VC Gats Vigel Wingpinner's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Kess, Humble Servant of Abadar.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Ferrik Obelin

Male Human Sorcerer/1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Ricgeon Silverfin

Male Human Fighter/7 (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Frell Prolestim

M Human Bard 1 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Venture Captain Kessara Jerendi

Female Taldan Cleric 5 (4 posts)

Liberty's Edge Cajun Orkennhas

m Human Barbarian 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge VC Gats Vigel Wingpinner
(1 post)

Liberty's Edge Gyeran Meldherion

m Elven Rogue 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Yemi Enturra

F Aasimar Orcle 1, Barbarian 1 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Tuksen Saguaro

M Human fighter (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Katsue Ietsuo
(0 posts)

Scarab Sages Most Intersting Grippi Golarion

m Grippli Inquisitor 1/Swashbuckler 1/ Dervish dancer bard 4 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Gonus Stonebreaker

m Dwarf Crusader Cleric (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Tatt'va T'purusa

F Undine Cleric (0 posts)

Dark Archive Drippy Jowls

m human bard (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Agathe DeBlouze
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Mr. E. Midnight

M Samsaran Arcanist (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Diego Ruiz

Male CG Human (Brevoy) Fighter 1 Rogue 1 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 18 (11 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +1 (+2 vs. fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +4 (+1 vs. traps), SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (35 posts)

Grand Lodge Mavis "Ma" Brendana

F Human Cleric of Irori 2 (0 posts)

The Exchange Dardiana Beestinger

F Gnome Mestmerist (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Javert the Inquisitor

M Garuda blooded Aasimar Inquisitor (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Torel of clan Gregant

M Half-orc Oracle of Bones (0 posts)

The Exchange Biff Braun

Half-orc (0 posts)

Grand Lodge New Rura Penthe

M Dhamphir Thundercaller Bard (0 posts)

Dark Archive Yuxibis "Xibi" Oriwala

F Rakshasa-spawn Tiefling Rakshasa bloodline Sorceress (0 posts)

Sovereign Court VisBaron Drec Vecuun

M Ratfolk Bard (1 post)

Grand Lodge Zeyl
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Zia al'Marjanna
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Tarion Jerendi
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Mr. Suli-man
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Maybe finally a halfling
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Dave Baker 41
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Dave Baker 781
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Tia Zolteotl

F alfling Cler of Calistria (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Cyril Turnpenny
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Eroin Glynxidor
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Eroistanir Meldherion

Male Meldherion Rogue/1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive His Daughter in Darkness

F Varisian Cleric (0 posts)