Cold Rider

Ungoth's page

16 posts. Alias of Sagawork Studios.

I would like to cancel my subscription for the time being please. As the thread title states, I would very much like for the above order to be the last one shipped to me.

Thank you in advance and all the best :)

Hi Paizo,

I feel kinda bad for commenting and I don't want to complicate things for you guys; you do a great job.

I wanted to highlight some water damage that has occured to Pathfinder #44. Only the first 10 pages were stuck together and I managed to pry them apart with only minor damage.

So no real harm done, but I'd like to minimize such instances as much as possible. Thinking about it, I believe that this what may have happened with Pathfinder #40 (Order #1574047).

Is there any chance that I might be able to get future Adventure Path Subscription issues sent in one of those slim boxes you normally reserve for multiple orders, instead of a cardboard envelope? I find that when things arrive in a box, there is less wear on the innards, particularly from the weather.

Thanks for your time and I abide by whatever decision is made.

Samurai was the first class I turned to purely out of personal interest with the genre. I shall try and keep this critique constructive, short and to the point.

  • The Samurai states in the last line of the 'Role' section of the class writeup that it is an alternate to the Cavalier base class. Up until that point, I had different set of expectations of the Samurai class.
    My personal preferences aside, I would suggest that the term (ALTERNATE CLASS) be printed alongside the class heading, exactly the same way as the Antipaladin alternate class is featured in the Advanced Player's Guide. This format should be applied to all alternate classes so the reader knows exactly what to expect from the class right from the outset.

  • As with cavalier, some of this class' abilities are hinged upon owning a mount, which can preclude some people from playing such a class out of preference. As such, I am sure that people would like to see (at least one) archetypes for the Samurai/Cavalier that does away with this. Again, my personal preferences aside, varying archetypes (and I do not mean additional Orders to belong to) for Samurai (and Cavalier) might appeal to people who would not normally play these classes. It also allows you to keep what you want as the main thrust of your class concept. As a point of interest; this year's superstar has two Cavalier archetypes.

  • As a side note: I think that I understand why the Samurai is written up as an alternate class as opposed to being an Archetype of Cavalier (despite them sharing a large amount of abilities). It is because it eliminates the requirement of having to own both the Advanced Player's Guide and Ultimate Combat in order to play a Samurai. This is a good design choice.

    If you need any clarification on anything I have stated here, please let me know. I am interested to see where this class goes:) Good start. Thank you for your time.

    Andrew Gale

  • Firstly, hi. Please delete the linked thread here. It is the incorrect order number for why I am writing. Sorry. It is 11:57pm here and I need my bed.

    Secondly, thank you very much for the Season's Greetings card enclosed with my copy of AP#40 Vaults of Madness! A belated seasons greetings right back to the Paizo staff and I hope you have a good new year :)

    Unfortunately, my copy of AP#40 appears damaged :(

    For want of better descriptive terms, it appears heat damaged. A largish wrinkle occupies the back corner of the book, measuring about 2 by 1 inches, and a line of wrinkles extends across the entire top of the book (which is better felt than seen, but this line is consistent with the other wrinkle). Furthermore, all pages are stuck together in that very same corner! I have tried opening the pages carefully, but each time I do, the stuck pages tear, leaving part of the facing of the previous page on the next. To explain it better, I am happy to try and provide photos if you wish, or even send it back for further examination.

    Anyways, I thought there is no harm in asking: May I please have a replacement copy of AP#40? --I would even be happy to wait until the next installment of my subscription and perhaps send both together? Please let me know. Thanks again.

    Andrew Gale

    The title screams loudly that I am mostly a raving Luddite, but I believe it is a fair question and any advice Paizo and the community could pass on will be certainly appreciated. I was curious as to what the correct syntax is when displaying stat blocks that use core class archetypes (such as Barbiarian Totem Warrior or Rogue Acrobat) from the APG?

    Obviously, the key abilities of a core class archetype replace the associated abilities of the original and would be listed in due course, but what I am driving at is: What sort of indication is there to show that the following/preceding stat block of a NPC has abilities a little different from the norm?

    Perhaps something like this?

