Div, Sepid

Unhuman's page

130 posts. Alias of Uret Jet.

Full Name

William Kent





Strength 36
Dexterity 14
Constitution 36
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Unhuman

AKA, William Kent. Male
Att: + 8 | Dmg +13 | DF +6 | T:+13 | F: +13 | R:+3 | W:+6 | HP: 2 | Conditions: None

Primary details:

Heroic Form, S-Shield replaces symbol
Human form
Power Level: 12
Quote: "My grandfather stood for truth, justice, and the American way. And I intend to do the same."
Concept: The son of Superboy and Miss Martian.
Occupation: Freelance writer
Real Name: William Kent
Legal Status: American Born citizen with no criminal record
Heritage: ¼ Human, ¼ Kryptonian, ½ White Martian
Identity: Secret
Place of Birth: Metropolis
Marital Status: Single
Living Relatives: (Father) Conner Kent, (Genetic Grandfather) Lex Luthor, (Genetic Grandfather) Clark Kent, (Adoptive Cousin) Kara Ken
Height: 7'0", Varies
Weight: 250 lbs., Varies
Eyes: Red naturally, commonly amber
Hair: None naturally, most commonly red.


Abilities: 26+4+26+6+2+4=70
STR: +13 (36), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +13 (36)
INT: +3 (16), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +2 (14)

Skills: 30 (120)
Bluff 14(+16, Concentration 8(+9), Diplomacy 12(+14), Drive 2(+4), Gather Information 10(+12), Intimidate 12(+14), Investigate 10(+13), Knowledge: Civics 6(+9), Notice 8(+9), Profession: Writer 10(+11), Search 10(+13), Sense Motive 14(+15), Stealth 4(+6)

Feats: 13
Attack Focus: Melee 8, Connected, Well-Informed, Contacts, Leadership, All-Out Attack

Powers: 54
Alien Genetics 10+9+10+1+1+1+1+12+9=54
..Alien Flight Flight 5, (250 MPH)
..Alien Biology: Immunity 9 (Life Support) 9
..Martian Mutability: Morph 5, Broad forms (Humanoids)
....(Alt)Martian Camouflage: Invisibility, Total concealment from all visual senses|
....(Alt)Kryptonian Senses: Super-Senses 10, Ultra-Hearing, X-Ray Vision, Ultravision, Microvision 1, Extended Hearing 2, Extended Vision 2
....(Alt)Kryptonian Skin: Impervious 10
....(Alt)Kryptonian Strength: Super-Strength 5 (93 tons)
..Martian Brain: Mental Communication 5, Subtle, Selective, Area, Linked to Comprehend (5 Miles) (2*5)+1+1=12
..Like Minds: Comprehend Languages 3, Everyone can understand automatically, Affects others, Linked to Martian Brain 9

Combative Abilities: 0+12+5
D/T: -1/+1 |A/S: -1/+1
Attack Bonus: +0 (Ranged: +0, Melee: +8, Grapple: +13/+17)
..Unhuman Blows: Attack +8, Damage +13 (unarmed)
Defense: +6 (Flat-footed: +3)
Initiative: +3

Tough: +13, Fort: +13, Ref: +3, Will: +1(+6)


Abilities 70 + Skills 30 ( 120 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 54 + Combat 12 + Saves 5 - Drawbacks 4 = 180

Drawbacks, Complications, Backstory:

Kryptonite Uncommon, Minor
Being only one fourth kryptonian, it doesn't affect him as strongly as it had his father and grandfather, but it's still enough to make him sick. This is an Uncommon drawback, because of the rarity of the substance, and it Minorly effects him due to his diluted bloodline.

Fire Bad Common, Moderate
Martian bodies are susceptible to fire, and William is half White Martian. This is a Common drawback due to how often fires take place, and it only Moderately effects him due to his diluted bloodline.

The Symbol
Unhuman is expected to fill the shoes of both his mentor and his grandfather, and the pressure is almost unbearable. He doesn't think he deserves to wear the symbol often associated with the former hero. The world itself is reluctant to accept such a blatant alien in the role of their former greatest protector, so he must fight demons both internal and external.

Truth... Justice... Subterfuge...
The famous quote feels hollow in Unhuman's mouth, for his own shapeshifting abilities makes him an expert at tricking and misleading others. He often struggles with either using his own abilities to do a job efficiently, or to do things the way his grandfather would've done. Does he embrace who he was born to be, or who he is expected to become?

New to this whole thing
William didn't want to be a hero. He wanted to be a writer, to express himself through words instead of action. But his father's condition has deteriorated beyond the point where he could be a useful hero, no longer capable of replacing the wayward Superman. He doesn't know how to fight at his fullest potential, and he often misreads his opponents due to inexperience.

Scion of a race of evil
William lacks the amount of skill his mother had in hiding her true appearance when she worked as a hero, and as such his pale white skin and monstrous face is plain for all to see while he's Unhuman. With the genocidal aliens having invaded Earth on several occasions his obvious heritage often unnerves people, and inspires distrust and fear in others. He struggles to make people see that like his mother, he is not what his ancestry has dictated.

Fleeting family ties
His mother is gone, his grandfather is absent, and his adoptive cousin rarely has anything to say outside of training. His family is slipping away from him, including his own father. Almost constantly bedridden in a private room at a Metropolitan hospital, his young looks are at odds with the rest of his body. Inside, he was an old man, someone that might've been in his eighties instead of the middle aged man he was. Already weak, his condition can and has changed at a moments notice. Even more, old enemies might learn of the once hero's vulnerable state.
Conner and Megan had always had a "Would they/Won't they?" sort of relationship, gravitating around one another for years until they finally bit the bullet and married 20 years ago. They had no idea that their marriage would result in a child, but they loved their newborn son all the same.

William Kent as he was called, grew up almost normal. He knew what he was, his parents never made to hide it from him, but he had no wish to follow in their footsteps. It was something that upset his father at times, but his mother was always supportive of his goals. He took up writing, drawing inspiration from age-old poets such as his own namesake. The young boy knew it was unlikely his work would become famous, but he still wanted to try.

When he was in his early teens, the condition which kept his father looking as young as he did took a sudden and unexpected turn. The cloning process must've not been as perfect as was once presumed, and he began to age internally at an accelerated rate. His mother remained at his father's side for much of the next five years, until she collapsed.

The doctors, unfamiliar with her xenobilogy, were unable to stop whatever had afflicted her. He lost his mother at the age of eighteen, and his father was threatening to follow. He hadn't thought that things would get worse then they had until he learned of what was happening with his grandfather and how much time he spent away from Earth.

His father told him what was to happen next, that the quiet and normal life he had lived for so long wasn't possible any longer. The world needed still their superman, and with Conner having been rendered bed-ridden and his grandfather missing, that need fell on William's shoulders.

He spent the next year primarily under the tutelage of J'ohn, otherwise known to the world as Martian Manhunter. Just as he had done for his mother, the elder martian helped William learn to use the gifts he was left with. When he learned to reinforce his Kryptonian genetics and obtain a fraction of their abilities, his distant cousin Supergirl started to take part in his training as well.

In the end though, he still didn't feel very super. William wasn't even sure he could be considered a part of mankind. But he knew, that his father was right. The world needed someone to put their trust into, an immortal hero to rely on, they need their symbol. They needed him. But they did not want him.

He was Unhuman.
