
Uktabi's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts (63 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.

Some questions came up about the new bombard animal trick.

Bombard Trick:
Bombard (DC 20): A flying animal can deliver projectiles on command, attempting to drop a specified item that it can carry (often alchemist's fire or some other incendiary) on a designated point or opponent, using its base attack bonus to determine its attack roll. The animal cannot throw the object, and must be able to fly directly over the target.

Is it the intention of this trick that the AC only gets its BAB and that dex does not apply?

Does this attack still suffer improvised weapon penalties for alchemical items or rocks? and if so would Throw Anything work to counter this? Similarly could Point Blank Shot or Precise Shot be applied?


I'm trying to report a PFS game and am getting an invalid ID message when I try to save the session. Should I just delete the offending ID and move on or ... The game is from a random pick-up game I ran at PaizoCon with some other people who couldn't get into the banquet. I have no hope of ever seeing the person who gave me the bad ID.

After playing in the Shadow Lodge event at PaizoCon I was inspired to write a scenario. I don't want to use the Shadow Lodge or any of the characters from the event but I would like to use the collateral damage from the event as the impetus for my adventure. I know most PFS adventures exist independent of each other so they can be played in any order. Is there any problem with writing an adventure that takes place after the special event.

Dark Archive

I love my Dinos and I think I need to feed a few of my players to some!

If I wanted to have my PCs wrangle a herd of aurochs through a fedid marshland filled with hungry tyrannosaurids and ravenous packs of theropods whats the best spot in Golarion for this to happen.