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I played D&D in the 80's and was told that PF was eerily similar and that I should hop in and swim.

Well, I went and bought the Beginner's Box and have been doing a lot of research online, including YouTube videos, and have become a bit familiar with the game again.

My 13 year-old and I are trying to play the adventure in the GM book that came with the box, and I made a character that he could control and I am the GM. Not a perfect set up, but it's still pretty fun for us. We are actively recruiting some of his friends, who seem interested, but we just got the game last week.

Since we haven't played it much yet, (about 5 hours) we still run back to the rule book a lot. I try to make the choices fun for him, and invent consequences for re-trying things. For instance, when he got to the glowing fountain, he took a drink, like the result, so he drank again. I then instituted a -1 penalty to each consecutive attempt. I also prompted him that he didn't need to fight everyone all the time and that talking could work. (With only two charactes, those 5 goblins would be difficult to beat!)

I was wondering if there are any quick reference sheets out there that I could print off that show all the choices that characters have when entering a room, combat, or post-combat. Typically, we just use perception and hope for the best, but I know that there are other things that can be done, but it's bothersome to keep heading back to the rule book. Combat options and the different saves and their applications on a card would be handy, too.

Basically, I'm looking for an assortment of quick reference cards that would speed up our play.


P.S. As GM, is it allowable to 'assist' characters when they are under-manned? My son is only using two characters, one of which is an elf-rogue, and I think they will not survive to the end. Can I adjust the AC of the creatures to give him a better chance, or is that not allowed?