for a while where he gradually became a sorcerer. Later asmodeus sent him back to the material plane to help him return by possessing the body of one of the kobold's party members. At the moment of reckoning he (after an rp credit system pushed me a certain way) stabbed the party member allowing the gate to open. He was immediately slain by the party....but it became obvious what his real intentions were when asmodeus was slain by the 7 dragons and good godlike creature standing in the room when he opened the gate.

Anyway....easily my best of the most memorable characters.....

Yes I played a kobold ha

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Kobolds can govern a structured society and exercise self control?

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Personally i am a fan of "Feather Token Tree"

Had a combat a few years ago that led to a wall of stone blocking my archer's view, however multiple air elementals were on the other side of the wall fighting, in whirlwind form, mummies.

I could not think of anything else to do, so I jumped up to the wall, which was something like 10 feet tall in a 20 ft tall room and lobbed the feather token over the wall. It activated, created a the oak described in the item's description (40 ft tall i think).

It proceeded to explode when it couldn't expand to its size, and all the branches and leaves, and bits, were picked up by the elemental whirlwinds (which again were behind the other side of the wall) doing quite a bit of damage to the mummies.

The tree pinned one mummy to the ceiling, and has since become an epic story in our world.

I always have a feather token tree.

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One thing comes to mind.

Im a spy, or undercover, or whatever.

"Omg, my cover is blown and the only weapon I have is hidden"

Quick draw allows me to draw my hidden weapon and attack in the first round. It would be rather comforting to know you can get that boot dagger out, or whatever. Being armed is, as we all know, important.

I guess it doesn't matter if you have "improved unarmed strike" but id imagine most people take neither that feat, nor wear gauntlets at the fancy shmancy party they are crashing.