I am an avid Starcraft 2 player and I love the Zerg. I was thinking about creating a campaign revolving around the race. There are a lot of insect creatures in Pathfinder and I was thinking about finding a way to bring them all together for a Zerg centered campaign. Here are some ideas that I had to make the campaign.
I see the Zerg as a reactionary race. If you have a ranged heavy party that uses a lot of piercing weapons, after several encounters, they would develop DR5/bludgeoning. If you have a caster that is specifically using fire magic, they would spawn a squad of assassins that are specifically resistant to fire. I want the swarm to adapt to perceived threats. I know that I would be walking a thin line with this type of ability, but I think that it would be good for flavor. How do I make sure not to let the swarm get too out of control?
Next, I wanted to figure out how to create creep. For those of you who are not aware, creep is a biomass that spreads along the ground where ever the swarm spreads. Mechanically, in Starcraft, the creep allows Zerg units to travel faster. I was thinking about making the creep difficult terrain for the PCs and not the swarm. Any ideas about how I could make this work? I also wanted to make sure that there was a way to destroy the creep or make it recede.
Also, I am not sure what the endgame would look like. I was thinking that a neighboring town would come under attack and the PCs would have to save the town, only to find that the town is fully infected and nothing can be done to reverse the infection. But I am not sure what type of boss the campaign would have. Any ideas?
Finally I wanted to get your thoughts on creatures that would represent the Starcraft Zerg. I was going to make each creature embody the traits of the creatures they represent... for instance, I would make the Giant Wasp have a ranged attack. (Let me know if these small modifications would break the creatures) I have only found a few so far. Here is what I have:
Roach: Giant Boring Beetle
Mutalisk: Giant Wasp
Swarm Host:
So what do you guys think? I am looking for any recommendations or thoughts please.