    XP 1,600
    Male halfling rogue (burglar) 6

    I am assuming an awful lot, however I am keenly interested in getting it right.

    Bumping post. The first few entries are in. Remember you have to be in it to win it.

    Andrew Gale

    Looooong story, but Stabracadabra was suggested as a replacement name for 'Gish' (as a Fighter/Wizard label)
    I wrote a song about it in this post. Yeah I know; 'Stabracadabra' was not my submission.I just hijacked it.
    This is a revised and more specific version. Please note the changes in the second verse.

    Sung to the tune of Steve Miller Band's abracadabra

    I look up; Orc minis are down
    d20s are spinnin'
    'Round and 'round
    'Round and 'round and 'round it goes
    Where it stops is my initiative throw

    Every time those Orcs calls me names,
    I throw them balls of magic flame (magic flame)
    Magic flame full of fire(fire)
    Then draw my blade; I’m also a fighter!

    I wanna reach out and stab ya

    What do you think? Any more Gish-wannabe theme tunes out there?

    Hiya all,
    I just wanted to let you know that Sagawork Studios has just released a game accessory called Rel-Draxa. Featured in the upcoming Temple of the Kraken adventure, the city of Rel-Draxa has been expanded into its own PDF product, containing two immensely detailed 11” x 17” maps of the city. Accompanying this is an 8-page gazetteer detailing Rel-Draxa's history, laws and the city's geography. This concise yet complete city is an ideal location for any city-based adventure, or as an interesting stopover to places unknown.

    Just so you know, Sagawork Studios were the creators of Horror at Dagger Rock, the free adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. So if you liked what you saw in Horror at Dagger Rock, I am sure you will like what you see in Rel-Draxa and the upcoming Temple of the Kraken (and perhaps consider spending a few dollars).

    As always, I am interested in constructive criticism. Please feel free to comment here, or in the product description, or if you prefer, send me an email

    You may purchase Rel-Draxa here.

    Just sayin' is all.

    Besides, since Gish is synonymous with githyanki, it is therefore not Pathfinder-centric or OGL for that matter. Shame on you all! Everyone, please do the right thing and report yourselves to Wizards of the Coast for a copy of their standard cease and desist letter.

    Mark my words, you whippersnappers; if there are too many base classes, multi-classing will break. And where will you be then? *pokes you with walking stick* Not old school anymore! Bah! Its like I've always said: If it is not in the Core Rulebook; it not showin' its ugly face in any game hereabouts!

    ...or thereabouts!

    ...and get off my lawn, ya punk kids!

    Hey Everyone,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I have released a FREE 69-page adventure entitled Horror at Dagger Rock. HaDR is the debut adventure from Sagawork Studios. I am working out a few kinks here and there and once that is done; my intention is to have it made ready for download upon the Paizo website (under Sagawork Studios 3rd party page).

    The blurb reads:
    At the edge of the Daggerstone Hills is Dagger Rock; a pinnacle of granite that thrusts more than one thousand feet into sky. At its base sits Relford; one of the oldest and most popular mining settlements in the region. Since a recent earthquake, Relford has been dying; the mines have closed and the mighty Rel River has all but dried up. People keep their doors locked and are wary of strangers. Terrified locals flee their homes, abandoning their meagre livelihood with no explanation. Others have simply disappeared…

    It is said that between the dark and dead trees of the hills, inhuman tribes lurk, preying on the unwary. Who knows what horrors have crawled from out the shadow of Dagger Rock?
    An adventure designed for 4-6 characters of levels 1-3.

    I am also working on Horror at Dagger Rock's sequel, Temple of the Kraken; this adventure will carry an --albeit small-- price tag; but I can assure you that if you believe that Horror at Dagger Rock show promise, you will not be disappointed!

    So please take the time and download it, or otherwise have a look. I am interested in what you have to say about it. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

    Andrew C. Gale

    Hi Cosmo,

    I just wanted to confirm that this order successfully went through? I am writing as I have heard that the PFRPG has since sold out. Embarrassingly, I realised recently the CCard I used was over its limit. I have since fixed that problem.