
Trollish's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Is there free parking available close by for the con? I'm planning on driving over from Lynnwood, but will take the bus if there is no free parking. Thanks!

So the two lottery events I won are showing on my schedule, but none of the PFS games are. I double (triple) checked to make sure everything was fine well before the deadline, but I am now missing all of the PFS games I signed up for.

Any ideas on what happened? Will I still be able to get into some PFS games (the main reason I am attending)?

These are several questions which came up during our game today:

1. Would the bite from a wolf be considered a piercing attack or a slashing attack (It can either puncture or tear with its teeth)?

2. Should I allow an enlarge person spell to work on an animal companion?

3. On the creation of magic items. How do I make it more challenging for a PC to create a magic item (other than just gathering the requisite cash)?

I own the Inner Sea World Guide and have read the entries on the PF Wiki concerning Ustalav and The Hold of Belkzen, but can find nothing on what would seem to be an important issue, namely what defenses do the settlements in Western Ustalav have to counter an invading orc horde out of Belkzen?

I can find no information on Ustalav's military, and nothing concerning border defenses. Any lore junkies out there with some insight?

When I level and put another rank into a class skill, does this mean I get an additional +3 for each rank I put into it? For example... I have climbing as a class skill, so at level 1 if I put a rank into it I get +4 (without ability modifier). So at level 2 I decide to put another rank in it... does that mean it goes up to +8?


So I am starting the Carrion Crown AP, but the PCs first need to get from Sandpoint (where they concluded the Beginner's Box adventure) to Ravengro in Ustalav.

Any Golarion geographers out there that can help me with approximate travel times? I am thinking as follows:

1. Ship from Sandpoint to Korvosa.
2. Overland through Nirmathas to Tamran (On a coach if such thing exist in Nirmathas).
3. Ship from Tamran to Caliphas.
4. Overland to Ravengro via coach or horseback, staying well away from the border of the Hold of Belkzen

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

I'm working on an NPC for my upcoming campaign. He's a vampire thrall (a human servant/slave to a vampire) but not a vampire spawn as presented in the bestiary. This would be basically one of the mortals who guards his master's lair during the vulnerable daylight hours.

I realize the obvious thing would just to make him a normal human, however I'd like to give him a few traits that would differentiate him as a thrall to a master vampire.

Any suggestions and/or is there a template for this somewhere?

I'm a long time D&D player who has recently become somewhat disenchanted with the direction WoTC has taken the game. On a suggestion, I picked up the Pathfinder core rulebook and I like what I see. I haven't had a chance to play it yet however and am wondering if any newbie/intro events will be held at PaizoCon. I live in the Seattle area so Bellevue is very convenient for me. Thanks in advance!

Just a note... I went directly from 2e AD&D to 4e, missed 3.0-3.5 altogether.