Forwell Hog

Uarach's page

26 posts. Alias of Simeon.


Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach shrugs, ”Let’s leave the metaphysical discussion for the morning, or at least I will. I’m going back to sleep, wake me up for my watch.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach smiles and returns with the traditional response, ”Then I will fight in its defence.” He pauses for a moment before saying, ”I am Uarach, of the southern Galshan. Well met, Cardiff.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach calls out in Galshan, ”A bheil thu Galshan? Ma tha, tha sinn càirdeach, clann eile an fhiadhaich.”


Are you Galshan? If so, we are kin, fellow children of the wild.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach chuckles, "A talking bird. Can't say I've ever come across something like that in the wild."

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach looks about before saying, ”No point in trying to find a trail in the dark. I’d say we make camp and try to pick the path back up in the morning. I can take the middle watch. Spare you all the trouble.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach’s smile somewhat fades as he circles around the grotmag.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach stands resolutely, smiling slightly.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach nods, ”If we march on my word, then let us march. Find what else might be in store for us.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach smiles at the mention of surviving off the land, ”I wouldn’t worry too much about surviving off the land. A coalition of my people sent scouts who could help provide for themselves and their units. I was among them.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach scouts a bit ahead of his assigned group, trying to stay somewhat stealthy.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach nods and says, ”No sense in wasting time then. Zenebe, Tellian, with me. Let’s get searching.” Uarach steps outside and looks up at the sky before muttering, ” Ceredal above, I am glad your storm has spared us.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach gathers his furs off the pew and puts them back into his pack before nodding curtly and moving toward the door. He says, ”Pairs would be good, aside from there being five of us here. I could scavenge on my own if need be.”

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Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach nods his head towards the door and says, ”Ceredal seems to have made himself at home, though lest Larantor himself wishes to show up I’ll err on the side of caution when dealing with the gods.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach nods, ”As I stated before, I am Uarach, of the Galshan. My tribe sent me for my knowledge of the wild and my skill in battle. I’ve got a few days worth of food and some water, though it’ll be a bad day when I can’t hunt or forage something.” His eyes dart around the church as he fidgets slightly with a bone ring on his finger.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach gets up from his pew and makes his way over to the group, ”What’s the fuss about this box? Message could’ve been meant for someone else.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

For a moment, Uarach clasps his hands together and puts them the his forehead, muttering in a barely audible tone, ”Ceredal, Lord of Ravens, may your blessing leave us unharmed. Larantor, Wild God, may I tread in your domain once more.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach finds a pew and slings his pack down onto the ground next to it. He takes some large furs out of it and spreads them on the pew before lying down on it.

If we’re going to be here for a while, might as well get comfortable.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach walks toward the door, hanging back about ten feet.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach gets low, creeping along with a predator's grace, all the while scanning the area for any hidden threats.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Once the party reaches the forest, Uarach tries to find a relatively safe location before setting about constructing a shelter.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Surcical: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach nods and says, ”Let’s go then. No sense waiting for the storm to catch us.” With that he starts walking towards the forest, not waiting for others to dawdle.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach looks around, feeling the wind and noticing the clouds far in the distance. He says, ”There is a storm coming.” He looks around a bit more, feeling the strength of the wind and the distance of the clouds, ”It should come in a few hours. I suggest we find shelter before that.”

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach finally makes his way to the group. He nods and says in a deep but surprisingly soft voice, accented by the clipped brogue of the southern mountains, ”I am Uarach, of the Galshan. My greetings.” After that, he takes a brief glance around before inspecting the area, his knowledge of the wild coming in handy.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach creeps closer to the group, still staying back a bit.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Uarach’s eyes opened. He lay on the ground for a moment, breathing heavily, before slowly getting on his feet. He quickly made sure his essentials were there. His sling was at his hip and his pack was on his back. He briefly closed his eyes and felt it, the aspect of the mountain lion, a wild and untamed fragment of his psyche.

Max HP: 30 | AC 18 T 18 FF 13 | CMB +7 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +3 | Init +5

Dotting in, ready to go!