Daughter of Urgathoa

Valisia's page

177 posts. Alias of CaveToad.

Full Name





Cleric 3/Summoner 3(Master Summoner) || HP: 32/32, AC: 20 T: 15 FF: 16 Perception +7, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4/+6, Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +7, CMB: 0, CMD: 15, Speed: 30 || Spell Resistance: 11


Eidolon: Kezelia 11/11 hp, Perception: +4 Init: +1








Common, Celestial

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 19
Charisma 20

About Valisia

Class: Cleric 3 (Domains: Feather, Growth)/Summoner 3(Master Summoner)
Alignment: N
Race: Aasimar
Size : Small
Init +4 (+6 if act in surprise round) ; Senses Perception +7 (+4 Wis, +2 racial, +1 eyes of the hawk)

Background and Appearance:

Valisia was always destined for the priesthood. Among the noble gnomish clans, hers had always held a special place in society. The blood of the upper planes ran through her family and had for many generations. From childhood, Valisia had been groomed for the clergy, training and studying the concepts. No particular deitiy was chosen, all were venerated in their own way. All the gods served their role in the cosmos. However, she chose a path of nature and animals. Valisia had always loved the outdoors, walking among the gardens, enjoying the early morning chirping of birds, the evenings sitting under a tree listening to crickets or an owl. She loved to garden and would plant seeds in secret locations to see what would grow. Only she would know of her little plant experiments. She tried to befriend the forest birds. As birds were wont to skittishness, this was a difficult task, but over time, she was able to coax a few to eat seeds from the palm of her hand. The intelligent crows and ravens were the easiest, they seemed to know she meant no harm.

As she transitioned into a young adult and her training matured, she was introduced to a special program. They said her strong personality was perfect for mastering the art of summoning. Over a period of months and even years, she spent time hunched near a summoning circle, trying to draw forth something, bending it to her will. Usually it was a frog, or maybe a rat, but occasionally something like an eagle. Once even a bloodied skeleton appeared, which shocked but intrigued her. Over time, she was able to control the results and keep them around longer and longer. Eventually she did not even need the circle anymore, confident that the summoned minions would bend to her will. In time and with increased prowess, she was able to more and more minions simultaneously, maintaining the original summons at the same time. This was something rare, that few summoners could master. The time went fast and eventually it was time for her final project. She would summon and bind with a special creature from the outer planes. The project crept on her quickly. She had spent so much time working with the summons, that she had scarce devoted much time to the Eidolon process. She passed however, and was excited to see the beautiful creature that answered her call. It was named Kezelia, a bluish humanoid. Valisia, in her mind had envisioned an eidolon with soft blue feathers, talonlike claws, and a nasty set of canines. As it appeared before it, its somewhat nebulous shape evolved in appearance, taking shape as she envisioned. it was was amiable and receptive to Valisia. They bonded quickly, and became friends. It took a lot of focus to maintain Kezelia as well as her summons, but she was able to manage both concurrently, something that was also very rare.

