Journeyman Carpenter


Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

I've seen some posts about this from a while back and believe it is time again to bring this into light. There are many gamers here on the east coast who would love to go to a large convention like Paizocon, but it just isn't in their budge to afford plane tickets to seattle. I do believe that Paizo can gain alot from opening a new convention somewhere here in the east. Atlanta or somewhere close would be a central hub here in the east and alot cheaper for people. I hope this opens discussion and new possibilities for everyone, including people in charge at Paizo.

Grand Lodge

I was wondering if the Pathfinder Society has ever thought of possibally bringing games to furry conventions. Alot of friends i have in the furry community either play pathfinder or have expressed interet in it. So what do you think?