Tuvael's page

No posts. Organized Play character for kryvnus.

I just received my copy today as part of my subscription and while I enjoyed the story and art as much as I always do (and was glad to see Ezren get his wayfinder) I have an problem with it. Unlike all of the previous comics, the map insert is STAPLED INTO the issue. I cannot remove it without tearing something or dismantling the product. I am disappointed by this a great deal.

I am not going to stop getting the products because I enjoy them a great deal and I buy them for the comic and not the map. The map is an extra that you throw in and is a beautiful side benefit, so thanks. But I do hope that this can be resolved in future issues and more care is taken to not sell a product that must be damaged intentionally to make full use of it.

So I'm just wondering if there was something I missed. The strategy that I've been using with my characters is "Burn through the location decks as quickly as possible." This strategy works well most of the time and it has only utterly failed me once... against Black Maaga. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this scenario would be for individuals who don't power through location decks. I literally cleared all of the locations out in 14 turns (with a bit of help from Black Maaga).

The problem I have is this: This is the only scenario that I have seen where character stats and deck build mean absolutely nothing in the face of the villain. Random d4 rolls dominate the scenario and there is absolutely no way around that issue. The closest thing that you can do to overcoming that mechanic is exploring locations faster than the dice can eat them for Black Maaga, and even after 14 turns and burning through 30 location cards by myself, I still didn't defeat the encounter. And it wasn't because my characters failed, it was because... random. You don't even get an opportunity to fight Black Maaga in the scenario, even though he has a combat check and a bunch of rules printed on his card.

So all I can do at this point is wait 16 more turns and then lose. I didn't run out of time, I didn't fail to defeat enemies, and I didn't even move slower than Black Maaga. It's like playing tic-tac-toe against a random number generator and letting it pick 3 spots before I even get to go. I'm disappointed in this scenario, because it takes no time at all to finish since it chews through cards without encountering them. Unless other members of my playgroup refuse I will strongly suggest taking a bye on this scenario when we get to it. It just isn't worth the short amount of time wasted on it. And the reward for success is basically not worth bothering with anyway.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Something that I would love to see, and I hope others would too:

Could Paizo work out a deal with an existing 3d printing company or buy a 3d printer themselves so that I could order a mini of my Pathfinder Online characters?

The opportunity to create a custom miniature with virtually any configuration of race gear and appearance based on the 3d model used in the game would be stupendous. I would be willing to maintain an active subscription for that ability alone even if I did not enjoy the game (though I undoubtedly will enjoy the game) as well as paying an exorbitant price for the custom piece, even as unpainted plastic.

What do you guys think?

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Could I get some opinions on this use of the Diplomacy skill for as a house rule?

Commerce: You can also use Diplomacy to conduct trade. To do this you spend 1d6 x 10 minutes haggling with a merchant. The DC of this check is equal to the DC to improve the merchant's starting attitude. You gain a bonus on this check equal to +1 for every 4 ranks of Appraise you posess. If you succeed you gain a 5% bonus to buying and selling prices in your favor. For every 5 by which your check result exceeds the DC this bonus improves by 5%. The bonus granted by this check cannot exceed 20%. If you fail the check by 4 or less there is no change to buying and selling prices. If you fail by 5 or more, you take a 5% penalty to buying and selling prices for every 5 by which your check result falls short of the DC. The penalty imposed by failure cannot exceed 25%. You do not need to accept the results of this check and finalize the trade but if you leave without accepting the terms that merchant's attitude toward you is decreased by one step. Hostile creatures will always refuse to haggle with very few exceptions (GM discretion).