After graduation and high accolades from her mentors, she began to travel and see the world. It was time to take her place in society. She had always yearned to see more than the small forested hills of her home vale. She was good with people and had a natural intuition to serve her well. While she had never been bookish, and was small, even for a gnome, and slight of frame, she was quick, very quick, agile, graceful, and energetic.
As an aasimar, the blood of planar celestials runs through her, and she does not look quite gnomish. Her hair and skin have a luminous, somewhat metallic sheen to them. Her eyes glow or change colors depending on her mood. She has a special radiance to her. Valisia typically dresses in functional practical clothing. High boots cover her legs to her knees, a short skirt over hips, a cloak from her back. Covering her torso is a finely crafted mithral chain shirt. This shirt was a special project undertaken between her and Kezelia, a former iteration, in which Valisia, decided to see if Kezelia could master any skills. When focused, and with tools, Kezelia was a decent artisan and took quickly to the craft or armoring. After acquiring the raw materials, months of painstaking careful work resulted in the shirt she now wore, a proud product of her own Eidolon. When not in the field, Valisia may wear a soft diaphanous gown of light green or blue.
Valisia, is very outgoing, strong willed, curious and dedicated. She would rather spend time wandering the hills or talking to people than spending it in bookish pursuits. Trying to get by on intuition and personality is more her style, and though she is studied, she had never been particularly clever. Relying more on instinct, good looks, and quick reactions had gotten her out of quite a few close calls in her short but varied travels.
Valisia has met many people in her travels. She looks forward to mastering her craft as a summoner as well as maintaining her role as a priestess. Splitting time between the two has proved to be a lot of work, and she seeks a way to blend them together. She has heard of rare heroes, ones capable of taking on dual roles. In her travels she has met a like minded spirit named Blienka. A shaman and monk, her love of the natural world formed a bond between the two. She has also befriended an elf, Arvangail Wintry, an archer and wizard. She is always looking for new contacts and wishes to improved her mastery over summoning as well as strengthen her bonds with the natural world. She is curious to dabble in other arts. She wishes to see the planes, to someday summon a demon or fiend, and she has read several treatises on necromancy and the dead. She is curious how the supernatural interacts with the natural and what effect the two have upon each other. She has considered writing a scholarly paper researching the matter, if only she wasn't having so much fun traveling and meeting people.
Friends and Family
In addition to Blienka and Arvangail, Valisia is friends with many nobles, and has spent a great deal of time in many of the courts of the realm. As a skilled diplomat, and priestess her presences in many ceremonies has been requested. The fact that the blood of the upper planes courses through her veins, lends extra clout to her position on issues of faith. She knows many priests and druids of multiple faiths, and is on good terms with royalty and nobility in most courts. Her parents, both priests themselves work within her home community.


Froggy Went a Courtin'
The candles sputtered, a slight breeze almost blowing them out. She concentrated hard and chanted the brief words, calling deep within herself the power to call forth….something. She felt something answer the call, but then faltered and she felt the connection waver and fizzle. She sighed. "Again," called a voice from behind her. She focused harder, and concentrated. She spoke the words again, clearly, and emphatically reached out with her whole being. THis time a form began to coalesce in front of her. Quickly it winked into existence. She had done it! She had summoned her first creature. She stepped forward to see what she had called, the small shadowy shape lumpy and amorphous. As she brought a candle closer she saw. "Ribbit," croaked the tiny brightly hued creature. It was a start.

Skeletons in the Closet
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Valisia stood on the table as she up-ended the earthware mug of ale. The Gnomish Bitterbrau was her favorite, but it was potent. She was sturdy, but her small stature was a detriment to contests like this. She had already downed six of them and it was causing havoc on her three foot thirty pound body. Most of this one ended up down her front as she managed to drain the mug in a series of gulps. She held aloft the empty mug triumphantly before slamming it onto the table. Cheers erupted around her. She smiled. She didn't know any of these people, but they were now her new friends. She climbed off the table wobbling and wavering dangerously; luckily she was blessed with natural grace and agility. One might not even suspect she was drunk. How had she lost a boot? She watched her opponent stand and bring a mug to his mouth. "Chug-a-lug! Chug-a-lug!" The huge burly dwarf slammed the mug of ale in one swig, a trickle of the amber brew finding a path down his thick red beard. "BRAAAAAAP!" He belched soundly and the group of people roared in laughter. She wasn't going to win this she realized. Something also nagged at the back of her mind. What time was it? She suddenly froze in realization. Tomorrow was her final project! She had to summon her Eidolon before the entire school at sunrise. She felt her stomach heave, but she kept it down. In a stupor she pushed passed people and made her way to the exit. "Ayyye! Where you going lassy? Giving up so soon? Har har!" The dwarf's taunt angered her. Her drunken brain took over and she considered summoning a pack of dogs to tear him apart. What is wrong with you? She stumbled from the pub and down the street, her one booted foot clumping awkwardly with the slap of her bare foot on the cobblestone pavement. Clump slap clump slap stumble clump slap. Where was she? Her inebriated mind tried to mentally retrace her steps unsuccessfully. Angry, she stepped into an alley way to collect herself. She needed to focus and figure out how to get back home. She would summon. That would help her concentration. She began the quick chant, easy even in her drunken state. A skeleton appeared before her. It hissed and stood at the ready. It dripped, black blood oozing from its bones, pin points of malevolent light in its eye sockets. That was dark. She wondered why she summoned one of these. Perhaps in her anger, her mind pulled one from the ether. Hmmm... She summoned another. Then another. A fourth. They stood before her mindlessly staring at her. Stupid skeletons. Her mind darkened, "You there, kill that one. You two kill each other." In seconds, the four skeletons were slicing away at each other, their broken bones and cuts rapidly healing over. She summoned more skeletons, and then more. The alleyway was filled with the sounds of the skeletons hacking away at each other. Finally she could summon no more, and watched darkly as their cuts barely did any damage to each other, and what little they did disappeared just as quickly, the black necromantic blood healing them. As fast as it started, it was over, they skeletons started winking out of existence, their time on this plane over. She stood, throwing her other boot into the refuse and started walking home not realizing she was going the correct way. She estimated that she had three hours to prepare for her final project.

