Hobgoblin Commander

VVKing's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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well, Our Lord In Iron will at least go down swinging!

my main question is

Achaekek is an assassin. So, who hired him to kill the god of war?
He's also not supposed to be able to kill gods... I sense shenanigans

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Szuriel, huh? makes sense if the god of battle dies, the Horseman of War is going to take a chance to become a full god

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logic_poet wrote:
Blood Lords: There's not a town in the world I haven't run amok in.

Joe Strummer!

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Delightful wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Nope. They get micro stat blocks (ie. we list their alignment and class levels) but not full stats. Those appear in the War for the Crown AP, however, where both NPCs make prominent appearances.

Thanks for the info, Mr. Moreland!

Think you could spoil what classes and alignments they have? Pretty please.

Stavian III was said to be an aristocrat/wizard in Inner Sea Magic. I don't know if this changed or not

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If/when the Pathfinder Tales line returns, would you be interested in writing a fiction novel, provided you have time?
And even if you think you'll never have time, what would your dream novel be?

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I have to say, I think the "masked man with a nice hat" works better as a look for Charon than "extremely grumpy old man".