Arcturus24 |
Hey all,
Lately I've started reading a lot more (and rereading less), and I would like to start a good long fantasy epic next. However, I'm still in doubt as to what series to pick up, as it's quite the investment time and money wise.
Some of the stuff I've already read includes the Song of Ice and Fire, the Wheel of Time, some books of the Robin Hobbs' Assassin series and classics like the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings. Oh yeah, I should probably mention Harry Potter as well, even though it's debatable whether it's a fantasy epic.
Series I'm currently having in mind are the Kingkiller Chronicle (although I'm fearful of the third book being delayed so much), Mistborn and the Stormlight Archive (which I'm inclined to postpone, so I can read it when it's done), the Belgariad and the Sword of Truth. I'm also interested in the Malazan Book of the Fallen, which I decided to read after the series I'll read next.
Perhaps a bit more of my personal preferences, I like series that have some depth and/or are somewhat atypical (I adored aSoIaF in particular).
So what are everyones opinions on these series and how they compare? And are there good, underrated series I've missed?