The Final Project
She was nervous. It was time for her final project. She would summon and bond with an Eidolon today. Other summoners had spent many months, even years preparing for this, reading the research work, practicing the basics, understanding how to evolve an Eidolon and shape it. They understood well the link and bond between the two. Valisia did too ..mostly. She had quickly browsed much of the reading lately, perhaps a little too late, and a little less diligently than she ought to have. She found she fell asleep more often than not studying the dusty tomes. It was far more fun summoning creatures. She was nervous. She knew the concepts. How hard could it be? Many of the other summoners had spent weeks working on theory, drawing elaborate pictures detailing the creature they would summon, how they would evolve it, adding hooves or horns, and making it stronger or any number of possibilities. Valisia kept thinking of birds and furry forest animals, or toads. She wanted a friend though, maybe her Eidolon could provide some companionship that short lived summons could not. She hadn't really decided on much of a concept. A summoner’s Eidolon was supposed to protect them. Maybe that meant claws and fangs. Ok check. Maybe really big claws… Talons, yes. Ok. Maybe some tough hide. Check. She yawned as one of the master summoners droned on about the responsibilities and duties of summoning. She awoke to the sound of her name, "Valisia. Valisia you are called to summon your Eidolon." She gasped awake, adrenalin pumping. How long had she dozed? "Mmmm.. Yes sir. I am ready." She gulped and shuffled slowly to the center as the other students, many with their Eidolons standing next to them, looked on. Perhaps she had had one too many ales last night. Perhaps she should have really studied or at least got a good night's sleep instead of going to the pub to ‘study’. She took a deep breath and began softly chanting. She called forth into the ether and the astral. She searched. Her mind raced, the vague concepts she had previously imagined all jumbled together incoherently. She focused on the ritual. It was a minute long, and she must not falter. At the end, something began to appear. A bead of sweat trickled down past her ear. She put more of herself into the call, bringing it forth. She looked as it began to sharpen, her mind forming it. She had to decide now. Blue feathers. It popped into her head and at the same time the being formed and stood. A tall bipedal woman stood before her. Close to seven feet tall it towered over her. She was blue, and nude, definitely nude. Feathers, she had some feathers for hair, and on her lower arms and legs. A large magical symbol blazed from the creature's forehead, and she felt and could sense somewhat a similar one on her own. It had claws, like an eagle's talons. She was disappointed, perhaps they could be bigger. As her mind formed around the concepts she watched the woman's talons grow in size, the raptor like claws growing to the size of butcher knives. Nice! The woman smiled at her as it flexed its claws. Fangs... The perfectly white teeth of the woman morphed before her, upper and lower canines forming, the human-like teeth turning to sharp pointed carnivorous teeth. The woman's jaw elongated and her neck muscles thickened. She opened her jaws and then shut them again experimentally snapping the air, her grin looking predatory now. Valisia beamed. Not bad. Her smile turned to a blush as the other students snickered and joked about the naked blue woman she had summoned. She focused again. The woman, already muscular, fit and well proportioned, began to grow scales in spots where the feathers did not cover. The scales grew bigger and thicker, almost plate-like in some spots. It helped a little but not much. It would have to do. Valisia felt dizzy, she couldn't muster any more. She whispered, in Celestial, "What is your name?" It responded in kind, "I am Kezelia." As it kneeled down before her, Valisia felt woozy. Then she passed out.

