
Turbo Gorilla's page

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I was browsing the WotC website and read the article on variant Tarrasques. Interesting read but then I got to the part about the Five headed Pyro Hydra- Fearsome critter- lots of nasty bite attacks plus breath weapons. Pretty cool right?

Then I started looking at some of the stats- The Breath Weapon has a range of 30 feet. The Tarrasque is 50 feet tall. Maybe I'm thinking a little too 3-D here, but it seems to me that it's breath weapon would be good for getting rid of Belly Button lint, but not much else.

So the Crux of my question- What types of house rules have other people used to give range to breath attacks? Height multipliers? Ranges windows (a la missile weapons). Thanks in advance.

And in anticipation of someone flaming me for asking a dumb question, my premptive retort will be "Same to you."


While squirrelling though a buddy's collection of back issues a few months ago, I vaguely recall stumbling across a prestige class called the Osseomancer. I remember this striking me as insanely cool and that I needed to make a mental note to investigate it more thoroughly in the future.

I've remembered that I want to investigate it, but can't remember what issue it was from. I've asked all of my friends about it and they all stare at me like I'm nuts.

Which is it? Is there a prestige class called the osseomancer, (if so can someone give me an issue number so i can track it down) or is there no such thing and I just had a really cool idea for a prestige class while accidentally huffing carbon monoxide in my buddy's basement.

I've been watching the forums off and on since I picked up a copy of #124 on the newsstand (And subsequently subscribed because I thought AoW looks so darned cool) but I haven't seen anyone else mention it-

I don't have #124 in front of me but did anyone else find it INSANELY funny that the drug using, syringe toting Necromancer has a familiar whose stat line reads "Merrowaghn, Owl"

I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong but what a gloriusly terrible pun. Well played Erik Mona... Well played indeed...

I've been playing off and on with the same group of guys for roughly 15 years now. Typically DM duty has been rotated between 2 individuals. One of the two hasn't been DMing with our group much lately as he often DMs with his other groups but it's leaving the other guy in the lurch in terms of never actually getting to play.

That having been said- I personaly haven't DMed in probably 8-10 years. I've read AoW cover to cover (no one else in our group has) and I absolutely love it- Even convinced the wife to let me subscribe so I can get the whole series! We're gaming on Saturday- would it be overly ambitious of me to try and break a 10 year DMing hiatus with AoW? I'd be interested to hear any feedback you might be willing to offer.