Telandia Edasseril

Valai's page

296 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Valai Darkrune; Valai the Cold; Valai Blackheart




Wizard 2 (Illusionist); Init +1; Low-light vision; Perception +5; AC 11 (+1 Dex); hp 15; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3







Special Abilities

Arcane bond, Arcane school (Illusion), Blinding ray, Elven immunities, Elven magic, Extended illusions, Keen senses, Weapon familiarity




Calistria, Nethys, Sivanah, Yuelral


Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Serpentfolk, Sylvan, Thassalonian


Travelling entertainer/scholar

Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 13
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Valai

N female Elf Wizard 2 (Illusionist)

Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +5

11 (+1 Dex)
hp 15
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3

30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +0, 1d6/1d6; Elven curve blade +0, 1d10; Dagger +0, 1d4
Ranged Dagger +1, 1d4
Special attacks Spells

10, Dex 13, Con13, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD +11

Scribe scroll

Knowledge (arcana) +10 (2 ranks, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 (1 rank, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (geography) +9 (1 rank, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (history) +10 (2 ranks, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (nature) +9 (1 rank, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (planes) +9 (1 rank, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (religion) +10 (2 ranks, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Linguistics +10 (2 ranks, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Perception +5 (1 rank, +2 Keen Senses, +2 Alertness)
Sense motive +2 (+2 Keen Senses)
Spellcraft +10 (2 ranks, +5 Int., +3 class skill)
Survival +3 (+3 Goat Familiar)

Deft dodger (+1 to Ref saves)
Forlorn (+1 to Fort saves)

Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Serpentfolk, Sylvan, Thassalonian

SQ Arcane bond (familiar)
Arcane school (Illusion)
Barred schools (Enchantment, Necromancy)
Blinding ray
Elven immunities (immune to sleep effects, +2 bonus vs. enchantment effects)
Elven magic (+2 to caster level check vs. spell resistance, +2 to Spellcraft when identifying magic items)
Extended illusions (Any Illusion with duration of Concentration lasts an additional number of rounds equal to 1/2 Wizard level)
Keen senses (+2 to Perception checks)
Weapon familiarity


* Illusion spells
^Advanced Race Guide
0 - All except Bleed, Daze, Disrupt undead & Touch of fatigue
1 - Blend^*, Disguise self*, Expeditious retreat, Feather fall, Mage armor, Magic missile, Shield, Silent image*, Vanish*, Whispering lore^

Spells prepared; X = cast
0 - Acid splash, Detect magic, Ghost sound*
1 - Mage armor, Magic missile x3, Silent image*

1 gp 8 sp

Case (map or scroll)
Goat familiar ("William")
Ink (1 oz)
Pouch (belt)
Rations (10)
Spell component pouch

Valai looks like a fairly typical Elfmaid: she is slender and graceful, her long, straight hair so blond as to be almost white, her skin fair but tanned to a mild golden hue. If she is not as tall as other Elves, standing more at the height of a human woman, then this does not detract from her elegance.
The greatest difference between Valai and any other Elven woman lies in her expression and in her eyes. To be precise, her face is usually expressionless, a cold mask that betrays little. Her large, almond-shaped eyes are dark and filled with all the seething passions her face does not betray. All too often, those passions are negative and bitter.
Valai wears black scholar's robes. Although she takes good care of them, they are neither fashionable nor elegant. The Illusionist cares not, for her clothes amiably suit her purpose for them: that they cover her body and provide her with pockets to put things in.
An oddity about Valai that few ever get to see is the marking on her stomach. Spelled out with runes placed there by Arcane marks is the Elven word for 'Exile'.

Valai was born in the magical kingdom of Kyonin, but one more daughter among many. In her youth, she was given her first introduction in arcane magic; she displayed an aptitude for the discipline and soon developed an interest in the Illusion school. All of this was perfectly acceptable to her family, and her tutors were well-pleased with her efforts. Her parents insisted that she also try her hand at the traditional Elven discipline of sword and bow, and she reluctantly tore herself away from her books long enough to gain perfunctory capabilities with the rapier and the dagger.

Up until this point, Valai's life was like that of so many Elfmaids. The only things that distinguished her from her peers were her relative shortness, the darkness of her eyes and a focus rarely seen in one so young, which kept her at her studies when her peers were at play. She was considered slightly unsociable, to be honest.

In time, Valai was admitted to an advanced class, overseen by a venerable archmage of Kyonin, and her family was well pleased. Then dawned the day when the archmage called his class together and announced that one of his high-level scrolls had been stolen from his study during the night; the study that only he and his chosen apprentices could access. He asked the guilty party to step forward and publically admit their guilt. In return, he would not pursue the matter any further.