Monkey Business
Valisia crested a small rise in the thick forest. The canopy above kept the floor in shadows. It was cool down here and pleasant. She crept through the foliage quietly. As she got near, she heard grunts and snuffing as the shaggy forest apes chewed on their midday meal. She watched in wonder as the large simians tore down thick stalks of bamboo and chewed on the shoots or stripped leaves from various bushes. She had read about the names of these bushes once, but had fallen asleep trying to remember them. The apes were fascinating. They seemed so gentle, but she could see the huge canine teeth which the dominant male sometimes bared as a reminder to the others. She watched as they uprooted small trees and tore open logs to get at the beetles and grubs within. She scooted closer her eyes riveted on a small baby clinging to its mother’s back. It looked so tiny and fragile. In time it would grow very large and powerful. The baby looked right at her and she froze. Hopefully it had not seen her. ”Oook, ook.” The tiny ape noised softly and started to chew on its own foot. Thank goodness she hadn’t been seen. She started to scuttle slowly backward. Comfortably through the brush she stood up to take her leave and turned around and ran face first into the huge alpha male. Uh oh. As it stood and thumped its chest, Valisia quickly chanted the soothing words she knew would soothe the savage beast. Placated, the simian backed down and stared at her quizzically. Pleased with herself she chuckled softly, until the ape grabbed her and carried her playfully into the clearing with the others. Double Uh Oh.

The Bad Seed
The heavy clerical vestments were making her sweat. She fidgeted in her seat as the sun streamed through the stained glass windows and beat down on the crowd. Various nobles were fanning themselves as Lord ‘Bob’ droned on about something or other. She could never remember all their names. Some people spent a lot of time carefully recording all the noble lineages back twenty or more generations. She couldn’t even remember her own lineage. Bunch of names of angels and so on that supposedly were part of the bloodline centuries ago. Who cared? Her gaze wandered over Lady ‘McSnobbysnort’ who returned a withering disapproving look. What was her problem? Just because Valisia was the size of a small human child did not mean she needed to be treated like one. Valisia had already performed her duty, part of a ritual and ceremonial blessing her order did at such functions. As a member of a more or less neutral clergy, they were often called upon to mediate and sit in on political functions, blessing the dignitaries and proceedings without duly advocating the causes of any particular deities. She wanted to go outside and swim in the nearby river or wander the cool forest. She pushed back the heavy mitre cap on her head as it slid forward. It never did quite fit, and looked downright comical since it was nearly half her size. She kicked her feet to and fro since they did not even reach the floor. As her mind wandered she heard a tap tap tapping on the window nearby. A small bird, perhaps a wren had landed outside and was tapping on the glass. She smiled quizzically at it as it carried on with its persistent tapping. Perhaps it saw its reflection as a rival. It kept looking straight at her. On a whim she cracked the window pane slightly as if to provide a breeze to the people sitting there. She kept her small body in the way of the bird and held out her hand as it leapt into her palm. She returned to her seat cupping the small bird in her hands, but it wriggled forth and hopped onto her shoulder. She smiled and let it sit there. Then it whispered in her ear ”Meet at the old shrine near the forest edge.” Startled, she jumped, her mitre hat falling to the floor ”Whaa!?” When all eyes turned to her, the bird was gone and the reason for her outburst unapparent. Red faced, she cleared her throat, ”Excuse me lords and ladies.” She scuttled from the room. Her ceremonial robes dragged on the floor and along with her soft velvet slippers they made a ‘voop voop swish’ noise as she moved. She moved quickly to her quarters, once there rapidly trying to doff the elaborate garments. Taking what felt like forever she threw on a silken blouse and skirt, and grabbed her boots almost as an afterthought. She sailed through the halls of the old castle they were staying in and soon enough she had slipped through a drain grate to the river’s edge and was making her way to the forest. Her laughter sprang forth as she sprinted through the grass toward the shrine. She didn’t even know who had messaged her.

