Swordswoman of Sothis

Trudeau Clement's page

35 posts. Alias of Gerald.


CG | Evangelist of Desna 3 | Init+1 | Perception+3 | AC 16/ T 12/FF 14 | HP 24/24 | Channel 4/4 day |


Saves F +5/ R + 2/W +6 (+2 vs charms and compulsions) | Sermonic Performance 9/9 rounds per day |

About Trudeau Clement

Female Human Cleric (Evangelist) 3 [Desna]
CG Medium Humanoid
Init. +1; Perception +3
AC: 16 (10 + 4 Armor + 1 Dodge + 1 Dex), touch 12, flat footed 14
HP: 24/24 (3d8 +6 Con)

Fort: +5 (Base +3 + 2 Fort)
Ref: +2 (Base +1 + 1 Dex)
Will +6 (Base +3 + 3 Wis)

Speed 30' (Base 30')

+3 Masterwork Starknife, 1d4/x3
+2 Dagger, 1d4 (19-20/x2)

+3 Light crossbow, 1d8, 19-20(x2) 80’ range
STR10, DEX12, CON14, INT14, WIS16, CHA13

BAB: +2; CMB +2; CMD 13

1. Combat Casting
Hu. Extend Spell
3. Dodge

Skills: 2 ranks/level +2 Int/level + 1 human/level + 2 Background skills/level
Artistry (Musical Composition) +7 (3 ranks + 1 Int + 3 Class) [Background]
Diplomacy +7 (3 ranks + 1 Cha + 3 Class)
Heal +8 (2 ranks + 3 Wis + 3 Class)
Know. (Nobility) +8 (3 ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class) [Background]
Know. (Religion) +8 (3 ranks + 2 Int + 3 Class)
Linguistics +7 (2 ranks from trait + 2 Int, + 3 Class)
Perform (Vocal) +7 (3 ranks + 1 Cha + 3 Class)
Profession (Gambler) +6 (1 rank + 3 Wis + 3 Class)
Sense Motive +8 (2 ranks + 3 Wis + 3 Class)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank + 2 Int + 3 Class)

*Helpful: when using the aid another action, you grant ally a +3 instead of a +2 to the check.
*Birthmark: +2 to charm and compulsions saves and birthmark acts as holy symbol.
* Intrigued by Thassilon: gain Thassilonian as a bonus language. At first level and every two levels after, you gain a skill point that must be used on Know. Arcana, Know. History, Linguistics or UMD. Once per adventure, you can take 20 on a UMD check or use a charged magical item without expending a charge.

Spells: DC 13 + Spell Level.
[Altered Spontaneous Spellcasting. 1st Level is Command, 2nd is Enthrall]
(3) 0-Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
(3 + 1) 1- Bless, Cure Light Wounds (x2) + True Strike*
(2+1) 2- Communal Protection from Evil, Burst of Radiance + Aid*
* is Luck Domain Spell

Cleric Domains:
A. Luck-Granted Powers: You are infused with luck and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
-Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, when the target rolls a d20, they may roll twice and take the most favorable result. This ability can be used 3 + Wis modifier times per day.
-Domain Spells: 1st—true strike, 2–aid.

Cleric And Evangelist Special Abilities:
*Good Aura
*Spontaneous Casting: Command.
*Sermonic Performance (replaces Channel). As a bard , for counter song, fascinate, and inspire courage. 9 rounds per day.
*Public Speaker. In difficult decisions, DC to hear Trudeau is reduced by class level minus Charisma Modifier.
*Channel Energy 1d6, 4/day.

Money 82 gold, 9 silver, 0 copper

Sleeves of Many Garments, 200 gold
Potion of CLW (x2), 100gold
Potion of Endure Elements, 50 gold
Potion of Bless Weapon, 50 gold
Potion of Magic Weapon, 50 gold
Potion of Touch of the Sea, 50 gold
Potion of Barkskin, 300 gold
Potion of Invisibility, 300 gold
Potion of Levitate, 300 gold

Dagger, 1 gold
Starknife (Masterwork), 324 gold
Light crossbow and 20 bolts, 37 gold

Everyday Worn Items:
Noble’s outfit, free
Mithral Chain shirt, 1100 gold
Wooden Holy Symbol, 1 gold
Empty sack, 1 sp
Belt Pouch, 1 gold
Acid, 10 gold
Alchemist’s Fire, 20 gold
Holy water, 25 gold

Languages: Varisian, Elven, Thassilonian. Azlanti, Infernal, Taldane.

Trudeau is a dark haired and skinned woman, approximately 5’7” tall, and weighing 140 lbs. She wears either a traditional noble’s outfit with appropriate jewelry, or her worn chain shirt. She has potion vials all about her belt, within easy reach. She is never without her Starknife, and Desnan symbols. Tru has a birthmark that looks really similar to butterfly image that the Tender of Dreams is known to venerate. She is generally singing a song under her breath, and she enjoys to demonstrate her vocal acumen.

Trudeau, Tru to her friends, is not a local of Roderic’s Cove. It doesn’t matter where she was from originally, the entire world of Golarion is her home. Tru has traveled quite a bit for someone of her young age.

Tru was in Mangnimar strolling around the bazaar when she met a merchant selling all sorts of neat trinkets. Her attention was drawn to a pretty silver bracelet with strange writing on it. She’d couldn’t translate it at that point, but he told her it was Thassilonian. He gave her an introduction into rumors with some historical facts about that era. She took it upon herself to learn as much as she could about it. By the time she became proficient in the tongue, the merchant had already moved on. She still wonders exactly what that bracelet said.

Tru learned as much as possible about the past, reading in the libraries of Magnimar, after a while she decided she had to head to Varisia for more hands on knowledge about the era and maybe even to run into the merchant who unknowingly had turned into a driving force directing her future. On the road, she’d heard rumors about Thassilionian knowledge and artifacts purported to be located in the area surrounding Roderic’s Cove.

At an early age, she happened upon a copy of the Eight Scrolls, and she took to Desna’s teachings, like a duck to water. Luck, freedom, travel, and music sounded like a wonderful way to live her life. Her interest in past history dovetailed perfectly with her religion. So she headed to Varisia and toward Roderic’s Cove.

While on the road, she’s had numerous interesting adventures and barely escaped by the skin of her teeth at least twice. She still talks about swindling the four goblins out of their silver in a contested poker game. With a little knowledge of games and a little Touch of Desna’s bit of luck boost, it wasn’t her fault she drew four aces three times in a row. A turned over table and a good hearty chase added a little flush for her cheeks, so to speak.

Sihedron Hero:
Wren Chevali, Female Human, Sorcerer. Wren made it to about level seven before the campaign broke down. She’s the highest level character I ever played in Runelords.