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Liberty's Edge

We spent most of 3 days playing through Dragons Demand. We're close to the final battle, so I thought I'd post impressions of level 1-6.

I like having the free weapon focus, bonus feats, and the heavy armor proficiency. That really makes him feel like a front line combatant. At low levels I did have a harder time casting. The channels are weaker so I didn't pick selective, and then it's harder to heal with channels so I found myself holding the spells in case one of us got knocked out. The blessing for the good domain was really nice for the first few levels, it was really effective to buff myself and/or the other melee fighters, and it's a great buff.

1) Does the holy damage make the attack good-aligned to bypass DR/good? We assumed yes.

At the mid levels 3-5 it was more fun to play, but I stopped using the blessings entirely. A standard action is a high cost to pay to buff myself, even more if I'm buffing someone else - it's just not a fun way to spend my turn. Sacred weapon was useful a few times, but without a magic weapon yet that matches my deity I'm limited to +1 enhancement. This isn't bad and it's easy to use. I was disappointed in the limitation to the deity's favored weapon and that I can't throw the weapon. Getting bonus proficiency and weapon focus feels like enough pushing to that selected weapon, I'd prefer Sacred weapon be applied to whatever I'm wielding. Still it's a quick easy way to apply something like magic weapon, so I'm a fan.

2) Do Warpriest levels count somehow toward fighter-restricted bonus feats? I'd like to look at disruptive eventually.

So my biggest complaint to now is that too many of my abilities, and my attack, require standard actions. The blessing seems least useful normally, so I didn't get much use out of it.