The Bad Seed Part 2
Slipping into the foliage around the edge of the forest she spied the old ruined shrine. She had seen it from a distance before, and had heard rumors about the place, saying it was haunted. As she crawled on her belly through the old underbrush the twisted sticks and gnarled roots tore and ripped at her silken clothes. Probably a bad idea to have grabbed them in her haste. She looked down at her skirt and blouse. Two buttons gone, one sleeve half torn off at the shoulder, skirt ripped in several places, both permanently ruined by mud. She had no idea this place was so overgrown and protected by brambles. It felt to her that it was grown intentionally. She wiggled through the final bramble bush into a stony clearing, her tiny stature successfully worming past it by laying flat to the ground. She stood and listened quietly. Whoever sent the bird would have had a tough time as well navigating the ticket of growth surrounding the place. The old stones stood solidly, covered in moss and lichen. It was quiet here except for the sound of several large twisted and gnarled oaks swaying gently in the wind. One oak in particular, appeared to have been struck by lightning recently. It had lost most of its leaves and its limbs were blackened. Portions of the trunk were burnt. She stood quietly, reverently for a bit. On a whim she called, ”Hello?” Her voice echoed oddly off of the old stones. No answer. She wandered closer and saw a small altar covered with vines and years of debris. She pulled it all away and brushed away the dirt, adding to the level of filth covering her. The stones felt cold on her feet, as she had lost both boots crawling through the brush. She saw some ancient runes carved in the altar. She did not recognize them. Languages were not her strong point. Compelled by reverence she kneeled before the altar and uttered a brief prayer to the gods of nature. A small bird landed on the giant blackened oak near her. It chirped at her. Was this the same bird that had visited her at the castle? She peered at it, and the tree itself moved. Its huge branches creaking and groaning; the canopy shaking as some blackened leaves were shaken loose, drifting to the ground. Higher up the trunk a hole in the side of it, warped open and above it two knots seemed to drift together and focus in on Valisia like eyes. The hole moved like a mouth and a voice came from it. The voice, deep, and hoarse, raspy, but filled with ancient power, slow and purposeful echoed from it and through the ruins. ”Little one, it is I who called you here. It is well known among the tree spirits, you, planters of seeds and nurturer of life, would be best suited to a task.” She nearly wet herself as the thing spoke, and jumped from her skin. A talking tree! She had heard of the treants. This one must be ancient, but looked to be dying from the lightning strike. She squeaked out a ”Me? How can I help?” The massive tree loomed larger, its trunk separating at the base, splitting and becoming two massive legs. Its ‘feet’ pulled up rocks and earth and stone, dropping debris everywhere as it took two steps into the clearing. Higher up, its upper branches cracked and snapped as they clashed with those of other trees sending a rain of leaves, broken sticks, and several old birds' nests to the ground. Standing before her like a giant before a mouse, the tree lowered one massive branch so that its tips hung before her. Seven acorns hung in small clusters in front of her face. Despite the thunderous roar of stone, earth, branches and leaves accompanying the treant’s movement, its voice still startled her when it spoke again. ”Little one, take these seeds, they are my last. I am dying. I will gather my last rays of sun today, and tonight my sap will flow no more.” As she listened she saw a trickle of sap run from one of the knots almost like a tear. More sap oozed from its ‘mouth’ almost like drool. Her own eyes welled up in tears, “No, I can get help. There are druids who can help…”[/b] Its thunderous voice boomed again cutting her off, ”No little one. I am ancient and my time has come. The lightning has merely hastened by demise. Take my acorns. Protect them, nurture them. Give them names, see them grow and flourish into new treants. I have placed within them much of me. They will remember me and they will remember you when they grow. Even now they are aware. They will grow swiftly, faster than oaks normally do. Call upon them in times of need. Visit them, and do not forget them, but be watchful the seventh one.” As the seven acorns dropped from the branch into her tiny waiting hands she noticed one of them was blackened a bit. ”That one is different, I do not know why. Its spirit will be unpredictable. Give it extra care.” She was shaking now clutching the acorns. She tore off the rest of her sleeve and tucked the acorns securely within, folding it over and over and tying it shut with a strip of cloth from her skirt. ”What do you mean different?” She asked while securing them. After no response she looked up and the treant was motionless again. The knots looked lifeless and the maw of a hole that it spoke from looked hollow and empty. The wind picked up suddenly and she felt cold now despite the heat of the day. The wind caught the tree and it began to sway. It was going to fall! Nimbly she dove aside as the massive trunk began to topple. It seemed to take an eternity and as it fell the other trees nearby seemed to make way for it, their branches slipping aside gracefully giving way to the blackened oak behemoth as it slammed into the stone shrine, sending the ancient rock wall crumbling, the stones thumping to the earth, scattered like marbles. Then it was quiet again. She looked up and the remaining trees seemed to lean in reverently, protectively over their fallen brother. She wiped a tear from her eye with the back of her filthy hand and placed her other hand on the trunk mouthing a prayer. No voice came from her throat, although her mouth moved to the words. When complete, she looked up and the thick gnarled undergrowth had parted into a narrow winding path. The wind blew her tangled knotted hair across her tear streaked face as a crow perched in a tree nearby cawed raucously. She turned and sprinted down the path, her clutch of magical acorns securely clenched in her fist.


