Hi all, I'm fairly new to posting on these boards. I tried my luck a few times over the years but unfortunately I couldn't reconcile with the time commitment. Things have slowed down for me personally though, and so I figure it's time to try and get among what seems to be a rad community here!
About me: I’ve been playing TTRPG games since 2003, starting off with D&D 3.5 and moving onto 4E until I discovered PF1e. I've since moved onto D&D 5E; though I don't have an issue with the system itself, I really miss the rich and diverse world of the Golarion setting. I've never tried PF2e (I'd love to), but I do miss some of the intricacies of 1st edition.
I've played through and GMed the first book of Rise of the Runelords a few times, finished the Kingmaker and WOTR CRPGs and played a few pathfinder homebrew games as well so I'm fairly comfortable with the setting. I'm hoping that by offering up a game as a GM here I can increase my posting history (and prove to be a consistent and reasonably well-written forum member), and hopefully make it into a game myself one day.
So, here it is. At this stage just an interest check to see if there's an appetite for it, but I'd like to run he first book of Ironfang Invasion, Trail of the Hunted. I'll include some information about character building crunch below, so potential applicants for the actual thread will have an idea of what I'm looking for.
Character creation:
Level 1
Roll for stats! I find it most fun to play this way, so I'd like to offer my players the same. Please don't roll here; we'll save it for the actual recruitment thread.
PHB races only. I know this might sound boring to some, but I like to keep it a little vanilla for immersion's sake.
Classes: Any PHB or APG classes are fine. I'm pretty open to anything here, I'd like to stick to regular versions instead of unchained though, as I'm not terribly familiar with those.
2 x traits of your choosing.
Check out the players guide for free here or on Archives of Nethys for a good take on the types of characters to suit the adventure.
If I can get 6-8 replies here, I'll open up a recruitment thread in the next week or so.
I've probably missed something, but that should be enough to get the creative juices going I'd think! Any questions feel free to raise them here so we can all get an answer. I expect the posting schedule will be every 24-48hrs at least, and I'm pretty open with communication when it comes to life getting in the way. I'm open to establishing a discord group for this as well, if that's something that the final group would be interested in (but I'd prefer to keep the gameplay itself here).
I'd love some experienced PBP veterans to come on board, especially as I'm likely to be a little rusty with the 1e ruleset. The biggest thing I'm asking for is patience, and a little faith.
Lastly, I am an Australian so expect my posts to come at weird hours.
Hit me with questions, queries or feedback! I know some will probably count me as a risk, seeing as how my posting history is so limited. This is a game of chance, we pour our hearts into our characters then stake their lives on the roll of a dice. So why not roll the dice with me?