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54 posts. Organized Play character for philipjcormier.

Full Name





bounty hunter soldier/1 [init: 1; perc: 2] [HP: 11/11; Sta: 9/9; RP: 3/3] [EAC: 14; KAC: 16] [saves: 4/1/3] [Rifle Charges: 20/20] [Move: 25]




M (6' 250#)


Neutral Good




common; elven; vesk

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 9


HP: 11 Stamina: 9 Resolve: 3 Initiative: 1
BAB: 1 EAC: 14 KAC: 16 Fort: 4 reflex: 1 will: 3

Laser rifle, azimuth: +2; 1d8; 120'; 1d6 burn; 20 charges.
Longsword:(Rune of the Eldritch Knight): +3; 1d8+2; Slashing

SKILLS: acrobatics(+3); athletics(+4); perception(+2); piloting(+5); survival(+6).

FEATS: Step-up: Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a guarded step away from you, you can also take a guarded step as a reaction as long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability.

RACE: Constructed: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.

Exceptional Vision: Androids have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.

Flat Affect: Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.

Upgrade Slot: Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.

SOLDIER: Primary Fighting Style: Arcane Assailant: The arcane assailant fighting style supplements its combat effectiveness with magic powers, drawing on traditions of warrior-wizards dating back to well before the Gap. This allows you to use magic runes to augment your weapons and call on legendary powers, giving you access to arcane options even when you don’t have a magic weapon in your possession.

Rune of the Eldritch Knight (Su): You can imbue a weapon with a magic sigil, the rune of the eldritch knight, allowing the weapon to act as a magic weapon for the purposes of bypassing DR and affecting incorporeal creatures. This takes 10 minutes, and you can imbue only a single weapon at a time. If you imbue a new weapon with the rune of the eldritch knight, any previously imbued weapon loses this benefit. When calculating the Hit Points and hardness of a weapon imbued with the rune of the eldritch knight, treat its item level as 5 higher.

THEME: Bounty Hunter: You track people down for money. It is a dangerous profession, as most of your targets understandably don’t wish to be caught. You wouldn’t have it any other way. You might have a code of ethics, never taking jobs that, say, target children or members of your own race. You might hunt down only escaped criminals. Or you might be completely amoral, taking any job that comes along—for the right price.

Theme Knowledge: Your mind is a cold steel trap when it comes to scraps of information about the creatures you’re tracking down. Choose a specific sentient creature that you can identify by name, alias, or specific identity to be your mark. Reduce the DC of Culture or Profession (bounty hunter) checks to recall knowledge about your mark, as well as to recall knowledge about law-enforcement individuals and practices, by 5. If you choose a mark that is known only by an alias or secret identity, this ability helps you learn facts only about the identity you know about, not any other unknown identities. Once you defeat your mark, as an action that takes 1 minute, you can study dossiers and database information about another individual to be your new mark. You can instead abandon your mark for a new one without defeating it, but if you do so, you take a –2 penalty to all skill checks for 1 week. Survival is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Survival checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation.


ARMOR: Hidden Soldier Armor(EAC: +3; KAC: +5; max dex: +2; ACP-2; speed: -5);
Weapons: Longsword; Laser rifle, azimuth.
EQUIPMENT: binders; cable line; titanium alloy(10'; x5); comm unit(Personal); starstone compass; backpack(consumer); binoculars; field ration(1/1); tent(mass produced).

HOMEPLANET: Absalom Station
FACTION: Wayfinders

BOONS: Wayfinder Champion