Str 8 (-1), Dex 18(+4), Con 14(+2), Int 10(0), Wis 19(+4), Cha 20(+5)


AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (dex 4, size 1, armor 4, shield 1*)
* When holding improvised weapon
CMD 15 (+2 BAB, -1 str, +4 dex, -1 siz, +1 trait)
hp 33 (3d8(8,8,8) +3 FCB, +6 CON)
Fort +5 (base 3, con 2)
Ref +5 (base 1, dex 4)
Will +7 (base 3, wis 4)
Spell Resistance: 11


BAB +2 CMB 0 (BAB +2, -1 str, -1 siz)
Move Speed 30'
cestus +2 (+2 BAB, -1 str, +1 siz) 1d3-1 (19-20/x2) B/P
feather totem (improvised weapon) -2 (+2 BAB, -1 str, +1 siz, -4 improvised ) 1d3-1 (20/x2) B


Armor Proficiency-light (free)
Armor Proficiency-medium (free)
Shield Proficiency (free)
Simple Weapons (free)
Augment Summoning (free)
Summon Neutral Monster (1st)
Extra Summons (3rd)


Spellcraft +4 (rank 1, class skill 3, int 0)
Diplomacy +10 (rank 1, class skill 1, cha 5, race 2, trait 1)
Heal +6 (rank 1, class skill 1, wis 4, kit +2)
Knowledge Nature +4 (rank 1, class skill 3, int 0)
Knowledge Arcana +4 (rank 1, class skill 3, int 0)
Use Magic Device +8 (rank 1, class skill 3, cha 5)

