
Ungollan's page

26 posts. Alias of spinningdice.

Full Name

Ungollan Aurochs


Male Ferran Golemoid (AC20 | HP 9/16 | Fort +6 / Ref +0 / Will +2 | Steam 5/5)

About Ungollan


Medium Humanoid (Ferran) Golemoid
Ungollan lived much of his life at the bottom of the pile, not especially quick of hand or wit, growing up on the streets he was forced to endure. As he grew into his massive size he started to find employment easier, eking a living as an enforcer, bodyguard or when needs must a common laborer.
Ironically his life changed when he was badly wounded, left for dead and robbed of his possessions. He managed to limp himself to a somewhat crazy mechamage living in the slums, he made a bargain, he'd be healed in exchange for free reign for the insane old man to trial his techniques on him.
The gamble paid off, Ungollan is tougher and more resilient than ever before, and his talents made him a prime recruitment target for mercenary groups.


30ft Speed
STR 14
DEX 11
CON 18
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 10
HP: 16
AC: 20 (+2 natural +6armor +2 shield)
FORT: +6 (+2Class +4Con)
REF: +0
WILL: +2 (+2Wis)
Steam: 5

Attack: Base Attack +1 (CMB: +4 / CMD: 14)
Gore: +3, 1d8+3, x2 Crit.
Flail: +3, 1d8+2, x2 Crit, Trip, Disarm
Rifle: +1, 1d10, x3 Crit, 60' Range (10 shots)

[dice=Flail]1d20+3[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d8+2[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d8+2[/dice]
[dice=Gore]1d20+3[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d8+2[/dice] [dice=Crit]1d8+2[/dice]
[dice=Rifle]1d20+1[/dice] [dice=Dmg]1d10[/doce] [dice=Crit]2d10[/dice]

Proficiencies Simple, Martial, Light, Medium & Shields (inc. Tower Shields)
Trait: Ruffian +2hp
Trait: Courageous +2 Will vs Fear effects
Feat: Power Attack -1 Attack for +2 Damage

Massive: Ferran brutes count as large creatures when calculating their Combat Maneuver Bonus, Combat Maneuver Defense, and Intimidation skill checks.
They calculate equipment encumbrance and make Strength checks as if their Strength was 2 higher. They receive no attack penalty for using weapons intended for Large creatures. However, the limits on using oversized weapons remains unchanged (a large light weapon becomes a onehanded weapon, a large one-handed weapon becomes a two-handed weapon, and a large two-handed weapon cannot be wielded unless it can also be wielded as a one-handed weapon, such as in the case of a bastard sword or dwarven war axe).
Natural Weapons: gore 1d8 damage. Primary natural attack (this includes Razor Sharp trait)
Leathery Hide +1 Natural Armour Bonus
Scent Scent special ability
Razor Sharp Increase natural weapon damage die (included above)

Steam Reserve Level + Con Mod, restored on 8 hr rest.
Steam Mastery May spend Steam points on following:
> Detect Magic (Standard Action, CL = Golemoid Level)
> Burst of Steam (Swift Action): +2 Deflection bonus to AC until start of next turn)
> +4 morale bonus on attack rolls / STR checks to break inanimate objects, ignore first 5 hardness when breaking objects, (Swift Action)
> Jump: Make Acrobatics check to jump as if from running start.
True Golemoid Class Implants do not count towards Impact. +2 Saves vs poison/disease
Implants 2x Minor, 1x Basic (Save 10 + 1/2 Level + Con Mod (14))
Basic Fortified Flesh +1 Natural Armour (Stacks with other natural armour)
Minor Iron Grip: Swift Action to lock grip. While locked: +10 CMD vs disarm, +10 to STR checks to maintain grip, does not auto-drop item for falls, trips etc.
Minor Minor Luminescent Implants: Lights as per torch

Intimidate +4 (+1Rank +3Class) (Counts as Large, +4 if larger than target)
Knowledge (Engineering) +4 (+1Rank +3Class)
Perception +6 (+2Wis +1Rank +3Class)
Survival +6 (+2Wis +1Rank +3Class)

300GP / 284.2spent
Breastplage (150) +6AC, +3MaxDex, -4ACP, 20ft Speed. 30lbs
Heavy Steel Shield (20) +2AC +2MaxDEx -2ACP
Flail (8)
Rifle (50) 7lb (10 standard shots) (2sp)

Potion, Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1) (50)

Backpack (2)
Blanket (5sp)
Horn, Signal (1)
Rations x5 (25sp)
Waterskin (1)