Turuntu's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Martijn Donker.

Dark Archive

Hi all,

I have been writing and running a personal campaign setting for several years for a group of friends, and recently I have been putting the recent missions/quests online for other people to use.

So far my players are enjoying them, but I like to become better at it, write more engaging and cunning adventures for them and possibly the readers of my site. So I was hoping you guys might be willing to give me some advice on the quests I have so far. :)

The PDFs are downloadable here: https://imarand.nl/adventures/

Looking forward to hear what you think.

Dark Archive

I was wondering: is a polytheist paladin possible in the rules of Pathfinder/PFS?

For example, you ask to Pharasma to bless your sword while fighting some undead, you call on the aid of Erastil to track down a fugitive in the wood, the power of Cayden Cailean in the protection of a ale house against some goblins or the blessing of Sarenrae to heal someone. Just naming some crazy examples.

Can't really find anywhere in the books (Core, Adv. Players Guide, Inner Sea World Guide) that it isn't possible, just that their moral code is more important than their choice of deity. And with the Pragmatic Polytheist trait from the Pathfinder Player Companion People of the River it will make an interesting character.

Just hoping to clarify some things. :)