Acrobatics +4 (dex 4)
Perception: +7 (wis 4, race 2, eyes of the hawk +1)
Appraise: +0 (int 0)
Bluff: +5 (cha 5)
Climb: -1 (str -1)
Disguise: +5 (cha 5)
Escape Artist: +4 (dex 4)
Perform: +5 (cha 5)
Ride: +4 (dex 4)
Sense Motive: +4 (wis 4)
stealth: +8 (dex 4, size 4)
Survival: +4 (wis 4)
Swim: -1 (str -1)

Special Abilities:

Channel Energy (Su): (8/day 2d6) DC 16 (10+1/2 cleric level+cha mod)
Orisons: ( 0 level spells, not expended when cast )
Spontaneous Casting: (convert spells to "cure" spells, chosen: heal)
You treat Knowledge (nature) as a class skill.

Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).

Eyes of the Hawk (Ex): You gain a racial bonus on Perception checks equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). In addition, if you can act during a surprise round, you receive a +2 racial bonus on your Initiative check.

Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, you gain the service of an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this animal companion is equal to your cleric level – 3. (Druids who take this ability through their nature bond class feature use their druid level – 3 to determine the abilities of their animal companions)

Enlarge (Su): As a swift action you can enlarge yourself for 1 round, as if you were the target of the enlarge person spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Bramble Armor (Su): At 6th level, you can cause a host of wooden thorns to burst from your skin as a free action. While bramble armor is in effect, any foe striking you with an unarmed strike or a melee weapon without reach takes 1d6 points of piercing damage + 1 point per two cleric levels you possess. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells:
1st: calm animals, enlarge person


Cantrips ( 0 level spells, not expended when cast )

A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it and can speak all of his languages. Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.

A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon hit points are unchanged from the last time it was dismissed or banished. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished. The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner’s desires. The eidolon’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner’s class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon receives a pool of evolution points, based on the summoner’s class level, that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner.

The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner’s forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).

Lesser Eidolon:

A master summoner’s class level is halved (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining his eidolon’s abilities, Hit Dice, evolution pool, and so on. The eidolon otherwise functions as normal.

This ability replaces the summoner’s normal eidolon ability.
Life Link (Su)

Starting at 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane.

In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does return to normal.

Summon Monster I, II (Sp)

Starting at 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 5* + his Charisma modifier. He can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. These summon spells are considered to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, he can expend uses of this ability to fufill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.Original text modified to comply with Summoning Master ( see below ).

Summoning Mastery (Sp)

Starting at 1st level, a master summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 5 + his Charisma modifier. The summoner can use this ability when his eidolon is summoned. Only one summon monster spell may be in effect while the eidolon is summoned. If the summoner’s eidolon is not summoned, the number of creatures that can be summoned with this ability is only limited by its uses per day. This ability otherwise functions as the summoner’s normal summon monster I ability. Other than these restrictions, there is no limit to how many summon monster or gate spells the summoner can have active at one time.

This ability replaces the summoner’s normal summon monster I ability and shield ally.

Augment Summoning

At 2nd level, a master summoner gains Augment Summoning as a bonus
feat. He does not have to meet any requirements for this feat.

Eidolon Abilites:
Darkvision (Ex):The eidolon has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Link (Ex): A summoner and his eidolon share a mental link allows for communication across any distance (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action, allowing the summoner to give orders to his eidolon at any time. In addition, magic items interfere with the summoner’s connection to his eidolon. As a result, the summoner and his eidolon share magic item slots. For example, if the summoner is wearing a ring, his eidolon can wear no more than one ring. In case of a conf lict, the items worn by the summoner remain active, and those used by the eidolon become dormant. The eidolon must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item.
Share Spells (Ex)

The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list.

