Unlighted's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Hanzo watched as the giant figure raise its mighty weapon high into the air. He knew that he wasn't agile enough to evade the attack completely so he braced himself against the incoming impact. The maul came down with a grunt of effort from its wielder. Hanzo put his thick shoulder plate into its path trusting in his sturdy armor to protect him from the worst of it. A thunderous clang rang out as weapon and armor collided in a contest as old as war itself. Hanzo grunted as his knees flexed absorbing the momentum from the maul. The fact that he wasn't a bloody mess on the ground meant his armor had saved him yet again. He opened his mouth to mock his opponent when with a loud CRACK! multiple fissures radiated out from the maul's impact point. Hanzo could only watch horrified as the fissures created a tapestry of destruction across his full plate. The armor that had protected him for so long fell apart in a clatter of metal rain at his feet. The only other sound was the laughter of his opponent as he raised his weapon for another blow.

It kind of become its own mini story, but you get the general idea. :)
Your best bet is to get across the power of the attack, but not completely dismiss any impact on the character. If I got hit with such a weapon I would expect to at least be rocked back on my heels or somesuch. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far, even in a fantasy setting.

If you were dead set on destroying the armor, but having absolutely no effect on the wearer you could just use the good old magic out.

The weapon smashed into Hanzo's armor with a bright blue explosion engulfing him in its radiance. As the light dimmed Hanzo stood unharmed, but his armor lay in pieces upon the ground.

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51. Zombies walk into bar demanding an equal share of all brains. The living bar patrons selfishly refuse to share.

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Grapple claw hand prosthetic. Standard action to fire and retract the line pulling the wielder to its target point (say 20 or 30 feet of range). Also could snag items within a certain size limit. The Ninja Claw Grapple would of course be near silent in operation. A fun bit of utility but not game breaking.

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The fighter's abundance of combat feats means you can make him fairly well rounded by using your regular odd level feats to pick up non combat feats.
Cosmopolitan, Skill Focus, and the other feats like Magical Aptitude that give a +2 to two different skills can transform a character from simple sword swinger to a swiss army skill set that still has a solid combat presence. You'll need to be able to resist min maxing and/or willing to use your favored class bonus to add more skill points per level.

The hardest part for me when playing fighter characters is not focusing purely on combat. Pathfinder has such a wide range of combat feats with all their books that its hard to not just keep piling them on a character when you get the chance. If you can resist the lure of pure combat you can have a well rounded character with the fighter.