Valai stood silent. She had not stolen any scroll, knew she had not stolen any scroll, and resorted to wait until this distasteful matter had been resolved and she could continue with her studies. To her shock and outrage, two of the other students promptly accused her of being the most likely to have taken the scroll. "Were Illusionists not consummate tricksters and deceivers?" they argued. "And was Valai not always keeping herself apart from her fellows, sneaking around and keeping secrets?"

Valai's outrage erupted into outright fury when the archmage agreed with this assessment, and ordered her to hand the scroll over. Valai lost her self-control and hurled magic at her two detractors, actually drawing her sword when her spells ran out. At this point, the archmage stopped and reprimanded her, explaining that the whole 'theft' had been a simple test of character, one he regularly applied to his students.

"You could have wept," the archmage said, his eyebrows lowered. "You could have been brave and maintained your innocence. You could have brought forth good arguments to prove your innocence. You could even have left with dignity. You did none of these things, you resorted to violence against your fellow students, Elves of good families, my loyal apprentices!"

The archmage made it clear that Valai had a choice; she could humbly apologize to her apprentices and continue as the archmage's pupil, agreeing to take additional lessons in self-control and propriety from both the archmage and her classmates, or she could leave. Valai left, spitting at her tutor's feet before she did. In her fury, she did not deign to notice the distress of the classmates she left behind, nor the pain on her now ex-tutor's face.

After this, nothing was the same again. Valai's once abstracted expression turned into the cold mask she bears today. She was short and cold to other Elves, taciturn to her family, and sarcastic to her fellow spellcasters. More and more, she withdrew from Elven society, limiting her contact with others to the barest minimum, losing herself in any and all tomes that she could get her hands on. She met intrusions on her privacy with harsh words and threats, and finally, when those same apprentices who had helped the archmage administer the fateful test of character forced themselves into her rooms to offer her an intervention, with violence.

Valai was dragged in front of the court after this, and offered the same choice she had been given by her ex-tutor: repent or depart. Again, Valai made the choice to depart, accepting exile in the extreme of her fury. She scowled her way through the marking ceremony that branded her an exile in silence, and left without saying a word to her tearful relatives, without meeting the eye of any of the Elves gathered to see her fall.

Since her exile, Valai has been travelling the world. She has scoured the ruins of Thassalonia in search of arcane lore, and bore away a working knowledge of its language. She acts the part of a travelling entertainer, casting cantrips and simple illusions to entertain children and simple country-folk in return for food, lodging and pennies. Many of those who meet her think her nothing more than a hedge-mage, accompanied as she is by her goat familiar, dressed in her dowdy robes. When she encounters people of genuine erudition or places and objects of true arcane power, however, she is a transformed personality. Valai delights in learning secrets, ancient stories and spells, focusing as always on the art of Illusion.

To Valai, illusion is not just a way of fooling the senses. In her mind, reality is a harsh, grey bedrock of rules underlying the world. All people's perceptions of the world are their own way of lying to themselves. Replace a person's own illusions with those you create, and you have changed their whole world. Valai's odd philosophy leaves her pleasantly open to new experiences and strange people - so long as they are not Elves from Kyonin. To her, the distinction between species is just one more illusion, and anyone might teach her something new, either by sharing their knowledge or by providing her with experimental information when she casts her illusions.

If Valai has a goal in life, it is to attain ultimate arcane power; she is willing to travel the whole world over to expand her knowledge and abilities to their utmost. She believes that power over Illusion equals power over all living creatures and their perception of the world, and power over perception equals power over the world itself. In rare moments of introspection, she nurtures bitter grudges against the tutor and fellow apprentices that ruined her education in Kyonin for her, and sometimes a bleak regret for the relatives she has neither seen nor spoken to for many years now.

Valai was raised in the faiths of Calistria and Yuelral, but she has little love for what she perceives as the goddess' flightiness and fixation on physical sensation, and she bears an unvoiced resentment against Yuelral's preference for 'natural' magic over the more abstract kind she favours. Her tutors introduced her to Nethys, but if Valai thinks of the god of magic at all, it is with a sense of discomfort crawling along her spine; the thought that the foremost power of magic is insane worries her. Since her travels started, Valai has been introduced to the faith of Sivanah, goddess of illusion, reflections and mysteries by a human Illusionist she met. The concept of the mysterious goddess, whose goals are a secret even to her faithful, amused the exiled Elfmaid, and even impressed her. At any time that this becomes necessary, Valai may pay lip service to any of these four deities. How grudgingly she does so is entirely dependent on the occasion and her mood at the time. She feels some mild affection for Sivanah, at least, but realizes the power of the other three.