This ability does not allow the eidolon to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5. (These values increase to 7 due to Unscathed trait)
Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark 60 feet.)
Aasimar: +2 to Perception and Diplomacy
Spell Resistance: 10 + 1/2 HD


Unscathed (magic): Each type of energy resistance you have (if any) increases by 2 points.
Improvised Defense (combat): Whenever you wield an improvised weapon, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. If you use the improvised weapon to attack, you lose this shield bonus until the beginning of your next turn.
Noble Born (campaign): You gain a +1 trait bonus on your CMD. In addition, choose Acrobatics, Diplomacy, or Stealth—you gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill. Your family motto is “High Above.” - chosen: Diplomacy


Common, Celestial


Masterwork mithral chain shirt 6.25lbs
cestus .5 lbs
feather totem 1 lb
bedroll 2.5lbs
blanket 1.5lbs
signal whistle
candles (10)
trail rations 2 days 1lbs
tavelers outfit 2.5 lbs
spell components pouch 2lbs
healers kit 1lb
wooden holy symbol
ball 2"
(3) bear traps (carried on pony)
magical bracelet ("Fizzmetal")

weight total= 18.25 lbs
Capacity: 19.5 lbs and less is a light load
( 8 Str = 26 lbs x 3/4 as small humanoid )


Name: Kezelia
N Medium Outsider
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural armor, +1 dex)
hp: 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +4 (1d6+3), bite +4 (1d6+3)
or Power Attack 2 claws +3 (1d6+5), bite +3 (1d6+5)
Str 16(+3), Dex 12(+1), Con 13(+1), Int 7(-2), Wis 10(0), Cha 11(0)
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Stealth +6 (Rank 1, Class skill 3, Dex 1)
Perception +4 (Rank 1, Class skill 3, Wis 0)
Survival +1 (Rank 1, Wis 0)
Craft (Armor) +2 (Rank 1, Class skill 3, Int -2)

Feats: Power Attack
Languages Common, Celestial
Type: Biped

Free Evolutions
claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).
Evolution Pool (3): Improved Damage (Ex) - Claws, Improved Natural Armor (Ex) +2, Bite 1d6 (Ex)

Typical Prepared Spells:

DC = 14 + spell level
Level 0 (prepare 4): detect magic, create water, stabilize, guidance
Level 1 (3/day+1 domain): shield of faith, bless, ice armor
Level 2 (2/day+1 domain): bone fists, bull's strength
Level 1: enlarge person
Level 2: barkskin
(ironskin, aid, eagler splendor, trident other good options)

DC = 15 + spell level
Level 0: infinite
Level 1: 5/day

Spells Known:
Level 0 (6):
mage hand
acid splash
read magic

Level 1 (4):
summon minor monster
reduce person

life conduit


N Medium animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 hooves –3 (1d3)
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13 (17 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, RunB
Skills Perception +5
SQ docile
Docile (Ex)
Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle Animal skill, a pony's hooves are treated as secondary attacks.

Stat Rolls:

Stat rolls and placement:
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 4, 4) = 17 = 14
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 6, 5) = 17 = 15 +3 = 18
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 2, 6) = 22 = 18
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 2, 5) = 24 = 17
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 4, 4) = 14 = 10
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 1, 2) = 7 = 5 - discarded
stat roll: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 3, 4) = 13 = 11 -3 = 8

18, 18, 17, 14, 10, 8


Budget=3000 gp

Masterwork mithral chain shirt 333.33+33.33+50= 416.66 (crafted by Eidolon at previous level with skill focus evolution for Craft (armor))
cestus 5gp
bedroll 1sp
blanket 5sp
signal whistle 8sp
candles (10) 1sp
trail rations 2 days 1gp
tavelers outfit free
backpack 2gp
spell components pouch 5gp
waterskin 1gp
cup 1gp
healers kit 50gp
wooden holy symbol 1gp
ball 2" 8cp
dice 1sp
improved weapon free
pony 30gp
bit and bridle 2gp
saddle 10gp
saddlebags 4gp
(10) days pony feed .5gp
Total cost: 530.74 gp

[spoiler=Other Notes
pet Brush Thylacine